Obama donor Accenture lands Commiecare contract

Started by quiller, January 12, 2014, 08:54:35 PM

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Patronage. It's what makes Dems the criminals they are....

QuoteThe global consulting firm that just won a one-year government contract to continue fixing HealthCare.gov is a big political donor to President Obama, WND has learned.

On Friday it was reported Accenture, a global consulting firm, obtained the $45-million contract to run the Obamacare health insurance website. The company is taking over from CGI Federal, one of two contractors that originally built the problematic HealthCare.gov portal, with CGI's contract set to expire on Feb. 28.

Unmentioned in the scores of news articles covering the successful Accenture bid is that Obama is the top all-time recipient of the firm's many financial contributions, with the president taking in a total of $286,168 from Accenture employees, family members and its political action committee.

No. 2 for Accenture's donations is former Republican New Jersey State Sen. Bob Martin, and No. 3 is former President George W. Bush at $164,250. Mitt Romney received $73,085 from Accenture. Hillary Clinton raked in $50,515 in contributions from the firm, with John Kerry accepting $45,853.

Obama has a further connection to Accenture. The chief scientist for Obama's 2012 campaign's data analytics team, Rayid Ghani, worked at Accenture for 10 years before leaving the firm to take up the position with the president's reelection team.

The Obamacare website is not the first public contract awarded to Accenture. In 2011, the firm won a $85-million contract for Kansas' healthcare database, the funding for which came mostly from the federal government.

Accenture previously was incorporated in America but then reportedly moved to the tax haven of Bermuda. The firm is currently incorporated in Dublin, Ireland, even though its operational headquarters are in Chicago.


Cryptic Bert

From what I have read Accenture isn't much better than CGI...

kit saginaw

Accenture is, and has never stopped being Arthur Andersen Consulting; the auditing-firm employed by Enron for 16-years.  Both were indicted for fraud and obstruction of justice. 


Ya see, Andersen's PGA tour-stop broadcast was approaching as the indictment was handed-down, so they switched their HQ from Chicago to Ireland and changed their name.  Since all prosecutors could prove was that Arthur Andersen shredded documents and deleted computer-files, they were allowed to 're-organize' and resume operations in the US.  So all those cute little tee-marker signs on the CBS-telecast suddenly read 'Accenture', just in-time.

Andersen and Enron both had deep ties to the Democratic Party and Accenture spends a lot of money on lobbying. The top recipient for Accenture donations is an obscure Chicago politician named Barack Obama.

Their nickname in professional-circles is 'Accidenture'.


If you believe big government is the solution then you are a liberal. If you believe big government is the problem then you are a conservative.