I'm a Palestinian-American and curious to how conservatives see the conflict

Started by FzilPA, October 30, 2012, 07:24:56 PM

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Hello all, I really wanted to register to a conservative Republican forum for a while. I would love to debate and chat on many different issues. I really want to talk about Palestine and Israel conflict. I do not like how many Republicans and conservatives are so pro-Israel that they are not willing to see any other side or perspective. Personally I used to be very pro-Palestine when I was growing up and hated Israel and then I saw Israel only in bad ways (negatively), so I was kind of blind and could not see the Israeli perspective, but now I see both sides of the issue and just want peace between both peoples. In the same way this is the problem with Republicans and Israel, you are blinded to the other side and don't see it so if someone says something for Palestine or Palestinians you do not listen.

I lived in Palestine and also Israel growing up and had a lot of good and bad memories there. I live in Ramallah for most of my life, but also went to Israel and lived in Israel at times. I think if there are one people that are closest to Palestinians it is Israelis and if there is one people that are closest to Israelis it is Palestinians. So you see I do not have a problem with the Israeli people, they have bad and good people, just like any culture or society. I do not like the Israeli government and do not like settlers. Israeli government has a lot of bad policies which hurt Palestinian people and many Israelis themself don't like it. Settlers I do not like because they are racist and extremist people, they are not regular Jews, they are extremist Orthodox Jews who believe that they have to take over the Arabic lands.

If you are curios you can ask any question about Palestinian culture or food or people or whatever and I can answer :)

If you can leave your opinions I would love that. I would like to see the different opinions here.


Welcome Fz.  Conservatives are about living in peace, and you seem to want the same.  Welcome to the forum my man.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon

redlom xof

Don't expect too many people here to be able to sympathise with you. Most are in love with the state of Israel and see anything Muslim/Arab/Palestinian as bad or the enemy of America.
"Christians are expected to pacify angry Muslims, Communist brats and homosexual radicals and Mexicans who convinced themselves that they own our land. That tells me the Christians are the better people among brutal and violent beasts."  Yawn - 15th May, 2013


I believe the "Palestinian people" are an invented group whose only purpose is the destruction of Israel.  ALL "Palestinians" are either Jordanians, Egyptians or a few others.  It's time Jordan and Egypt take their people back, but they serve a better purpose (to the Islamic world) in the Land of Israel.

QuoteYou might remember the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir making the bold political statement: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian people."

The statement has been a source of ridicule and derision by Arab propagandists ever since. They love to talk about Golda Meir's "racism." They love to suggest she was in historical denial. They love to say her statement is patently false – an intentional lie, a strategic deception. The Palestinian Myth

redlom xof

Yawn can you explain this more.

Are you saying there were no people living on the land ? Or these people don't really belong there ? or what.

I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just confused by your statement of invented people.
"Christians are expected to pacify angry Muslims, Communist brats and homosexual radicals and Mexicans who convinced themselves that they own our land. That tells me the Christians are the better people among brutal and violent beasts."  Yawn - 15th May, 2013


How can Palestinian people be invented people if they have their own culture and identity? Also how can Palestinians be Jordanian or Egyptian people? Jordanian people and Egyptian people do not look like Palestinian people or have the same culture as them, I know many Jordanian and Egyptian people.

This is a traditional dress from Palestine. Which other Arabic country you see this dress? Can you find it? Only Palestine.

redlom xof

That link didn't really argue the point properly yawn.

Imagine if you were a Palestinian and you were forced to flee from the land. How would you percieve the state of Israel ?
"Christians are expected to pacify angry Muslims, Communist brats and homosexual radicals and Mexicans who convinced themselves that they own our land. That tells me the Christians are the better people among brutal and violent beasts."  Yawn - 15th May, 2013


There is no such group as the Palestinian people. They have never existed, do not exist now, and will not exist in the future. They are the only people in all history that came into existence in a single day! This was admitted by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist:  "Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?" He added that he did not mind Jordanian rule.

He and his compatriots were Jordanians "until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of a sudden we were Palestinians." Shoebat was saying that when the Jews re-took their historic and biblical homeland, the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created out of thin air and promoted worldwide. The gullible media, too lazy to do the research, still spout the PLO line about the "Palestinian people."



Welcome to the forum, FzilPA.

I admit my sympathies are with Israel, but I'm fully behind any two-state solution that addresses the concerns of both people.

If you don't mind me asking, doesn't Jordan sit on part of what is considered Palestinian land? What is the Palestinian attitude towards the Jordanian government?


Your link is biased and is not based in any reality, it doesn't even cite sources. How rude to say a people do not exist.

So if some Palestinian guy "admits" a falsehood that makes him automatically correct? His being a supposed "former PLO terrorist" makes his point more valid? You are biased and use biased sources to back up an incorrect and prejudiced view. Can you imagine if someone said the same things about Jews? They would be labelled an anti-Semite and immediately disregarded. Why is there this double standard?

Palestine have a culture, identity, and people for many 1000's of years.

Here is a video with images from old Palestine.

يا رايح صوب بلادي + صور فلسطين قبل النكبة


I think the bigger question is, why is this a Joo problem, why can't the so called Palestinian people exist on their own, why can't they get along with their neighbors.

The Israeli state is rather tiny in comparison to the entire M/E, yet somehow this tiny little country is somehow to blame for all the hardships of the rest?

I say it's time for people to accept responsibility for their own place in the world and quit looking for boogie men.
If you don't like your neighbor, move dammit!
Official Trump Cult Member




CubaLibre thanks, that part was annexed in the 1950's and then later by Israel. Palestinian people do not have any animosity toward Jordan or Jordanian government or any Arabic country. I think two-state can work too but for it to work Israeli government must stop its settlers from taking more Palestinian land this is what causes a lot of the problems, the settlers. Also Palestine must be returned a lot of its lands.


Solar, the reason why Palestinian people do not like Israel is because it takes their land and continues to do this. For example a settler can take Palestinian land and be supported by the Israeli Defense Forces to do this. A better question is why can't Israeli government get along with Palestinian people? Why do they continue the same policies which cause the conflict?

Also saying statements like "so called Palestinian people" is rude and does not promote intelligent debate. If someone said "so called Israeli people" or "so called Jewish people" they would be labelled an anti-Semitic.
