What's going on in your corner of the world?

Started by Jasmine, May 23, 2012, 03:03:46 PM

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What's going on in the city/state/community you live in?

Here, the big controversy is whether or not we should build a rail system to ease traffic congestion. I am completely against it, because I don't think enough people will use it to warrant the cost. Also, we don't have the money for it. It disgusts me that while we're supposed to be cutting back and reducing our spending, our current mayor and governor and congress ilk are trying to push rail down our throats. Plus, I think it would be an eyesore. And then there's the very realistic concern that the cost of rail will be much higher than current estimates!

Interestingly, a former governor of ours, Ben Cayetano, has taken up the anti-rail cause, and now he's running for mayor. He wants to stop the project. It's pretty much the sole issue he's running on, but he's gaining support seemingly every day.


In Ca we have pretty much the same stupidity going on, only ours is a high speed rail line connecting both ends of the state.
The sad thing is, it will never ever pay for itself, Amtrac is proof positive of this.
Official Trump Cult Member




OK...this is on a more personal level but it is stupid nonetheless.

I officially closed my business today. I operated as the one and only of my company, the rest were contractors and subs........and the state wanted me to pay for unemployment.  For who? me? I am the payor and I cannot file for unemployment by the rules.

So instead of paying I shut it down but will still continue to work.......the genius of our state government at work.

I said I wasn't paying for some bozo not to work when I am bustin' my hump working.

Other than that I miss the Cali weather and some of the people I met while there.
I thought I was wrong one time but I was mistaken.


There is a big fight brewing out here in Utah over Orrin Hatch. For the first time in 36 years he is going to have to run in a primary!

Big hitters have come out of the woodwork to support him - Sara Palin, Mark Levin, and even Sean Hannity. The NRA has been running ads supporting Hatch and Levin was on a tear today about how Hatch went to bat for Bork and Thomas during Senate confirmation hearings as if that were some kind of heroic act.

He's a Republican, that's what we sent him there to do!

That was also over 20 years ago...

During the Presidency of George W Bush, Hatch got far too cozy with the likes of Ted Kennedy and other noted Liberal Democrats. He supported and voted for Bush's massive expansion of Government and he was front and center in the fight to pass Bush's Amnesty Bill! He supported and voted for the TARP Bailouts!

The Red Ink which is staring us, our children and our children's children in the face has Orrin's finger prints all over it!

No, Hatch isn't a Richard Luger or an Olympia Snow, but neither is he is a Ronald Reagan or Rand Paul. His time has passed.

We can, and should, do better.

-Dr Watt
If the Federal Government were put in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years they'd have a shortage of sand!
-Milton Freedman



Talk Show Host, Jerry Doyle, who was just beginning to launch into a tirade about Hatch had "technical difficulties" about 20 minutes into his show today. The remaining 2 hours and 40 minutes were a "best of" show.

I'm sure it was just a coincidence... :rolleyes:

-Dr Watt
If the Federal Government were put in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years they'd have a shortage of sand!
-Milton Freedman


Here in NYC, Mayor Mike's illegal 3rd term is coming to an end so the mayoral race will begin soon...the leading Democratic candidate just got married...to her girlfriend...Ain't life sweet?


Here in North Carolina, we're living down the shame of a teacher telling a student he'll be arrested if he tries to criticize Obama...a six year old suspended from school for 2 days for trying to kiss a girl and the perception that all North Carolinans are stupid.

On the bright side, our democrat governor has decided to be a one term governor since we have a republican Congress and Senate.
The democrat convention will be held in Charlotte, near my home.
I don't plan to go shopping that week, since we'll probably have the professional OWS out in full gear.

North Carolina will probably go for Romney this time around.


Quote from: Holly on May 24, 2012, 05:15:56 AM
Here in North Carolina, we're living down the shame of a teacher telling a student he'll be arrested if he tries to criticize Obama...a six year old suspended from school for 2 days for trying to kiss a girl and the perception that all North Carolinans are stupid.

On the bright side, our democrat governor has decided to be a one term governor since we have a republican Congress and Senate.
The democrat convention will be held in Charlotte, near my home.
I don't plan to go shopping that week, since we'll probably have the professional OWS out in full gear.

North Carolina will probably go for Romney this time around.
You'll have to let us know how the local news covers this.
Reality is, this is probably the most nonevent, of the year, yet will attract the dregs of our population, like OWS.
The list of actual attendees will be the who's who of the socialist left.

I wish I was there to video tape the sideshow of this freak show, and plaster all over the web.
Official Trump Cult Member




In FL, Romney is leading Obama 47-42. Which proves what I've been saying all along about Obama not being able to carry FL.

Here in Tampa, we're getting ready for the RNC, and the OWS-style protests which will no doubt hit.  :sneaky:

BILLY Defiant

The expat community in Asia is about to reform into their old military units and go back to the US and lynch Obamao, Congress and whomever else supports this insane law they are proposing as a result of the facebook tycoon being taxed to oblivion and loss of citizenship.

I also see that the Philippines threatened to throw out Lady Gaga who was in the county and circulated some rather blasphemous videos.

The usual meyhem with Muslim insurgent groups continues.


Evil operates best when it is disguised for what it truly is.

Cryptic Bert

I have no idea. I unfortunately spend most of my time in NJ  looking after my mom and really don't know what's going on (I left NJ 17 years ago when eve then I didn't know what is going on).
The local funeral home went solar. On a larger note my mother is my only tie to the US and since I am looking after her and her finances and I am basically alone here I am going to move back home permanently.