I'm a Palestinian-American and curious to how conservatives see the conflict

Started by FzilPA, October 30, 2012, 07:24:56 PM

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Quote from: kramarat on November 05, 2012, 06:02:46 AM
The Palestinian leaders are being used as pawns by the entire Arab world, in order to keep the fight with Israel alive. Meanwhile, the Palestinian people are living in squalor, and being told that it is the fault of Israel......................which ultimately leads to more people that are willing to fight. They are caught in a death spiral.

The Palestinian people need to demand that their leaders accept a two state solution, even if it is not perfect. Only then will they be able to simply live their lives and raise their kids in peace.
Yep, they have always been pawns from the day the rest of the Arabs cast them out as worthless human trash, only to be used as pawns in the war against Israel.
It's too bad these people have no clue as to the truth behind their plight.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 05, 2012, 05:42:35 AM
Yep, every mans dream.
But those that haven't the ability or freedom to achieve that dream, see themselves as a victim and seek retaliation.
It doesn't mean these people are bad, jets unable to see their potential.

Considering all the brainwashing and propaganda a lot of Arab children grew up with, only a few would be able to break off this chain of evil. If all their life they were taught that the Jews are evil and that they must be wiped from the face of the earth, they wouldn't know any better. Plus with 72 virgins reward waiting to be claimed, who wouldn't be racing to volunteer to be the next suicide bomber.  :rolleyes:
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