Question For Trump supporters

Started by Solar, June 29, 2016, 05:55:51 AM

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Quote from: walkstall on July 03, 2016, 09:55:01 PM
You are wasting your breathe on me troll! 

I am?

You're so sad! You're soooooo, soooooo saaaad!!!


Question for Trump


Quote from: TFields on July 03, 2016, 10:27:54 PM
I am?

You're so sad! You're soooooo, soooooo saaaad!!!

A shill for Trump camp coming to a Conservative TEA Forum is what's "soooooo, soooooo saaaad!!!"
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: TFields on July 03, 2016, 10:16:19 PM
I heard another NeverTrumper on this thread talk about how Erik Erikson has a scoop on Donald Trump. So I thought I'd give a scoop on Erik Erickson (the guy in here in Macon, Georgia that said that Jeb Bush was the most conservative governer he knows), no to mention some other NeverTrump faux conservative media shrills.
Skimming through your posts, I see references to people and comments, yet know validation as in actual quotes.
I really haven't the time to respond yet, but for clarification, learn to use the quote function, there are several threads in the Help forum explaining in detail how it works, or you could simply hit quote and see how I did this one.

Either way, I'll reply to some of your nonsense later, but I have to question the veracity of your claim in being a Conservative and yet so willingly back another lib for the GOP. Hasn't a slough of losers over the decades since Reagan been enough to convince you that the GOP'e doesn't give a damn about you and what you want?
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: walkstall on July 03, 2016, 06:25:31 PM
I did not ask for an apologia for either.   Did I stutter along the way asking my question.   :popcorn:

meant no apology.
There's no ticks like Polyticks-bloodsuckers all Davy Crockett 1786-1836

Yankees are like castor oil. Even a small dose is bad.


Quote from: mdgiles on July 03, 2016, 02:25:06 PM
Indeed! Please don't steal that last fading hope from me; that some how, some way, the Republican party will come to it's senses. Be nice to hold that dream for a little while longer - before the start of the nightmare!

The first round of triples in your favorite most expensive beverage will be on me, squire, if they actually do manage that, yet I fear after the Greatest Generation the business bunch became the Party of Surrender, ever-eager to appease.

May I offer you a fine Independence Day, and if you're up to it, get the all-American hotdog at Nathan's. You know how to find them.  :smile:

Double D

Quote from: TFields on July 03, 2016, 10:27:54 PM
I am?

You're so sad! You're soooooo, soooooo saaaad!!!

Your a Trump Bot. Simply brainwashed by a NY liberal who is a poser. Your king has no substance and is clueless to our constitution. His flip flopping is of historic proportions. Had any other politician flip flopped even half as much they would be forever labeled a scumbag. Your king has pledged allegiance to Hillary, Bill, Pelosi, Obama, Reid and many others while agreeing with gun control and pro abortionists who support planned parenthood. He has made reference to bypassing congress and forcing his will upon the people just like his narcissist clone Obama. He will listen to nobody ever. Its just not in him. He thinks only of himself. He refuses to release his taxes. He knows it will reveal more lies. His main body of support came from democrats in open primaries. I can continue if you like.   
Liberalism is a very serious, non curable mental disorder.....


Quote from: Shooterman on July 03, 2016, 06:53:41 AM

I hate to break this to you, Taxed, but  Cruz is not the nominee.

Oh, my mistake.  Well, then definitely vote for the liberal with an (R).
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Hoofer on July 03, 2016, 10:22:48 AM
I heard that and thought - WHAT!?  No way, I probably heard it wrong.

But, being the LIBERAL Trump is, that's how they get legislation through - via the courts.

It blows my mind how clueless he is.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Shooterman on July 03, 2016, 11:13:03 AM

So you're going from holding your nose for Cruz to holding your nose for Trump?
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Charliemyboy on July 03, 2016, 05:06:11 PM
Michael, I agree with you and will vote for Trump for the same reason.  Writing in someone's name as a presidential choice might give one some satisfaction, but it is throwing away their vote and amounts to a vote for Hillary Clinton.  I am not stupid and  I have a degree from a prestigious university.  However, I am a realist.  I know what we will get with Hillary Clinton--Supreme Court justices who will do away with parts of the First and Second  Amendments.  I don't know that will not be true of Trump, but there is no doubt with Hillary.  And while I know that Trump cannot deport every illegal alien in the US, I do believe he will slow down immigration from countries who support and produce terrorism.  Hillary is on their side.

I value my vote and will not throw it away for some pie in the sky.  Go ahead--do your worst.  Sticks and stones....Sticks and stones.......Whatever.

Voting for Trump isn't throwing your vote away? 
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: TFields on July 03, 2016, 05:35:18 PM
I haven't seen any posting today on that unbelievably stupid and suicidal Cruz write-in campaign thread so I'm really hoping you guys came to your senses and gave that up.
I can't wait to send mine in.  Only stupid people vote for Trump.  Even more stupid is to vote for Trump thinking he would be better.

I'm a fan of Cruz's to be sure but the candidate that conservatives have been needing for years just won the nomination handily.
Yeah, you scream conservatism.  Trump took the lead because Rubio stayed in too long and Cruz dropped out.

The conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is some covert left wing Manchurian candidate was cooked up by the GOP Establishment and it's co-opted and paid-under-the-table members of True Conservative Inc. media to protect the Wall Street/K Street globalist racket that the Republicans are running together with the Democrats that all members involved with are financially benefiting from.
The same GOP that supports him?  They are all pushing for Hillary.  Trump 2016: Making Hillary Great Again.

The #neverTrump crowd is the same reaction you get from a battered wife or a group of abused children when one of their siblings gets to brave and stands up to the abuser (the left).
Why would you want a scam artist as President?  You make no sense.

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse rightly diagnosing it as "Battered Conservative Syndrome" with excuses about how "Trump's not a conservative" and "Trump's a secret liberal who gave money to Democrats" being used to cover up for this cowardice crap. While not quite as conservative on everything I would like the way Cruz is he has absolute the right stance on the most pertinent issues that we have right now.
Trump has zero conservative positions.  He's friends with Hillary.  Trump turns red states purple and blue.  You're not the sharpest knife in the chandelier.

We finally have a candidate that knows how to effectively fight the left (especially the left's main attack dogs- the media) and most importantly is completely unafraid of them.
No he doesn't.  He is left.  That's not beating them.  Voting for Trump is joining them.

Just as important is that he is an outsider with highly exeptional meneuvering capability that is our best chance to bust up the Wall Street/K Street Uniparty apparatus that locks conservatives out during primaries and the government generally.
Trump wouldn't even know what that means.  Please quit promoting fibs.

That's why I say all conservatives need to back Trump.
No thanks.  I don't vote for radical liberals.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Solar on July 04, 2016, 06:48:01 AM
Skimming through your posts, I see references to people and comments, yet know validation as in actual quotes.
I really haven't the time to respond yet, but for clarification, learn to use the quote function, there are several threads in the Help forum explaining in detail how it works, or you could simply hit quote and see how I did this one.

Either way, I'll reply to some of your nonsense later, but I have to question the veracity of your claim in being a Conservative and yet so willingly back another lib for the GOP. Hasn't a slough of losers over the decades since Reagan been enough to convince you that the GOP'e doesn't give a damn about you and what you want?

I see here that you are prepared to give some substance with regard to Trump support which I appreciate as I've been on this thread now for two days and haven't gotten anything from NeverTrumpers except pussy insults and dorky pronouncements that I'm not a conservative.

I've figured out how to use the quote feature and I like because it's much easier than others that I've used. You righty raise the issue of string of jokes that the GOP has put up and blown elections and a lot of that has to do with my support for Trump as well the ineffectiveness of the conservative movement against the left politically in terms of the strategy that it has been using against them for the past 50 years.

Check out this article from June of last year. It's a good primer on why Trump is a good choice.


Quote from: TFields on July 04, 2016, 01:21:55 PM
I see here that you are prepared to give some substance with regard to Trump support which I appreciate as I've been on this thread now for two days and haven't gotten anything from NeverTrumpers except pussy insults and dorky pronouncements that I'm not a conservative.

I've figured out how to use the quote feature and I like because it's much easier than others that I've used. You righty raise the issue of string of jokes that the GOP has put up and blown elections and a lot of that has to do with my support for Trump as well the ineffectiveness of the conservative movement against the left politically in terms of the strategy that it has been using against them for the past 50 years.

Check out this article from June of last year. It's a good primer on why Trump is a good choice.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Talking to my pollster kid today....

Got an interesting answer to the question haunting the Trump-a-loons, 'Who else is there to vote for'?

An interesting note, today's Libertarians share many of the same positions as Constitutional Conservatives.
Gary Johnson is a safer 'bet' than Donald Trump - apparently people are giving him a good look and jumping ship from the Republican Party which has gone south on us. 

Imagine that, voting Libertarian for POTUS and Republican for the down ballot.  Another good reason for Trump to continue courting the Sanders supporters, the only hope he has is eroding the Clinton base.  She didn't need to elaborate much - the Democrat and Republican parties are essentially one-in-the-same with Donald Trump as the expected nominee - hence the rising popularity of Libertarians.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...