NRA endorses Trump

Started by quiller, May 21, 2016, 03:04:45 AM

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Solid Right

Quote from: Hoofer on May 23, 2016, 08:02:28 AM
1 -  they could have just shut up and did nothing! 

2 - they could have helped the pro-gun cause by picking someone else

3 - The NRA did not have to endorse ANYONE,

4 - is the NRA endorsement for sale? sure looks like it!

Hoofer --

Never let it be said that we aren't beating this thing to death.

1 - That I don't know.  If they have a long history of endorsements in these circumstances, it would have been odd for them not to endorse somebody.  If no such history, they could have just passed.

2 - They would have needed to pick someone not a Republican candidate, since Trump is the only active candidate there.  I don't know enough about the other parties' candidates to know if any of them would have made sense -- assuming they needed to endorse somebody and assuming that somebody would not be Hillary.

3 - I still don't know; it depends on their history.

4 - It may be; I don't know.  There may be some reporting requirements that would cause such a transaction to be "outed," but I am not sufficiently familiar with them to comfortably speculate.

I am back where I started and have been all this time:

*  The NRA is intently focused on the next SCOTUS appointment.
*  The know, to a certainty, what a Hillary appointment would be.

So, it's certainty versus uncertainty -- still.  Short of getting inside somebody's head at NRA, that's my best assessment.

Take care,

Solid Right

Quote from: Solar on May 23, 2016, 12:23:55 PM
Are you writing  rules now?

No, not really, just having fun with you.

Be well,


Quote from: Solid Right on May 23, 2016, 01:11:12 PM
No, not really, just having fun with you.

Be well,

I hear the mountain streams get so cold in Montana, the Trout have evolved and grow fur.
Lake Superior (WI) gets so cold, a minute in that water can make you a believer.
The winters are so cold, you have to yank them out of the water really, really fast, or the water'll freeze their tails into the lake.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...

Solid Right

Quote from: Hoofer on May 23, 2016, 04:06:40 PM
I hear the mountain streams get so cold in Montana, the Trout have evolved and grow fur.
Lake Superior (WI) gets so cold, a minute in that water can make you a believer.
The winters are so cold, you have to yank them out of the water really, really fast, or the water'll freeze their tails into the lake.

Hoofer --

Well, I'm glad I know you well enough to know that you would never make stuff up.  Right?

I used to fish the high lakes and streams in Colorado, but never fished in Montana.  Prob'ly good, because I would hate having to pick that fur outa my teeth.  A perfect mountain breakfast was to go down to the lake or stream, catch a few little trout, bring them back, gut them and throw them in the pan.  Not sure what to do about that fur.  :-)

Also used to hunt deer in Colorado and Wyoming, but gave it up when I moved to California.  There is just something about having a high-powered bullet hit a tree about a foot over your head that will make you re-evaluate your whole reason for being there in the first place.  Gave up trout fishing, too -- way too much picnicking and not enough fishing.

I don't hunt anymore.  I have deer on my place, but I have a deal with them:  if they don't threaten me, I won't shoot them.  Besides which, I live alone (mostly) and one deer would supply enough meat that I would be dismally tired of it before it was gone.  I do have a game camera out back so I can can get deer pictures to send my granddaughters in San Diego.  It's almost time for the babies here (June), and the girls are already bugging me about baby pictures.

In retrospect, it is interesting.  When I was a kid, hunting was part of our grocery shopping, and some of that still prevails:  If you don't plan to eat it (and it isn't threatening you), don't shoot it.  Something our dumbass, self-styled, so-called "environmentalists" will never understand is that hunters are really the true environmentalists.  When I was a kid, there was a covey of quail that lived in a thicket down by the creek.  Occasionally, we would go down there and shoot three, maybe four, quail.  Dad made sure that my brother and I understood that shooting the whole covey would mean no quail next time.  Why is that so complicated?

Ah, . . . . . . I ramble.

Take care,


I cannot remember a Presidential Candidate in the last few decades so firmly Pro-2A as Trump.

If you can think of one, post.


Quote from: SalemCat on May 23, 2016, 08:54:01 PM
I cannot remember a Presidential Candidate in the last few decades so firmly Pro-2A as Trump.

If you can think of one, post.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today's Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: SalemCat on May 23, 2016, 08:54:01 PM
I cannot remember a Presidential Candidate in the last few decades so firmly Pro-2A as Trump.

If you can think of one, post.

That one is so easy, the answer is Ted Cruz.

Wait a sec., are you trying to be sarcastic?
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


Quote from: Hoofer on May 24, 2016, 04:56:53 PM
That one is so easy, the answer is Ted Cruz.

Wait a sec., are you trying to be sarcastic?


I'll try it again:

I cannot remember a Presidential PRESUMPTIVE NOMINEE in the last few decades so firmly Pro-2A as Trump.

If you can think of one, post.


Quote from: SalemCat on May 24, 2016, 05:35:20 PM

I'll try it again:

I cannot remember a Presidential PRESUMPTIVE NOMINEE in the last few decades so firmly Pro-2A as Trump.

If you can think of one, post.
Ted aside, Gary Johnson is solid on the 2nd. But then, you falsely limited any possible chance by using "presumptive" nominee within a small 20 year window, leaving only four, Mitten, Dole, Bush and Johnny.
Since the GOP never offers a true Conservative, as evidenced in a Trump candidacy, your claim was nothing more than cover because I handed you your ass with the Trump quote..
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on May 24, 2016, 07:05:11 PM
Ted aside, Gary Johnson is solid on the 2nd. But then, you falsely limited any possible chance by using "presumptive" nominee within a small 20 year window, leaving only four, Mitten, Dole, Bush and Johnny.
Since the GOP never offers a true Conservative, as evidenced in a Trump candidacy, your claim was nothing more than cover because I handed you your ass with the Trump quote..

I'm hoping a Trump win will weaken and eventually kill the GOP.

Leaving room for a Second Party that actually cares for the Constitution and American Citizens.

Though the GOP could transform itself. Unlikely, but possible.

After all, in my lifetime the Democrat Party transformed itself from something noble into a despised cesspool of the worst kind of Traitors.


Quote from: Solar on May 24, 2016, 07:05:11 PM
Ted aside, Gary Johnson is solid on the 2nd. But then, you falsely limited any possible chance by using "presumptive" nominee within a small 20 year window, leaving only four, Mitten, Dole, Bush and Johnny.
Since the GOP never offers a true Conservative, as evidenced in a Trump candidacy, your claim was nothing more than cover because I handed you your ass with the Trump quote..

William Weld was Governor of Massachusetts, and no prize, let me tell me you.

The Libertarian Party lost a lot of credibility when it accepted HIM as a running mate.



Quote from: quiller on May 21, 2016, 03:04:45 AM

Someone needs to drug test these people. Just because he isn't Hillary is no guarantee he won't act like a New York gun-grabbing liberal.

Trump is a shameless flip-flopper but I can get why NRA did what it did. By virtue of be a flip-flopper Trump may be a gun grabbing nut. Hillary will be a gun grabbing nut.


Quote from: Gunbunny42 on May 24, 2016, 07:42:20 PM
Trump is a shameless flip-flopper but I can get why NRA did what it did. By virtue of be a flip-flopper Trump may be a gun grabbing nut. Hillary will be a gun grabbing nut.

That's it.


Quote from: SalemCat on May 24, 2016, 08:43:14 PM
That's it.

No that's not all... Trump has Flip-flopped on all of this. 

- Nuclear proliferation
- The Iraq War
- Afghanistan War
- Abortion
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Torture
- Immigration
- Gun control
- Muslim ban
- Hillary Clinton
- The Wall
- Fundraising
- Trump filed for four business bankruptcies
- Trump on his 3 marriages
- Bill Clinton
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."

Cryptic Bert

Quote from: walkstall on May 24, 2016, 08:50:03 PM
No that's not all... Trump has Flip-flopped on all of this. 

- Nuclear proliferation
- The Iraq War
- Afghanistan War
- Abortion
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Torture
- Immigration
- Gun control
- Muslim ban
- Hillary Clinton
- The Wall
- Fundraising
- Trump filed for four business bankruptcies
- Trump on his 3 marriages
- Bill Clinton

So Trump's VP will be John Kerry.