Sidney Powell — This Could Be James Clapper’s Breaking Point

Started by Bronx, December 14, 2019, 07:24:45 AM

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Sidney Powell points out some things I had no clue about like a letter that disappeared which in return pulled Clapper into this coup.

I found this at the Citizen free Press so these are not my words or thoughts but I do find them very interesting.

Anonymous commenter in the CFP open thread pointed out the following:

At 7:10 in the Powell clip we see the primary event that hooks Clapper into the conspiracy — a letter from British Security disavowing Christopher Steele that was passed directly to ODNI.

That letter has disappeared. That must be the moment when Clapper gave tacit consent to the coup plotters to proceed forward. The letter represents his area of maximum exposure and liability.

It's an item he has not been asked about. Also doesn't make it into IG report. The Brits would still have their copy and Barr and Durham may already have it as part of their evidence assembly. It's how Clapper got sucked in to Brennan and Comey's plot and represents a weak link that could cause him to flip and turn against the other two.

Also...I'll like to add something else I found to be very interesting. James Comey declined his security clearance to be reinstated . Could this mean he can't answer some tough classified questions....?

Video inside link.

People sleep peacefully at night because there are a few tough men prepared to do violence on their behalf.

A foolish man complains about his torn pockets.

A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.


This whole thing is incredibly fascinating....  it's like a real-time spy novel.

Clapper is toast. 
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


#PureBlood #TrumpWon


And all these poor innocent people railroaded by the FBI and the Deep State will still be bankrupt. They will not be put on the payroll by a political supporter like the Democrats do for theirs..
I had someone react to my comment on how they railroaded Scooter Libby by saying it was alright because Trump pardoned him. That makes it okay 12 years later?