Rigged from the start

Started by Lerxst, June 11, 2016, 04:10:30 PM

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First of all, you haven't seen me on here before, so let me say "hi". I have been a Libertarian and an independent voter for several years of my life. If anything, I consider myself a Teddy Roosevelt/Eisenhower Republican. I also have close friends across all party lines, so I consider myself rather impartial to things mostly... except this election.

I believe in balance from every side. The Tea Party is balanced out by the Democratic Socialists. The Republicans are balanced out by Democrats. The Libertarians are balance out by the Greens. And so on... Without this balance, things tend to implode upon themselves until they achieve balance again.

Right now, our balance is leaning really heavy to one side and it enough weight is added to it, it will topple - we'll experience  a revolution of some type. This is my primary reason for silently cheering Trump on.

From what I've seen over the last year, it doesn't matter which side you are on, you've been screwed from day 1. And just the idea that a system in a democracy can mute an entire population and just cater to the 500 +/- heads in DC should infuriate every single person involved.

The democracy has been stolen from every single one of us, right out from under us.

Here's the scenario which ties a lot of things together:

The US citizens are hurting financially like the 1930's Germans were. Trump sees this, knows this and starts taking pages out of the Nazi play book since they were a political party that had mobilized millions of people behind them in a situation very close to our today.

But that's just the "how" not the "why".

Go back a bit...

Obama will be out of the WH. He wants his legacy to live on and someone who will maintain what he started (both what we know about and what we don't.) Everyone in the Democratic party feels its more or less time for Clinton to have her shot (plus, she has dirt on each of them thanks to that email server in her basement), so they automatically back her before she ever announces her candidacy.

The problem they now has is that Clinton is despised by damn near everyone except the gullible. Any Republican with half a brain cell intact can take her out easily as long as they don't make an ass of themselves in the process. I'll give the Dems credit enough for figuring this out.

So they look around for a patsy and realize they can call on one of Clinton's friends who has experience hamming it up on stage for people, to run as a Republican and overshadow the entire primary. In comes Trump.

I mean that... Trump has looooong ties to the Clintons and their multi-million dollar campaigns and Foundation. Trump even spoke at length with Bill before announcing his candidacy. Coincidence?

Their plan works, as Trump systematically eliminates every single Republican candidate from the race, leaving him as the only one left standing... and it was planned that way from the start by Hillary Clinton herself.

If you cross the aisle, on the other side you see Dems all shouting and screaming that "THEY HAVE TO UNITE TO DEFEAT TRUMP!!!" He's become their rallying cry to get people to come out and vote for fear of a Trump presidency. Fear of Trump is the only way to get people on that side to vote for Clinton.

But... they have a problem that goes by the name Bernie Sanders. At first they probably just allowed it, thinking he didn't stand a chance. Then he just kept going and became a thorn in their side. Clinton still didn't fear because she knew she had about 700 delegates in her pocket from the start and only needed a handful to win. Then, to make sure she won, she called on her supporters to "help" - misplace ballots, hand out illegal pamphlets, purge voter databases, swap registration parties, parade her husband around polling station the day of elections, etc. No wonder she never broke a sweat when Sanders would win a state; she knew she had enough of the largest ones (NY, CA, NJ, AZ, TX) in her pocket to win anyhow.

Sanders, though, has swelled their ranks tremendously. Lots of young voters, first-time Democrats and "retired" Democrats have been active this last year thanks to him. They are now pissed... royally pissed. And I'll tell you right here... I am one of them. I registered specifically as a Democrat so I could vote for the man. One week later, I switched back to an independent.

We watched Sanders go from a sure win to losing by double digits in states where tens of thousands of people turned up to see him at rallies. We sat by and watched "irregularities" pop up every election day, that always favored Clinton... always. We watched lawsuit after lawsuit being filed against Clinton by states that had these same irregularities. Millions of votes not counted, hundreds of thousands of people having their registrations changed behind their backs. 50% of polling stations in multiple states being closed vs the 150% increase in voters in those states - states that heavily favored Sanders. Media blackouts - he wins 9+ primaries back to back, week after week, but the news ignores him totally and focuses on another Trump win instead, after he's already the last one standing.

These are things people don't forget about.

The rest of this equation will be coming up soon. If Clinton and Trump make it through their parties' conventions unscathed, you'll soon start seeing more and more articles about Trump's weaknesses hit the front page of papers. You'll see Trump stumble and make totally off-the-wall remarks, that will make even the people who love him now, hate him. All of this is still be part of the plan. His sole purpose in this campaign has been to divide the Republicans, dominate the race and then fold like a cheap tissue in the general election. Who knows what Clinton offered him - Money? Tax breaks? TPP favors? But rest assured, they've made a deal of some kind.

Part of me laughs and part gets angry when I see everyone yelling and shouting over Trump. He's just a distraction to draw your attention away from the failure Clinton is, was and will be.

tl;dr - Trump is in cahoots with Clinton to hand over the presidency to her come the general election.

Moral of the story is, we should ALL BE PISSED! It doesn't matter who or what you believe in, as long as you believe in the democracy we're supposed to have in this country. It's being stolen out from our eyes and those in power are sitting back, laughing all the way.

We need a third party that says "F**ck it!" and puts aside the petty differences the other parties have and serves only one purpose - dissolve the two parties that have been dividing and destroying the country.


OK, so what's your point, are you just rambling or are you just blowing off steam?

Quote from: Lerxst on June 11, 2016, 04:10:30 PMI believe in balance from every side. The Tea Party is balanced out by the Democratic Socialists. The Republicans are balanced out by Democrats. The Libertarians are balance out by the Greens. And so on... Without this balance, things tend to implode upon themselves until they achieve balance again.

Pure baloney!  Being RIGHT doesn't need to be balanced by being WRONG.

On the other hand, there are some really smart people here, would illogical statements balance them?
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


We're a Republic, not a damn Democracy.
I've got a headache and don't feel like tackling this at the moment.
Welcome to the forum, stick around, you have much to learn.
Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert


Quote from: Solar on June 11, 2016, 09:43:21 PM
We're a Republic, not a damn Democracy.
I've got a headache and don't feel like tackling this at the moment.
Welcome to the forum, stick around, you have much to learn.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You stole my thunder as I was going to say the same thing as soon as I read the replies.

I don't, for a moment, believe that Trump wants to be president.  He wanted to destroy the Republican Party.  Bernie Sanders is a flipping socialist and that is the antithesis of what America was founded as.

The Georgia Right to Life organization just endorsed the Constitution Party and their candidate for president.  I'm thinking I may have to vote my conscience as well.


Quote from: TheResister on June 12, 2016, 04:54:01 AM
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You stole my thunder as I was going to say the same thing as soon as I read the replies.

I don't, for a moment, believe that Trump wants to be president.  He wanted to destroy the Republican Party.  Bernie Sanders is a flipping socialist and that is the antithesis of what America was founded as.

The Georgia Right to Life organization just endorsed the Constitution Party and their candidate for president.  I'm thinking I may have to vote my conscience as well.
None of that will matter after the CONvention, lets just hope the delegates vote conscience and country over party.
Cruz 2016
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: TheResister on June 12, 2016, 04:54:01 AM
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You stole my thunder as I was going to say the same thing as soon as I read the replies.

I don't, for a moment, believe that Trump wants to be president.  He wanted to destroy the Republican Party.  Bernie Sanders is a flipping socialist and that is the antithesis of what America was founded as.

The Georgia Right to Life organization just endorsed the Constitution Party and their candidate for president.  I'm thinking I may have to vote my conscience as well.

On April 16, 2016, Darrell Castle
secured the presidential nomination for the Constitution Party
at a convention attended by delegates from 28 states. 
He has vowed, if elected,
to get the United States out of the United Nations and NATO.
"Our borders are worth defending.
If we can secure the borders of Korea and Germany,
then we can secure the borders of the United States," said Castle.

2016 Constitution Party ticket – Darrell Castle and Scott Bradley


(You can go to that page and scroll down to see
if the Constitution Party is on the ballot in your state.)
Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao