50 years ago: the most infamous attack ad ever ("Daisy")

Started by quiller, September 08, 2014, 03:46:22 AM

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Quote from: AndyJackson on September 09, 2014, 08:12:38 AM
Sorry, I'm still not 100% cocksure of our upcoming  huge win, as long as part of our strategy includes doing absolutely nothing about the other side's cheating....letting them fight filthy and dishonestly while we remain "gallant"...and allowing their deeply flawed candidates to go through a whole campaign without discussing their flaws.
I have never been either a registered Republican or Democrat, and cordially suggest you be a shade more careful in assigning an "our" or "we" to anyone else. I surely don't object to your use of filthy and dishonesty in regards to the scummunists. If the truth fits, wear it like a tattoo and be proud of it.

QuoteSarah Palin should beat either Clinton or Warren 60-40.  But give 5-10 back for unchallenged fake histories for them, and unchallenged, withering onslaught of Palin by the MSM.....and it's all of a sudden a jump ball.
Palin versus Warren is a far more jump-ball than against Clinton. I am 100% convinced that Shrill has a maximum of 25% of the mainstream media on her side, thanks to Rose Law Firm and everything thereafter. Warren's baggage is comparatively lighter (she's a Nava-ho, don'tcha know) and the media would be forced to simply report her positions --- and let the wimminfolk decide who they can stand to listen to for four or eight years.

QuoteDid you see the new TV show that's coming, "Madam Secretary"  ?  A whole TV series dedicated to portraying Clinton as our deserving next president.
I buy DVDs instead of shelling out for TV. My blood pressure remains far lower that way, with or without any news or infotainment content.

QuoteWhat will we do about it  ?  It could be spoofed to the Nth degree.....but I'll bet you it won't be.  Somebody could make a movie hammering Clinton or selling Palin....but I doubt we ever see it.    It will go unchallenged and earn Clinton a quick 5 million votes.
That one's easy (I said with massive insincerity). Find a Democrat willing to loan you their cell phone and call the theaters showing the film, and say you're a Warren supporter determined to blow them up if they show the film. (Don't borrow the phone under a camera, preferably.) Not only will the Clinton haters not report it, they'll turn on a dime against Warren without ever saying why. They wouldn't dare, for fear of showing they're partisan Democrats, and they are.  (Pat Caddell, eat your dirty trickster heart out.)


Our, we, and us, is conservatives.  Today.  Filthy, cheating, lying scumbags & traitors is liberals, progressives, marxists, socialists, moochers......Today, not liberals that still loved America like JFK, O'Neill, Zell, and Lieberman.  Even incompetent / selfish fools like Carter and LBJ served their country.


Quote from: AndyJackson on September 09, 2014, 10:15:31 AM
Our, we, and us, is conservatives.  Today.  Filthy, cheating, lying scumbags & traitors is liberals, progressives, marxists, socialists, moochers......Today, not liberals that still loved America like JFK, O'Neill, Zell, and Lieberman.  Even incompetent / selfish fools like Carter and LBJ served their country.
LBJ served LBJ and nobody else. His only service was in not running again.

I'm hugely biased, admittedly, being a survivor of his murderous micromanagement during the (*cough*) Vietnam Conflict, which cost this nation more lives than Bushes I and II could EVER have killed. As it would be for his predecessor, I wouldn't waste the time to piss on either man's grave.

I will concede Lieberman and Zell Miller both spoke out against DNC excesses, but oddly enough have seen nothing from either man since Hussein the Magnificent got the chance to murder U.S. troops...and he will.