First Bitch of the President Divides to Conquer

Started by Solar, June 04, 2016, 02:11:07 PM

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Quote from: Wyatt5 on June 06, 2016, 03:24:48 PM
... they turned to African American—enslaved and free—to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings....

Well, she did not just pull this belief out of her arse. You really do not think one slave drove one nail, painted one wall, etc., of the White House considering the above sentence?
Not just no, but Fuck No! Consider the time, white skilled labor working along side slave labor, are you serious?
The only things slave were allowed to do was fetch, that's it, they were barred from skilled labor positions.
Sure, you may find one somewhere in history, but not in the WH.
Official Trump Cult Member




From Instapundit....

QuoteDON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT HISTORY: Yo, Michelle Obama, The House You Wake Up In Was Rebuilt Under Harry Truman. "Okay, America, it's time for a history lesson. When the First "Lady," Michelle Obama, claimed recently that the house she wakes up in every day was "built by slaves" the poor woman didn't realize just how badly she stepped in the historical quicksand. See, those who are enthusiasts of White House lore (this writer is one such person) know a few things about the Executive Mansion. One of those little tidbits of trivia is that in 1948, after the leg of Margaret Truman's piano went through the floor, an assessment of the house was made and long story short, the Truman family was more or less evicted to live in the White House Guest House – along with a whole lot of the furniture – the day after the 1948 election. (The West Wing, a Teddy Roosevelt addition, however, was still available for the President's use.) . . . The White House, as we know the Executive Mansion today, was rebuilt between 1949 and the end of 1951 for a total cost of $5.4 million, over 80 years after slavery was abolished. . . . So, Michelle Obama, was the White House built by slaves? Parts of the original, yes, but you aren't living in the original. And the sad thing is, millions of us who have never lived in that particular residence know it, and you don't after almost eight years."


Quote from: Bronx on June 05, 2016, 06:19:31 AM
I wonder what this woman is going to look like when she is evicted from the White House in Jan 2017.

If it takes all that money to look like that then damn she is going to be a sight to see when normal life comes calling.

When she no longer gets the gowns and free flights, she'll just blame it on us racist haters. But when she's ignored altogether (and after 8 years out of the WH she will be), then she'll say it's a racist media. Good luck with that one. The urinalists are dwindling so fast she may not have an audience to lecture.

Cryptic Bert

Quote from: quiller on June 09, 2016, 10:09:40 PM
When she no longer gets the gowns and free flights, she'll just blame it on us racist haters. But when she's ignored altogether (and after 8 years out of the WH she will be), then she'll say it's a racist media. Good luck with that one. The urinalists are dwindling so fast she may not have an audience to lecture.

She can always go back to practicing law :lol:


Quote from: The Boo Man... on June 10, 2016, 01:14:30 AM
She can always go back to practicing law :lol:

Obama can, legally, name Fat Ass to the Supremes.

Have a nice day pondering THAT one!


"... However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African American—enslaved and free—to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings..."

I do not know how we can read the same sentence and interpret it so differently---oh well...

. I have found three sources that reference Abigail Adams seeing slaves working on the White House. There was a great deal of work yet to be done on the White House after she and John moved in, so it is credible to me.


Quote from: Wyatt5 on June 11, 2016, 02:58:32 AM
"... However, response to recruitment was dismal and soon they turned to African American—enslaved and free—to provide the bulk of labor that built the White House, the United States Capitol, and other early government buildings..."

I do not know how we can read the same sentence and interpret it so differently---oh well...

. I have found three sources that reference Abigail Adams seeing slaves working on the White House. There was a great deal of work yet to be done on the White House after she and John moved in, so it is credible to me.
Use the quote function!

What part of slaves not having trade skills are you having issue with? Like I said, they were the gophers, mules, lackies, they did the heavy lifting, but they did not, I repeat, DID NOT participate in the actual construction, that was left to skilled laborers to perform.
Like any profession, there are grunts and there are those that tell them what to do.

If you're a Mason and charged with building the People's House, would you let some unskilled scab do your work, or do you take pride in what you do and dop what you were hired to do?
I spent many years in construction, and nothing has changed, grunts do the heavy lifting and nothing more.
Official Trump Cult Member