GDP Shows Surprise Drop for U.S. in Fourth Quarter

Started by Solar, January 30, 2013, 07:53:52 AM

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One more surprise, What a Surprise!  The real surprise comes when they are even close to right.  Anyway, all the growth is government driven and the better quarters are really because the govt started pumping the money out.   CNBC in spite of its affiliation to NBC is pretty far from liberal leaning.  Prior to the election I had to check my Sat radio to see if I had tuned into Fox.  Nope they focus on business and what is good for business so it is few and far between that you hear someone talking about how great the policies of Obama are. 

I think I heard Gerhardt on their station and he was talking about how they really need to cut spending so that it is a much lower percentage of GDP than it currently is.  Of course some of his views were lib leaning but his comments were a bit surprising to me.  If he even tried to begin singing praises to Obama most of the commentators on that channel would have jumped on him with all the details that would show how idiotic he was. 

Unlike some of the news stations who have commentators that really do not have a good grasp on what they are talking about most of the people on CNBC really know there stuff and talking lines are just not going to hold up.  Politicians are usually pretty defenseless when you try to get into the specifics. 

I usually jump around to different shows but when something big is going on like the debt debates I go to that station because it is more data driven than any other station.  They are truly capitalists.   

I do not care what the numbers are because right now everything is at the levels they are because of a reckless amount of spending by the Govt.  When any aspect of our economy loses its nerve and backs off the house of cards is going to come tumbling down.  It is not going take years for everything to crumble, it is going to be quick and escalate as it goes.  Stocks will dive so fast that if you hesitate your value will decrease to sickening levels before most realize what is going on. 

Right now we are all expected not to look at the man behind the curtain. 
"An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity."