‘Who Cares?’ Cuomo Says Where People Died Of Coronavirus Doesn’t Actually Matter

Started by Solar, January 29, 2021, 05:09:22 PM

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The Governor is very clever -- he has his few major campaign contributors donate to his coffers in $1 increments

So it looks like he has millions of small-time supporters with a mathematical "average contribution" of a few dollars

When really it's just a few Big Shots and some clever accounting


Quote from: Billy's bayonet on January 30, 2021, 08:12:56 AM
It doesn't matter...aka what difference does it make....where have we heard these words before?

Cuomo is a special kind of stupid, he and DeCommieO of NYC city infamy Harassed, harangued and harried Trump out of New York city and the entire state with their hatred....real smart....Trump took Tens of Millions in tax reveue with him when he left for the friendlier climes of Florida.

These idiots can't see past their own petty little hatred and infantile tirades

I wonder if it's 'stupidity, or just spitefullness because they know they own the system.      Sort of a,  'in - your - face  message.