Video: MSNBC Reporter, Contessa Brewer, pwned by Tea Party Patriot!

Started by U_Kay, April 29, 2011, 05:56:30 PM

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Hmmph. I just thought "pawned" was a chess reference the pawn being the least valuable, most numerous and most easily thrown-away piece.

In any case, I thought Contessa (is that really her name?) was exemplifying lefty attitudes toward the "birther" issue, i.e. that it's a "gimme" which the lefties aren't anxious to relinquish.

Lefties want to continue sneering and smirking at the birthers because the issue's a distraction, in their view, and anything that has conservatives upset to no possible effect is a plus. The attitude of lefties is that there's no possible way Obama could be disqualified because it just can't possibly happen. So the more conservatives spend more of our time on the "birther" issue the less time we can spend impeding their legislation.

From their view a "can't lose" issue and now it's gone.

I wouldn't vote for Donald Trump for dog catcher but he's certainly done conservatives a service by forcing Obama to have to deal with the issue.

Cryptic Bert


Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert


"This term actually comes from a game created hundreds of years ago, even before computers were invented. This game was called, 'chess'. The object of the game was to put the other player in checkmate, meaning, he was unable to move his king anywhere that he would not be threatened by another piece. Also in this game, you have 8 pieces at the front of your army called 'pawns', these were the least useful of all pieces, but that is not to mean they were worthless. If you could defeat the other player by using your pawn to apply check, that was called, and is still called pawned."
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on May 01, 2011, 05:17:07 PM
"This term actually comes from a game created hundreds of years ago, even before computers were invented. This game was called, 'chess'. The object of the game was to put the other player in checkmate, meaning, he was unable to move his king anywhere that he would not be threatened by another piece. Also in this game, you have 8 pieces at the front of your army called 'pawns', these were the least useful of all pieces, but that is not to mean they were worthless. If you could defeat the other player by using your pawn to apply check, that was called, and is still called pawned."

I believe your first post on this was the correct one, considering the term only became popular in the last 6 or 7 years.
Official Trump Cult Member