Whats your opinion

Started by dk4210, September 06, 2012, 04:15:30 AM

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Hello guys,

They say that Obama has been trying to pass the following things but were blocked..

What your opinion?


In 2012, the Democratic Party wants voters to believe they are honest, upright, have integrity, and love America.

Fantasy Land will close at 9:30 to allow Disney workers time to sweep the animal cages.


It's a start. But to truly bring down the size, scope and expense of the federal government, we need the senate and the executive branch.

It's hard to read your picture, but we can go through it point by point, if you want.


Sure kramarat that sounds great.. Let's go though them


Uh, just because Obozo purposes a piece of legislation, that doesn't automatically make that legislation "good" or affordable - even if it does have a neat name like "Dream Act". That ad's basic premise is that all this legislation was proper and/or needed, an assumption that only a Libtard would make. 
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


Quote from: dk4210 on September 06, 2012, 04:33:49 AM
Sure kramarat that sounds great.. Let's go though them

I have to go to work, but lets get started with it.

1) Tax on companies that move jobs overseas.

The US has the worst regulatory and tax atmosphere on the planet, to try to run a business in. We live in a global economy. It's the government that has pushed jobs overseas. Further punishing companies for attempting to survive, is wrong.

2) Political ad disclosure bill.

Waste of time and money. Campaigns already disclose funding. PACS and super PACS are identified during advertising. They are just ads. They do not coerce or force anyone to do anything.

3) Small business jobs act.

Waste of time. The government still doesn't seem to be able to understand, that they don't create jobs...............unless it's in the public sector. Burdensome rules, regulations, and taxes, prevent small businesses from starting and flourishing. Get government out of the way, and business will thrive.

4) DREAM act.

Encourages illegal behavior, and more illegal immigration. Undermines the hard work, and years that it took for legal immigrants to achieve citizen status. Children of law breakers should get temporary visas, be allowed to serve 4 years in the military, and go to the back of the line, to achieve citizen status.

5) Repeal of "Don't ask Don't tell."

Our military is not the place to run same sex, social experiments................Period. Don't ask don't tell, allowed homosexuals to serve, without compromising the integrity of our military. They serve in situations that are much different from those of the rest of society. Being forced to serve with open homosexuals in cramped quarters, will never work out well.

6) Anti rape amendment.

Sounds good, but this was based on one case. Waste of time. Rapes that happen overseas, would be nothing but a he said/ she said, court trial, by the time it got back to the states. Defense contractors should take measures to prevent these situations from arising in the first place.

7) Benefits for homeless veterans.

Many homeless, including veterans, choose to be homeless and hidden, and suffer from alcoholism, drug dependency, and other mental health issues. Veterans have access to counseling, if they seek it. If they don't want to be found, they won't be.

8) Obamacare

Too many things wrong with it, to list.

9) Jobs Bill.

See #3.

10) Wall Street Reform

Government started the housing crisis, and resulting financial melt down. The buck just happened to stop at Wall St. We've got thousands of laws on the books, and a Securities and Exchange commission to enforce them. Why aren't they doing their jobs?

11) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

It passed, and was an utter failure, that resulted in mountains of national debt. See #3.

I've got to head out. We'll hit on the rest, this afternoon.



Quote from: kramarat on September 06, 2012, 05:32:21 AM
I have to go to work, but lets get started with it.

1) Tax on companies that move jobs overseas.

The US has the worst regulatory and tax atmosphere on the planet, to try to run a business in. We live in a global economy. It's the government that has pushed jobs overseas. Further punishing companies for attempting to survive, is wrong.

2) Political ad disclosure bill.

Waste of time and money. Campaigns already disclose funding. PACS and super PACS are identified during advertising. They are just ads. They do not coerce or force anyone to do anything.

3) Small business jobs act.

Waste of time. The government still doesn't seem to be able to understand, that they don't create jobs...............unless it's in the public sector. Burdensome rules, regulations, and taxes, prevent small businesses from starting and flourishing. Get government out of the way, and business will thrive.

4) DREAM act.

Encourages illegal behavior, and more illegal immigration. Undermines the hard work, and years that it took for legal immigrants to achieve citizen status. Children of law breakers should get temporary visas, be allowed to serve 4 years in the military, and go to the back of the line, to achieve citizen status.

5) Repeal of "Don't ask Don't tell."

Our military is not the place to run same sex, social experiments................Period. Don't ask don't tell, allowed homosexuals to serve, without compromising the integrity of our military. They serve in situations that are much different from those of the rest of society. Being forced to serve with open homosexuals in cramped quarters, will never work out well.

6) Anti rape amendment.

Sounds good, but this was based on one case. Waste of time. Rapes that happen overseas, would be nothing but a he said/ she said, court trial, by the time it got back to the states. Defense contractors should take measures to prevent these situations from arising in the first place.

7) Benefits for homeless veterans.

Many homeless, including veterans, choose to be homeless and hidden, and suffer from alcoholism, drug dependency, and other mental health issues. Veterans have access to counseling, if they seek it. If they don't want to be found, they won't be.

8) Obamacare

Too many things wrong with it, to list.

9) Jobs Bill.

See #3.

10) Wall Street Reform

Government started the housing crisis, and resulting financial melt down. The buck just happened to stop at Wall St. We've got thousands of laws on the books, and a Securities and Exchange commission to enforce them. Why aren't they doing their jobs?

11) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

It passed, and was an utter failure, that resulted in mountains of national debt. See #3.

I've got to head out. We'll hit on the rest, this afternoon.

I'm back...............

12) Oil spill liability.

Why? http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/06/16/us-oil-spill-idUSN1416392020100616

If you're talking about the "oil spill liability trust fund", here's my answer, "Social Security Trust Fund". One problem with Trust funds that are set up by Washington.............................Washington can't be trusted. They raped social security, and they will rape any other source of money they can get their grubby hands on.

13) Immigration reform

Amnesty for illegal behavior is unacceptable. See dream act. We must secure our borders.

14) HR-4213

It passed, and did no good whatsoever. Free money from government, as opposed to getting out of the way and creating an atmosphere for business to thrive will never work. It generates people that become dependant on government, and vote democrat.

15) Fair pay act

Again, this was also based on one individual case. Discrimination is already against the law. A single case, does not justify an act of congress. Democrats buying votes by pretending that they care.

As democrats sit around and try to look for new ways to convince people that they care, and dream up new ways to create new classes of victims that they can rescue..............................they need to start looking at the country itself, as a victim. A victim that is bleeding out quickly. I'm glad that there are people in congress, that recognize bullshit when they see it. We need more of them.


How many of those did BHO pass via executive order in whole in part anyway.  The dream act was passed via EO, wasn't it?


Quote from: JustKari on September 06, 2012, 12:46:53 PM
How many of those did BHO pass via executive order in whole in part anyway.  The dream act was passed via EO, wasn't it?

Democrats use, "we'll take care of you", to purchase votes. Obama is the most radical of all. He would throw the Constitution away, if he could. He despises the US system of government. None of this has anything to do with caring....................it's about power.

The republicans are guilty too.......................it's why the Tea Party was born, and is winning elections.

Most Americans have no idea of what the Constitution is, what it means, or the intentional limitations that it places on our federal government.

Obama Constitution Negative Liberties.flv

Obama looks at the US Constitution as a flawed document, that should have allowed for the, (government) redistribution of wealth, and uses the Civil Rights Act, to back up his claim. The Civil Rights Act was never about redistributing wealth. It was about convincing southern democrats, that black people were human beings, and were protected under the Constitution.


Quote from: dk4210 on September 06, 2012, 04:33:49 AM
Sure kramarat that sounds great.. Let's go though them

Ask your lib friend to match up Obama's spending with his budget.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on September 06, 2012, 02:09:12 PM
Ask your lib friend to match up Obama's spending with his budget.

Is this the guy with the lib friend, that was on here earlier? The guy that wanted us to present his arguments for him?

Jeez, if that's the case, why doesn't he just tell his buddy to grow some balls and jump on?

It's not like anyone can hurt him.  :rolleyes: