Surge in Central American migrants

Started by Dori, January 13, 2016, 05:37:26 PM

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Surge in Central American migrants at US border threatens repeat of 2014 crisis

QuoteUnaccompanied minors more than double to 17,370 in last quarter
US border agents detain 21,469 in family groups

A surge of undocumented children and families from Central America detained at the US border could trigger a repeat of the 2014 migrant crisis just as the presidential campaign gathers pace.

U.S. to expand refugee program for Central Americans fleeing violence

The United States will expand its program helping the thousands of people fleeing violence in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday.

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Just what we need, more unskilled refugees to swell the rolls of the welfare department. But as Pelosi pointed out, it helps the economy.  :rolleyes:

Chosen Daughter

Quote from: Dori on January 13, 2016, 05:37:26 PM
Surge in Central American migrants at US border threatens repeat of 2014 crisis

U.S. to expand refugee program for Central Americans fleeing violence

The United States will expand its program helping the thousands of people fleeing violence in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday.

Has anyone ever looked at the murder rates for these countries?  I have.  They are violent countries filled with gang violence that spills into our country without any resistance.
Roger Sherman
Signer of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution

"I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in substance equal in power and glory.

Billy's bayonet

Mexico, Central America and South America are one big Narco Insurgency-narco terrorist state. Mexico is controlled by various Cartels as is Columbia who have an armed insurgency of Maxrist rebels(FALN) who survive by selling drugs. Then you have other countries down there with the Tupamaro's, the shining path, Brazil with it's narco terrorist gangs and factions.....what a freaking mess.
Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: Billy's bayonet on January 13, 2016, 07:45:25 PM
Mexico, Central America and South America are one big Narco Insurgency-narco terrorist state. Mexico is controlled by various Cartels as is Columbia who have an armed insurgency of Maxrist rebels(FALN) who survive by selling drugs. Then you have other countries down there with the Tupamaro's, the shining path, Brazil with it's narco terrorist gangs and factions.....what a freaking mess.

About Colombia, the US assistance to the Colombian government led to the downfall of the Cartels, you still have street level organized crime and drugs but they are not the Cartels of Pablo Escobar, Templars, Sinaloa or Zetas. Thanks to the combined effort the cartel activity was forced north to Mexico. True though Colombia still have problem with FARC, but the people do not support FARC not even the liberals, FARC have their own little state within a state. Personally I hope that the Colombian government will go the way of Sri Lanka and just wage total war until they are completely destroyed. That's the only way you win against rebels. But the current Colombian prez of Santos is no Uribe. Uribe has his own right wing paramilitary forces that fight FARC, the current president Santos is not a liberal but when it comes to concessions he is a RINO type of conservative, he wants to get along with the socialists and like the RINO's in the US to get a long means to make concession and no demands.

Billy's bayonet

Quote from: Mountainshield on January 13, 2016, 11:56:46 PM
About Colombia, the US assistance to the Colombian government led to the downfall of the Cartels, you still have street level organized crime and drugs but they are not the Cartels of Pablo Escobar, Templars, Sinaloa or Zetas. Thanks to the combined effort the cartel activity was forced north to Mexico. True though Colombia still have problem with FARC, but the people do not support FARC not even the liberals, FARC have their own little state within a state. Personally I hope that the Colombian government will go the way of Sri Lanka and just wage total war until they are completely destroyed. That's the only way you win against rebels. But the current Colombian prez of Santos is no Uribe. Uribe has his own right wing paramilitary forces that fight FARC, the current president Santos is not a liberal but when it comes to concessions he is a RINO type of conservative, he wants to get along with the socialists and like the RINO's in the US to get a long means to make concession and no demands.

The "PARA's", right wing Columbian vigilante's, had more to do with Escobar's downfall than US efforts did, although I wonder if the US didn't secretly finance some of these groups which got pretty nasty. As the US under Bush focused more on the Middle east and Al Q'ieda, Columbia became somewhat irrelevant. FARC territory butted up against Venezuela and Hugo CHavez had a working relationship with them, I would imagine  the new regime doe's too.

Of Course Obama and crew totally ignore the threat of S. American insurgency/communism as much as they do the narco terrorist cartels who control Mexico and parts of central America.

Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: Billy's bayonet on January 14, 2016, 05:47:06 AM

The "PARA's", right wing Columbian vigilante's, had more to do with Escobar's downfall than US efforts did, although I wonder if the US didn't secretly finance some of these groups which got pretty nasty. As the US under Bush focused more on the Middle east and Al Q'ieda, Columbia became somewhat irrelevant. FARC territory butted up against Venezuela and Hugo CHavez had a working relationship with them, I would imagine  the new regime doe's too.

Of Course Obama and crew totally ignore the threat of S. American insurgency/communism as much as they do the narco terrorist cartels who control Mexico and parts of central America.

I would rather pay tribute to ranchers paramilitary groups that are only after money and protecting property than ideological totalitarians that are after total Control and supported by Foreign regimes and not dependent on local support. No matter how nasty you say these paramilitary groups are they are still benign compared the child prostitution, suicide bomber, bombing of Schools, mine laying, sexual slavery engaged Socialist Paramilitary groups such as FARC