Michelle Malkin: ‘My Base Is Fed Up with Fox’ News Channel

Started by Solar, January 16, 2016, 07:20:43 AM

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Quote from: kit saginaw on January 17, 2016, 07:43:16 PM
Yeah, it's One America.  I've only watched a snippet of it, so my memory put up Politics One when I tried referencing it here. 

Nah, it isn't.  People are smarter than to be bamboozled by a pure leftist propaganda model, long-term in scope. 

More people are better aware of the Soros/MoveOn/American Communist Party backing OWS because of FOX. 

As far as BLM, I boycott outdoor or survivalist shows if a host makes 'mankind caused global-warming' comments.  I never hear global-warming messaging in FOX disaster/weather-reporting.  Private-property seizures tend not to be National stories.  But they do tend to be echo-chambers in the cases of standoffs and court-hearings. 

We used to have a show here, Michigan Outdoors, which always devoted 5-to-10 minutes toward County/State/Federal land-shenanigans.  I hope California has a similar model.  Exposing the general corrosiveness of the BLM is better suited to local coverage.
I didn't say FOX promoted leftist propaganda, I meant that their reporting it as news plays into the hands of leftists.
Like I said earlier, it's not so much what FOX reports, it's what they don't report that helps the Lib/Establishment with their messaging.
It's all sensationalist BS, a true Conservative network would have exposed the agenda behind these movements of divisiveness. Instead, FOX approaches it as valid news to promote viewership through enraged emotion, playing the other side of division.
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