Keith Olbermann suspended 'indefinitely' for campaign contributions

Started by quiller, November 05, 2010, 01:42:22 PM

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After Jon Stewart went after Overbite, it isn't really very surprising, but hey, whatever works when you're paying $7 million per year to an asshat nobody watches....


Olbermann was getting $7 mill a year? Holly canolli! Does his show pay for itself? Seems unlikely given his numbers. But I suppose it's academic now.


Quote from: arpad on November 05, 2010, 03:03:40 PM
Olbermann was getting $7 mill a year? Holly canolli! Does his show pay for itself? Seems unlikely given his numbers. But I suppose it's academic now.

Opinions vary on length of suspension, or how much influence was applied by folks fearing over-reaction by incoming owner Comcast, if Olbermann were NOT reined in.

There is a major power struggle going on now that Mort Zuckerman is out at NBC Universal and no longer keeping patriarchal watch over MSNBC, sidestepping the MSNBC chain of command that was not so favorable toward Olbermann's antics.

The Slimes has this on that....

Another item also from MSNBC caught my eye today. Seems that it's now openly OK there to self-identify as a socialist --- AND to go after self-professed liberals as lesser creatures. Lawrence O'Donnell came out of the closet.....


Here were the overnight ratings for Election Night over cable TV news nets.

Fox stomped MSNBC by about a 3-to-1 margin.



Quiller,I read the link you supplied but I did not see anything in it about Olberman getting $7million per year. Did I miss seeing something?

If he did get $7million per year,MSNBC got a royal scamming and were even more stupid than I had thought.


   When did john stewart go after olberman ? and about what

Its being rumored here and there that comcast isnt going for losing money so the 4 primetime idiots...mathers, olberman, schultz and madcow can spout leftist crap.
   This may very well be the first volley in a plan to dump them or totally change their behavior
   How have the msnbc stockholders put up with their low ratings for so long without pitchin a bitch


Quote from: ccd2002 on November 05, 2010, 03:36:22 PM

Quiller,I read the link you supplied but I did not see anything in it about Olberman getting $7million per year. Did I miss seeing something?

If he did get $7million per year,MSNBC got a royal scamming and were even more stupid than I had thought.

Saw that a couple of weeks ago in one of the media watch columns. Johnny Dollar, perhaps.

Over here, though, they're not nearly so free with someone else's money, pegging it far lower....

(Dated 14 March 2007)

Quote"Countdown" averaged 709,000 total viewers in the February sweeps, up a whopping 77 percent over the same period in `06, according to Nielsen Media Research. Among 25- to 54-year-old viewers, the demographic advertisers pay a premium to reach, Olbermann, 48, spiked 59 percent. He easily beat CNN's Paula Zahn in both categories.

No wonder MSNBC just quadrupled his salary. At an estimated $4 million a year, he's the highest-paid on-air talent at the network. As part of his new four-year deal, he'll also do occasional essays for "NBC Nightly News" and prime-time "Countdown" specials for NBC.

And while I'm on the general topic, there's the predictable groundswell from leftists....

Choke and hurl alert: source is Huffing-glue Pest....



HYPOCRITES and worthless suckers of oxygen, every damn one of them.  They should all be lined up and shot.


Quote from: AmericanFlyer on November 05, 2010, 04:56:19 PM
HYPOCRITES and worthless suckers of oxygen, every damn one of them.  They should all be lined up and shot.

Oh, you aren't nearly cynical enough, comrade. If you haven't watched Bulworth and Network back-to-back, followed by the entire 16-show run of Max Headroom, then you are DEFINITELY not cynical enough.  ;)

One of the joys of the early days of satellite TV feeds was in finding the group of channels a given network had booked for two-way comm and for the actual news-feed. I'd sit watching those overpaid Ted Baxters and dimwitted bleach-blondes too numerous to name, all preening and self-adulating, before "going live" and pretending they knew anything at all.

It's all encrypted now. But damn it was fun watching idiots on parade.

Suggested music for this meme: Don Henley's "Dirty Laundry." 


Dunno if this link will work here, but it is the masterpiece performance by Ned Beatty, delivering the Primal Forces of Nature speech to the addled Howard Beale. Prepare to be upset. Runs 6:16.

Network 1976, order of things today


Ding Dong the Dork is Dead!   

If he comes back he'll be part of the Zombie Media on MSNBC...The Talking Dead!
The press is our chief ideological weapon.
~ Nikita Khrushchev

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

~Ronald Reagan


Quote from: wally on November 06, 2010, 05:17:05 AM
Ding Dong the Dork is Dead!   

If he comes back he'll be part of the Zombie Media on MSNBC...The Talking Dead!

Comcast does not intend to seize and hold fourth place ANYTHING, paying out what it did for NBC-U. I can't speak with any authority about Rachel Maddow, but every clip I've seen of Olbermann does point directly to frenzied obsession that far, far, FAR surpassed Dan Rather's hate for G.W. Bush. This does NOT equate to high ad revenues if advertisers finally react to Olby's frothmouthed rants.

Nobody sane calls people "sacks of meat," or launches into the tyirades this lunatic has done. Small wonder that the Howard Beale meme is all over the Internet about this turkey. Olbermann bought his own propaganda, magnified it, and then launched straight into the Berserkosphereâ„¢.

They may have to pay him what his contract stipulates, but if NBC-U and MSNBC were actually smart, they damn sure do have something in that contract saying they are NOT obligated to actually broadcast him.


Correction from a prior post. It is Jeff Zucker, not Mort Zucker, who recently departed NBC-U. He had been the one playing protector for Olbermann, bypassing MSNBC executives.