Another foreign policy triumph for the Obumbler

Started by PeterR, December 08, 2013, 04:39:31 PM

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Afghanistan agrees to pact with Iran, while resisting agreement with US

QuoteAfghan President Hamid Karzai agreed on a cooperation pact with Iran, despite continuing to resist signing a security agreement with the U.S., Reuters reported.

Karzai made the deal with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran Sunday.

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Does he have someone on the payroll to tie his shoes for him? 

"He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad."

kit saginaw

Well, the Afghan-constitution allows senior Government-officials (not in the Karzai's Pushtan clan/tribe, which'll soon be out of power) to sign the agreement instead.  To the other tribes, the Karzai's are looking like Taliban-dupes these days. 

The other tribes like America, so I ain't worried.  -Course Kerry's ripe for duping.  Can he deal with a tribal-culture? 

the outlaw mortarman

Frankly I think that Bandar Abbas would make an excellent home port for this.

Of course that would entail the proprietary country of this vessel would have to accquie all the territory between it's self an' the port in question, I would have no problem with that either.

Charter Member of Sock Monkey' enemy list since 2009 an' duckin' the drones.