Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship

Started by Tacoma, November 06, 2015, 09:21:49 AM

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Listening to Carson on Hannity right now.  Yeah, it looks like Politico lied outright.  Wow.

It's just weird when you can't trust a story from a news site.  Oh well, I won't trust them anymore.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: Solar on November 06, 2015, 01:10:46 PM
Lets be honest, this was a racially motivated attack by the left.
Look at every Dim in their party, not one can hold a candle next to Carson, their lead candidate is a walking scandal, yet somehow we're supposed to hold Carson to a higher level.

I am in no way a Carson fan politically, but he's a good man regardless.
With that said, it's up to Carson to fight, and if he loses, that's OK too, that leaves a RINO, a chameleon and a Constitutional conservative, and we all know who is most qualified.
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A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 06, 2015, 01:28:15 PM
Exactly! And we're supposed to throw Carson under the bus for leftist bull shit?

Trump is being a total ass to Carson.  It's getting rediculous.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on November 06, 2015, 01:35:13 PM
Trump is being a total ass to Carson.  It's getting rediculous.
Hell, this may boost Carson' numbers.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 06, 2015, 01:28:15 PM
Exactly! And we're supposed to throw Carson under the bus for leftist bull shit?

The left is not done, they have this year and next year yet!!
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: Solar on November 06, 2015, 01:37:21 PM
Hell, this may boost Carson' numbers.

I liked him at the beginning.  Now I don't like him.  I may not buy any more Trump ties.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on November 06, 2015, 01:40:33 PM
I liked him at the beginning.  Now I don't like him.  I may not buy any more Trump ties.
I never liked the guy, but his ties and suit collection is rather nice, but then, I haven't worn a suit and tie in 3 decades.
Official Trump Cult Member




Looks like West Point does refer to scholarships:

This has to be the biggest fail by a news site in a long time.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on November 06, 2015, 01:47:57 PM
Looks like West Point does refer to scholarships:

This has to be the biggest fail by a news site in a long time.
Well, at least since the debates on CNBC. :lol:

Remember when Hussein denied ever having met the Communist terrorist Bill Ayers? Gee, yet the media was dead silent on that.
Official Trump Cult Member




The liberal democrats want a lie to be true so bad they would go to any lengths to accomplish that. That's their Impossible Dream .
People sleep peacefully at night because there are a few tough men prepared to do violence on their behalf.

A foolish man complains about his torn pockets.

A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.


Quote from: Bronx on November 06, 2015, 02:03:51 PM
The liberal democrats want a lie to be true so bad they would go to any lengths to accomplish that. That's their Impossible Dream .

What matters to them isn't that it was a lie, its how much traction they can get out of it..  The left has to destroy Carson, he is after all a black man running as a Republican.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan


Quote from: AmericanMom on November 06, 2015, 02:37:15 PM
What matters to them isn't that it was a lie, its how much traction they can get out of it..  The left has to destroy Carson, he is after all a black man running as a Republican.

I think that is more like running as a RINO.  But that's my way of thinking. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."

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