Black Pastors Unite Against Obama

Started by Solar, July 31, 2012, 04:52:10 PM

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It's finally happening, they are beginning to revolt against the Marxist in Chief. :thumbup:

Washington (CNN) – A group of conservative black pastors are responding to President Barack Obama's support of same-sex marriage with what they say will be a national campaign aimed at rallying black Americans to rethink their overwhelming support of the President, though the group's leader is offering few specifics about the effort.

The Rev. Williams Owens, who is president and founder of the Coalition of African-Americans Pastors and the leader of the campaign, has highlighted opposition to same-sex marriage among African-Americans. He calls this campaign "an effort to save the family."
Official Trump Cult Member




One by one people are waking up across the U.S.    :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."



Sorry Guys, but I have a hard time believing that any of the inner-city black street rats even know were a church is let alone worry about anything but the free chit! Barry Boy knows that, the reverend is not part of his base.


Quote from: boxlock on August 01, 2012, 04:17:07 AM
Sorry Guys, but I have a hard time believing that any of the inner-city black street rats even know were a church is let alone worry about anything but the free chit! Barry Boy knows that, the reverend is not part of his base.
Aww but, even a little truth is like a cancer to the dims, when others see that some of their followers are walking out the gates in protest, many will question their own allegiance.
In some areas it's nearly treasonous to go against the Dim party, as if by doing so, you are taking food from the mouths of babies.
Seeing others stand up in protest gives them strength to question aloud.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: boxlock on August 01, 2012, 04:17:07 AM
Sorry Guys, but I have a hard time believing that any of the inner-city black street rats even know were a church is let alone worry about anything but the free chit! Barry Boy knows that, the reverend is not part of his base.
Understand, the "Church Ladies" ALWAYS vote. And they listen to their ministers. Witness Prop 8 in California and Amendment 1 in North Carolina. Because Obama really doesn't know anything about American blacks, he assumes that the "afrocentric (hate whitey) church of Rev. Wright is the template for all black churches.
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


If the GOP is smart and plays up this administration's attacks on religious liberty, they may convince a good deal of Black and Latino voters to think twice about their vote.


Quote from: mdgiles on August 01, 2012, 06:20:01 AM
Understand, the "Church Ladies" ALWAYS vote. And they listen to their ministers. Witness Prop 8 in California and Amendment 1 in North Carolina. Because Obama really doesn't know anything about American blacks, he assumes that the "afrocentric (hate whitey) church of Rev. Wright is the template for all black churches.
I hadn't thought of it that way. I still have to believe that most of the inner-city blacks will remain firmly in the Barry corner.

When I see the flash mobs, the black panthers etc. I have to wonder just how many blacks are willing to go against the messiah. Let's face it the race issue is not something that will evaporate any time soon. Especially, given the main stream medias bias on their behalf.


Quote from: boxlock on August 01, 2012, 06:45:48 AM
I hadn't thought of it that way. I still have to believe that most of the inner-city blacks will remain firmly in the Barry corner.

When I see the flash mobs, the black panthers etc. I have to wonder just how many blacks are willing to go against the messiah. Let's face it the race issue is not something that will evaporate any time soon. Especially, given the main stream medias bias on their behalf.
I have still to see any actual information as to how large the NBPP is. I wondering if this is simply another media generated phenomena, where they play some small group as a "movement". As for flash mobs, how difficult is it to get a bunch of teenagers (and you notice that many of these mobs are teenagers)  together to get up to no good? Many will join into what the group is doing, for no other reason than they don't want to be left out. How much stupid teenage behavior is predicated upon a desire to be one of the "cool kids"?
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


Quote from: boxlock on August 01, 2012, 06:45:48 AM
I hadn't thought of it that way. I still have to believe that most of the inner-city blacks will remain firmly in the Barry corner.

When I see the flash mobs, the black panthers etc. I have to wonder just how many blacks are willing to go against the messiah. Let's face it the race issue is not something that will evaporate any time soon. Especially, given the main stream medias bias on their behalf.

It's worse now -- not a little worse, a LOT worse -- than it was four years ago. And I think we can blame that fact primarily on what passes for an objective media in this country. "Journalists" these days rank their popularity right down there with CongressCritters and trial lawyers.

"The good news is a busload of [journalists, Congressmen, lawyers] went over a cliff and everyone but the driver was killed. The bad news is there were two empty seats."


To paraphrase an old joke about lawyers: "What do you called ten thousand journalists at the bottom of the ocean"?
Answer" "A good start".
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


There will be people who vote for Obama because he is black just as there are people who won't because he is black.  Most people will look at the past four years and look at where they are and decide if they like the direction they are going.   Checking out Obamas commercials gives me the indication that the last thing he wants is for us to pay attention to his record. 


Quote from: republicans2 on August 01, 2012, 08:20:18 AM
There will be people who vote for Obama because he is black just as there are people who won't because he is black.  Most people will look at the past four years and look at where they are and decide if they like the direction they are going.   Checking out Obamas commercials gives me the indication that the last thing he wants is for us to pay attention to his record.
He wants us to vote against Romney, or not at all.
"LIBERALS: their willful ignorance is rivaled only by their catastrophic stupidity"!


Quote from: boxlock on August 01, 2012, 06:45:48 AM
I hadn't thought of it that way. I still have to believe that most of the inner-city blacks will remain firmly in the Barry corner.

When I see the flash mobs, the black panthers etc. I have to wonder just how many blacks are willing to go against the messiah. Let's face it the race issue is not something that will evaporate any time soon. Especially, given the main stream medias bias on their behalf.

Inner city blacks are the only ones you hear about on the news, from Jesse Jackson, etc., because they fit the "victim" template that has been created by the left, but they are far, far from being the black majority. You will never hear about the millions of middle class black people that have jobs, cars, own their houses, care about their kid's future, go to church, etc.

Yet another mistake that the left and the democrats have made...................the assumption that all black people think and act the same, and are firmly aligned with the democrat party. Hogwash!

The miracle that was Obama, is over.


Quote from: kramarat on August 01, 2012, 08:33:29 AM
Inner city blacks are the only ones you hear about on the news, from Jesse Jackson, etc., because they fit the "victim" template that has been created by the left, but they are far, far from being the black majority. You will never hear about the millions of middle class black people that have jobs, cars, own their houses, care about their kid's future, go to church, etc.

Yet another mistake that the left and the democrats have made...................the assumption that all black people think and act the same, and are firmly aligned with the democrat party. Hogwash!

The miracle that was Obama, is over.

I think it's still quite miraculous that a nation that owned black people, not that long ago, elected a black president.   If not miraculous than a testament to human growth.  It's to bad the people put that type of growth behind a politician rather than "waking up" to the constant reality, politicians are liars, but it was still an amazing sight to see none the less.
"According to Gallup, 68 percent of Americans want corporations to have less influence in America."