Question For Trump supporters

Started by Solar, June 29, 2016, 05:55:51 AM

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Quote from: Solar on July 05, 2016, 06:13:30 AM
Hit a nerve I see. I bet you think pedophiles should be forgiven because they donate to Shriners children hospital.j

There you are with another disconnect from Conservatism. TEA is not a party, get that through your head, it's an Shared Ideal, a way of life, something you either understand or you don't, and it's blatantly obvious the more you yap, the more you prove your lib status.
Hey, I think it's great that you're a recent convert, but seriously, if you really want to steer the nation back on track, you'll first have to define your values and set them in stone.
TEA/Conservatives believe in equal Rights, not special Rights and we are not in the least racist nor do we hold ones religion against them, as you seem to have an issue with Cruz being a Christian.
Once you can evolve beyond your prejudices you're well on your way to being a Conservative, but that's only scratching the surface of what being and living Conservatism means, it's not a political movement, it's pure values, and that's why the left, the Establishment and Trump have no use for us, we believe in the rule of law, not a consensus of those at the moment, as in Demcracy.

Aw Jeez, do you even know WTF the RSCC is?

He did it with the help of the Establishment GOP, Leftist Media and support of crossover libs, and you still don't see a problem?

One last time, there are no Fucking Conservatives backing Trump!!!
Real Conservatives would never vote for a lib, especially one that lied all the way through his campaign, then flipped on those lies, like, well well you know, libs and RINO always do.

Doesn't it bother you that he plans on making every illegal here, a citizen, that he never intended to send them home first?
Dana on Conservatism and TEA and Trump. Two minutes....

No the Tea Party is not a religion like global warming or militant Islam. It's a grassroots political movement to restore both the government and the country.

Not sure what you're talking about with to whole pedophile thing. You're just babbling incoherently on that.

As far as Cruz being a Christian he was absolutely right to be open about that and embrace it as all candidates who are Christians should (Trump did the same thing). But making it a central theme in one's campaign is simply bad strategy because one's Christian is simply too personal and it can get to the point where the supporters will start questioning the faith of anyone who does not support their candidate which Cruz supporter have done quite a bit and it's a nasty turnoff.

Trump plans to deport all illegals and build a wall on the whole border and if you've followed the race at all you should know this as it's been a central theme of his campaign. That's why real conservative who are trying to save the country from the left are backing Trump and the GOP establishment and nut cases like Dana Loesch, Brent Bozell, Katie Pavilich and you guys who make TEA into a fanatical religion like Islam are backing Cruz.

Not to mention mention the three above are by establishment entities to oppose Trump.


Question. You Trump supporters said you didn't need us. You don't agree with anything the conservative right does. So why exactly are you continually trying to bring us over to your side. If you don't need us, leave us alone to fester in our "ignorance". OR - are you starting to realize that the people whom you've been insulting for months, are essential to any hope of victory for you. You don't know crap about  party politics - or common decency. Or else you would have long since learned how to disagree with someone without the constant stream of insults. Even now you're deep into insult mode. While at the same time insisting we join you. And you don't even notice the dichotomy there.
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


Quote from: TFields on July 05, 2016, 10:34:19 AM
No the Tea Party is not a religion like global warming or militant Islam. It's a grassroots political movement to restore both the government and the country.

Not sure what you're talking about with to whole pedophile thing. You're just babbling incoherently on that.

As far as Cruz being a Christian he was absolutely right to be open about that and embrace it as all candidates who are Christians should (Trump did the same thing). But making it a central theme in one's campaign is simply bad strategy because one's Christian is simply too personal and it can get to the point where the supporters will start questioning the faith of anyone who does not support their candidate which Cruz supporter have done quite a bit and it's a nasty turnoff.

Trump plans to deport all illegals and build a wall on the whole border and if you've followed the race at all you should know this as it's been a central theme of his campaign. That's why real conservative who are trying to save the country from the left are backing Trump and the GOP establishment and nut cases like Dana Loesch, Brent Bozell, Katie Pavilich and you guys who make TEA into a fanatical religion like Islam are backing Cruz.

Not to mention mention the three above are by establishment entities to oppose Trump.
Uh, hate to spring this on you but trump has backpedaled on that deportation thing.
I don't hold it against you for not knowing, after all trumpo flips on so much but I wanted to pass this along just in case you want to look for another reason to back the trumpster. 


Quote from: TFields on July 04, 2016, 07:06:41 PM
Take that back, like all other NeverTrumpers you're just another hysterical dumbass running around screaming to everyone "You're not a conservative!" "You're not a conservative!"
You're not a conservative.  You're supporting a radical liberal who is a liar and scams people.  Conservatives don't support people like that.  This really seems to confuse you for some reason.

Time for reality check:

Donald Trump gave money to anyone and everyone that was political- both Republicans and Democrats- and praised whatever political cause he needed to because as an international businessman his job was to get along with people.
Donald couldn't do business without bribing politicians?  That's because he's not a businessman.

Sadly, all the lies from the from the Goldman Sachs televangelist whom he slaughtered all over the country that you dumbasses are trying to write in couldn't disprove that.
There were no lies, no matter how much you want to stomp your feet and say it's so.

The TEA party was tremendous in 2010. They held very effective town halls and rallies and knock the media and the left back on their heels and were the one of the reasons the Republicans won astonishing victories all the way down to the local municipal level (the other was the sheer terror of Obama and a left wing Democrats swiftly ushering in a Bolshievik revolution).
That's why Trump's assistant said he was tasked with figuring out what hot button issue conservatives were hot on.

But then Obama and company (as well as the GOP establishment) had the perfect solution to the TEA movement- Lois Lerner

All Lois Lerner had to so was audit them and send the FBI at their doors and the TEA parties became the TEA pussies and bolted under the nearest rock just in time for Obama's reelection. Some of the members of the TEA coalition who didn't completely clip their balls off are are still working behind the scenes and carrying on the good fight and our prayers are with them but the rest are all but gone. The only reason the Republicans managed to get the Senate in 2014 was purely because the public voted against Obama and absolutely no other reason than that.
You really don't have a clue about politics.  This partially explains your Trump support.

So TEA owned 2010 and Lois Lerner owned TEA ever since.
Look liks Donald will be the only who couldn't stay out of court before their convention.

And as far as Conservative Treehouse and Brietbart at least they sold out to the right candidate for the conservative cause instead of the Goldman Sachs televangelist that the GOP establishment decided to back and that you Hillary helpers are trying to write in.
Breitbart was strongly anti-Trump when he was alive.  It's not his fault the organization went liberal.

Like I say, the whole mindless Donald-Trump-is-not-a-conservative mantra is just a psychological cover for the fact that Trump has far more balls than what NeverTrump pussies are comfortable with.
He's so brave.  At least Hillary pretended to have taken enemy fire.

Their battered wife reaction to Trump is a result of Battered Conservative Syndrome and their pussified fear of the left.
You talk about the left in third person.  You are the left, silly.  You want gun control, government run health care, etc.  That's all you.

Many of them as well sneer at Trump's confident persona, winning theme, and masterfully run campaign because it gives them flashbacks from their high school days of the popular jock with the prom queen girlfriend who used to give them wedgies in the locker room.
Wow.  His genetailia reference really did get you pumped.  Donald is a clown, and us normal people can see that.  You're infatuation, as you described it, is your own delusion.  It's why people of low intellect got bilked out of money from Trump University, or why people send money to Nigerian email scammers.  Your candidate is a professional loser.  That's just a fact.

NeverTrump-ism is a psychological self-deprecation that the NeverTrumper must get over. It's main symptom includes pointing their finger at anyone who even looks at them wrong and angrily shouting "Not a conservative!!! Not a conservative!!!" which is really the subliminal communication meaning "By the  power vested in me by the Great Fraternal Order of Nerds, Dorks, and Losers (the NeverTrump excuse for the "conservative movement") you are hereby banished from the Great Fraternal Order of Nerds, Dorks, and Losers.
I think you watched "Karate Kid" and "Revenge of the Nerds" one too many times.  You're describing a fantasy in your head.  Trump was never a winner, no matter how much you want to believe it.

Banishment includes (but is not limited to) non participation in all think tanks, talk radio shows, position papers, news outlets, temple rituals, sacred holy rites, secret passwords, secret handshakes, and coded messages in the Great Fraternal Order of Nerds, Dorks, and Losers (i.e. so-called "conservatism" as they define it).
Those people all aren't scared to release their tax returns.

Thus NeverTrumpers are total frauds, shills, and the worst form of traitors since they are perfectly willing to sabatoge the convention and hand the White House and the already left wing Supreme Court to Hillary because they want to prove a point about how mad they are that the GOP Establishment-backed Goldman Sachs televangelist ran a terrible campaign and lost.
Hillary is a good friend of Donald Trump.  Why would you have a problem with her?  He doesn't.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: TFields on July 04, 2016, 09:57:29 PM
Hey Ms. Independence

I encourage you not to fall prey to the stupidity of NeverTrumpers. I have already given my psychological diagnosis of that garbage above.

I too wish Trump was more conservative, but conservatives are in desperate need of the other attributes that he brings to the table that the conservative movement is completely lacking (e. g.the raw, in-your-face aggressiveness, masterful political meneuvering and ability to manipulate the media).

What issue is Trump conservative on?
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: TFields on July 05, 2016, 10:34:19 AM
No the Tea Party is not a religion like global warming or militant Islam. It's a grassroots political movement to restore both the government and the country.

Not sure what you're talking about with to whole pedophile thing. You're just babbling incoherently on that.
Gee, big shock there.

QuoteAs far as Cruz being a Christian he was absolutely right to be open about that and embrace it as all candidates who are Christians should (Trump did the same thing). But making it a central theme in one's campaign is simply bad strategy because one's Christian is simply too personal and it can get to the point where the supporters will start questioning the faith of anyone who does not support their candidate which Cruz supporter have done quite a bit and it's a nasty turnoff.

Interesting how you see ones faith as an impediment, while ignoring Trump's non faith, in pretending to be a Christian as a positive.

Trump plans to deport all illegals and build a wall on the whole border and if you've followed the race at all you should know this as it's been a central theme of his campaign.

You are sadly mistaken.
"I have called it a virtual wall. ... Maybe we will be building a wall over some aspects of it; I don't know," the Clarence Republican said of Trump's proposed barrier to keep illegal immigrants and drugs from crossing the southern border.

And, he also said this:

"I call it a rhetorical deportation of 12 million people," Collins said.

He then gestured toward a door in his Capitol Hill office.

"They go out that door, they go in that room, they get their work papers, Social Security number, then they come in that door, and they've got legal work status but are not citizens of the United States," Collins said. "So there was a virtual deportation as they left that door for processing and came in this door."

Collins added: "We're not going to put them on a bus, and we're not going to drive them across the border."

That's what Collins said — not necessarily Trump himself. But it really amounts to only the latest and perhaps largest potential evolution of Trump's immigration policy plans. There have been lots of little and hard-to-describe tweaks along the way — almost as if Trump has formulated it on the fly.

That's why real conservative who are trying to save the country from the left are backing Trump and the GOP establishment and nut cases like Dana Loesch, Brent Bozell, Katie Pavilich and you guys who make TEA into a fanatical religion like Islam are backing Cruz.
You've already proven you haven't the first clue what a Conservative is, so drop that line of idiocy!

QuoteNot to mention mention the three above are by establishment entities to oppose Trump.
Keep posting your ignorance on everything politics..
Wake up lib, everything about Trump Screams Socialist!!!!

Trump's Big Government, 'Expedited' Revolving-Door Amnesty Plan Would Cost $375 BILLION
About his support for socialized healthcare for the poor, Trump says, 'If I lose votes over that, or if I don't get a nomination over that, that's just fine with me'

Now that the media is forcing Donald Trump to provide specifics to back up his bravado and bluster, he's revealing himself to be just another big-spending, big-government Republican — at least when it comes to two of the nation's most complex and intractable problems: funding healthcare for the poor and what to do about the millions of undocumented residents living in the United States.

In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash, Donald Trump admitted he once supported socialized healthcare in the form of a single-payer system like Medicare for seniors in the United States and the cradle-to-grave socialized systems in Canada, Great Britain, Spain, Japan, Kuwait and other U.S. competitor and allied nations.

Trump Supports Socialized Health Coverage for the Poor
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: mdgiles on July 05, 2016, 11:02:53 AM
Question. You Trump supporters said you didn't need us. You don't agree with anything the conservative right does. So why exactly are you continually trying to bring us over to your side. If you don't need us, leave us alone to fester in our "ignorance". OR - are you starting to realize that the people whom you've been insulting for months, are essential to any hope of victory for you. You don't know crap about  party politics - or common decency. Or else you would have long since learned how to disagree with someone without the constant stream of insults. Even now you're deep into insult mode. While at the same time insisting we join you. And you don't even notice the dichotomy there.

Pssst!  He's secretly working for Hillary.... and it's working:
Quote"It's really important that Republican leaders, especially Republican women leaders, stand up right now and say we're not OK with Trump representing our party," Jennifer Lim, a group founder who has been actively involved in Republican campaigns up until this year, told CNN reporter Chris Moody.

These "Republican Women for Hillary" have not had a sudden change of heart about the core policies that have made them vote Republican all their lives, explained Ms. Lim. Instead, they simply want to keep Donald Trump out of office, she says. They believe his election would be disastrous for the party.

Oh yeah - read on....

Quote"Women want to be respected by their candidate, and comments that he's made both historically and in this race turn them off and raise skepticism that he will represent their interests when and if he's in office," says Kelly Dittmar, a scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics, in an interview with The Christian Science Monitor.

"It's influential in their evaluations of him," she says, "but will that dislike of him translate into not voting for him or voting for Hillary Clinton?"

Pathetic.  Trump had the opportunity to win the Republican electorate over - but he alienates us, insults & demeans our women ... I must conclude he is a Hillary plant.   
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Must read article, and watch the Steve Deace video clip at the end.  (my emphasis in the article)

QuoteTrump has a few weeks to craft a campaign capable of winning in the fall. Otherwise, given the way he's being incredibly out-spent on television this summer, his branding will be irreversible. He should start with these three steps:

Select a running mate who is first qualified to actually govern, and second helps him gain a foothold in the Electoral College. None of the current names being bandied about meet that threshold. So scrap the current timeline, start over and come up with a name prior to convention that does. Whatever it takes.

Trump has a major credibility problem, and not just with the general electorate. A majority of Americans simply don't see him as a credible president. He needs to change that and start presenting himself more as a president, less as a reality TV show star.
Trump needs to introduce an issues-based agenda that can actually drive a narrative and define a campaign. Not the hodge-podge of talking points/ideas he usually presents, like last week's disastrous trade speech. He cannot beat the Clintons on personality/scandal/corruption, because no one can. He must make the election about issues, otherwise he has no chance.
- See more at:

I think Trump's lack of "issues-based agenda" or as I've said political policy to define who-he-is per the Constitution is his biggest mistake.  Without solid political policies, it's just a patchwork of guesses who the guy is, and his past record speaks volumes - namely, he's still not one of us.

Deace goes on at the end of the article, with the conspiracy theory, Donald Trump is a saboteur - a position I would find difficult to refute.  watch the video at the end, and see if you don't agree with the basic narrative, Donald Trump should have dominated the campaign, yet he's losing to Hillary Clinton... why?
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Hoofer on July 05, 2016, 10:12:15 AM
I liken it to, "I'd rather get WASTED than vote for TRUMP" mentality.

So the way to rope in the Conservatives is insult them? Sounds like a Democrat to me, since there isn't a smidgen of positive rational thought that compels a Constitutional Conservative to vote for him.  Even more disturbing - of the 3 candidates still openly running, a Libertarian is closest to a Constitutional Conservative.

Given the 3, I sympathize with Republicans voting Libertarian on the POTUS ticket, and Republican down-the-ticket, better half-a-oaf than a complete oaf...

NeverTrumpers just run around insulting everyone. Screaming "Not a conservative!!! Not a conservative!!!"

I was going to try to explain why I'm voting for Trump and other conservatives should as well and need not fear that he's some closet Democrat. But I can't even get a word in edgewise for all of the foaming-at-the-mouth vitriolic bullshit along with the "Not a conservative!!!" "Not a conservative!!!" spasms you guys break out in when you don't even know anything about my position other than I'm backing Trump. I've been on this forum for three days it's not anything except insult after insult from NeverTrump Cruz supporters claiming to be Christians as soon as they heard I'm a Trump guy.

So when your claiming that Trump supporters insult you it's what Sigmund Freud called psychological projection- imagining the other people are doing what you yourself are doing.

I don't know who spews more hatred; Black Lives Matter or you NeverTrump Cruz supporters. At least after Black Lives Matter spews their hate they don't turn around and then claim what wonderful Christians they are.


Quote from: TFields on July 06, 2016, 08:15:45 PM
NeverTrumpers just run around insulting everyone. Screaming "Not a conservative!!! Not a conservative!!!"
Trump isn't a conservative.  He's a liberal.  That's a fact.  Conservatives don't vote for liberals.

This shouldn't be that hard.

I was going to try to explain why I'm voting for Trump and other conservatives should as well and need not fear that he's some closet Democrat.
You are correct, he's not a closet Democrat.  Nobody claims he is.  He's been out of the closet.

But I can't even get a word in edgewise for all of the foaming-at-the-mouth vitriolic bullshit along with the "Not a conservative!!!" "Not a conservative!!!" spasms you guys break out in when you don't even know anything about my position other than I'm backing Trump. I've been on this forum for three days it's not anything except insult after insult from NeverTrump Cruz supporters claiming to be Christians as soon as they heard I'm a Trump guy.
Trump isn't a conservative.  He's liberal on immigration, health care, and on and on.  You support him because you're a liberal.  That's just reality.

So when your claiming that Trump supporters insult you it's what Sigmund Freud called psychological projection- imagining the other people are doing what you yourself are doing.
Trumpers have a hard time with reality.  We don't support policies like universal health care.  You do.  We don't.  That's a Marxist liberal position.

I don't know who spews more hatred; Black Lives Matter or you NeverTrump Cruz supporters. At least after Black Lives Matter spews their hate they don't turn around and then claim what wonderful Christians they are.
What are we saying that's hateful again?  We will try and take it down a notch like Donald does.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: AmericanMom on June 29, 2016, 01:25:11 PM
In a round about way I have asked this question and the response I get, the ONLY response I get is "well, he isn't Hillary"  Of course I try to explain that up until just a few short years ago he supported that women, both with money and with his praise. It matters little when I try to point out that everything he has until this moment ran on he has back peddled away from.. It just don't matter to them, he is a Republican and in their mind voting republican is all they care about, character does not matter, substance does not matter. A freaking track record does not matter
I stick by voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil

I'm a conservative who's a die hard Trump backer. I was trying to explain why I am to NeverTrump conservatives who backed Cruz but you can't even try to talk to them. As soon as they find out you're a Trump person they immediately foam at the mouth and spew hate- filled vitriol at you and argrily snarl "Not a conservative!!! Not a conservative!!!" at you.

They then claim what great Christians they are.


Quote from: TFields on July 06, 2016, 08:30:18 PM
I'm a conservative who's a die hard Trump backer.

You're not a conservative.  Please don't lie.  Supporting someone who partakes in scams, supports liberal positions, steals from employees, and other liberal behaviors is not a conservative thing to  do.

You are not conservative.  You're still a kid who's trying to figure out how to pee straight.  Trump supporters aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the closet.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: TFields on July 06, 2016, 08:15:45 PM
NeverTrumpers just run around insulting everyone. Screaming "Not a conservative!!! Not a conservative!!!"

I was going to try to explain why I'm voting for Trump and other conservatives should as well and need not fear that he's some closet Democrat. But I can't even get a word in edgewise for all of the foaming-at-the-mouth vitriolic bullshit along with the "Not a conservative!!!"
"Not a conservative!!!" spasms you guys break out in when you don't even know anything about my position other than I'm backing Trump. I've been on this forum for three days it's not anything except insult after insult from NeverTrump Cruz supporters claiming to be Christians as soon as they heard I'm a Trump guy.

So when your claiming that Trump supporters insult you it's what Sigmund Freud called psychological projection- imagining the other people are doing what you yourself are doing.

I don't know who spews more hatred; Black Lives Matter or you NeverTrump Cruz supporters. At least after Black Lives Matter spews their hate they don't turn around and then claim what wonderful Christians they are.

Wrong... but it begs the why are you still here?


Quote from: TFields on July 06, 2016, 08:30:18 PM

They then claim what great Christians they are.
????????????????????  making up straw men again. common among trump supporters.
QuoteI was going to try to explain why I'm voting for Trump and other conservatives should as well and need not fear that he's some closet Democrat.
Then do so, only thing stopping you is your whining that someone is stopping you.


Quote from: TFields on July 06, 2016, 08:30:18 PM

They then claim what great Christians they are.
As s3779m pointed out, nice straw man.
One thing about this forum you may not be aware of, is that any claims made, must be prepared to be backed up with evidence to said claims.
In many cases we get trolls coming in and making these ludicrous claims hoping to incite anger and bring the forum to it's knees. but I know that's not your intention.
But let this be a warning, if you're going to create straw men to make your case, eventually you run afoul into your own arguments and literally make yourself irellevant as well as become poster child of your cause, which you are doing anyway.
Official Trump Cult Member