"What would happen if Hillary Clinton wins?"

Started by quiller, October 03, 2016, 04:35:22 AM

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Quote from: quiller on October 05, 2016, 06:03:05 AM
I've seen both Trump lovers and Hairzilla haters say that Trump simply forgets to take his Ritalin, explaining his behavior. If only one side says it, I doubt it. When both say it, I look at what he does and doesn't do. Ritalin deficiency actually could explain a lot.

Anybody at the New York Slimes ready to explain how they broke federal law to get hands on Trump's tax returns? Or are they too busy explaining how the Slimes used the same tax loopholes just like Trump? Nothing says comedy like them writing a FAVORABLE story on something and then doing three and four corrections, but then they stay 100% quiet about errors (errors? what errors?!?) regarding The Mouth.

Law wasn't broken:
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on October 05, 2016, 07:37:30 AM
Law wasn't broken:

Noted. While we're on the subject, would you be so sanguine if this happened to you?

Oh yeah. How ya feel about their hypocrisy about tax deductions?


Quote from: quiller on October 05, 2016, 08:03:20 AM
Noted. While we're on the subject, would you be so sanguine if this happened to you?

My CPAs would have some 'splainin to do.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on October 05, 2016, 08:04:06 AM
My CPAs would have some 'splainin to do.

Sorry. Added the last sentence while you were posting.


Quote from: quiller on October 05, 2016, 08:03:20 AM
Oh yeah. How ya feel about their hypocrisy about tax deductions?

I like tax deductions.  I consider income taxes as theft, so I don't follow the Marxist narrative that income taxes are somehow patriotic or even necessary.  It's criminals taking our money at the point of a gun, plain and simple.  They do this for collusion and schemes, like subsidizing universities so they can be paid big money for giving speeches after they're out of office.  A politician giving a canned speech is like you or me riding a lazy boy.  Then you have unions, etc etc.

I am more focused on his failure as a businessman.  Since Marxists are driving this news item, they are highlighting the deductions part as a negative.  The real story should be that he is a horrible business person, but that doesn't jive with their false "fairness" narrative.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


In the famous word of Mr T. PAIN, for anyone who doesn't depend on crumbs from the gobment

Cryptic Bert

Hillary is a known and Trump is an unknown. Hillary will give four more years of 1 percent growth. More reckless interventionism in the middle east that will make Bush look like Ron Paul. She have the most secretive administration ever do to her crooked ways and her declining health. She will be the final nail in the democrats coffin.


Quote from: The Boo Man... on October 05, 2016, 06:47:34 PM
Hillary is a known and Trump is an unknown. Hillary will give four more years of 1 percent growth. More reckless interventionism in the middle east that will make Bush look like Ron Paul. She have the most secretive administration ever do to her crooked ways and her declining health. She will be the final nail in the democrats coffin.

I disagree only with that final nail part. The party of crime and sleaze is not nearly done on its toboggan run to the bottom, and a great number of Donks will vote straight-ticket Dem simply because it's what they're programmed for. (LBJ's racist quote about 200 years comes to mind.) Then there's the long-term effects of liberal education....



Quote from: The Boo Man... on October 05, 2016, 06:47:34 PM
Hillary is a known and Trump is an unknown. Hillary will give four more years of 1 percent growth. More reckless interventionism in the middle east that will make Bush look like Ron Paul. She have the most secretive administration ever do to her crooked ways and her declining health. She will be the final nail in the democrats coffin.

ignorance is bliss in the mind of a drone

sorry but trump is not an unknown,
we know hes a liar a cheater of wives an arrogant ass with delusions of a nazi dictator that would make hitler blush. we know he steals from people and bullies them until he gets his way or sues them into bankruptcy, oh and a lousy business man that needs bribes to get ajob done...similar to a 5 yr old.
we know hes a democrat plant,

theres more but I dont want to crash the servers


Quote from: taxed on October 05, 2016, 08:15:15 AM
I like tax deductions.  I consider income taxes as theft, so I don't follow the Marxist narrative that income taxes are somehow patriotic or even necessary.  It's criminals taking our money at the point of a gun, plain and simple.  They do this for collusion and schemes, like subsidizing universities so they can be paid big money for giving speeches after they're out of office.  A politician giving a canned speech is like you or me riding a lazy boy.  Then you have unions, etc etc.

I am more focused on his failure as a businessman.  Since Marxists are driving this news item, they are highlighting the deductions part as a negative.  The real story should be that he is a horrible business person, but that doesn't jive with their false "fairness" narrative.


When I hear the class envy MARXIST CRAP from these politicians, I want to grab my wallet and run the other way!  I'm not interested in the guy who says or implys they will "get even" with whoever, just get the government OUT-OF-THE-WAY so I can pursue my own happiness & prosperity.  It takes a Village to bankrupt a job producer.  I don't care how much money ANYONE has, to me, the only responsibility Government has is LIMITED by the Constitution - everything else is an intrusion into our privacy, and all these government programs are just encouraging more of it.

Hillary scares me - everytime she opens her mouth.
Trump scares me - because he thinks like a Elitist Socialist and shows no genuine empathy for businesses other than his own.  If Trump is for the small businessman, then it's with HIM telling the small businessman HOW to RUN the business - it's too bad I get DUMB looks when I say that... how far we've fallen from Independence into fiscal enslavement of the government.

When I heard Trump say bankers were sharks and he was somehow justified in bankruptcy, all I could think of was the people who had put money into CDs seeing their rate of return cut, would-be homeowners unable to get a decent interest rate or refinance, and a struggling small business trying to make payroll - the banker unable to help them.   Somebody lost a lot of money, and most likely, it wasn't the bankers, it went right down to the "little guys" these politicians claim to be working for... for all I know, it might have been my 401k.

Unfortunately, it looks like Donald is determined to had this over to Hillary - she's just a different kind of "bad".

I'm expecting a new business model - the government telling every business owner how to run their business, or else!  ...and it won't matter which one of these gets in.
All animals are created equal; Some just take longer to cook.   Survival is keeping an eye on those around you...


I sometimes wonder if Trump got in this thinking he would go on a good run and get out with some good publicity and some say in the GOP to help him grow his business even bigger.  He cannot be as inarticulate as he is so often and say things that anyone with a lick of sense knows is going to be twisted around.  One thing about the Libs they have no fear of making a long story up based on a tiny bit of information. Then they run with it like it was fact. Like the saying tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.  They are ruthless and relentless. However, I think if Trump is a Dem plant he will get less done than Hillary because no one will support him. The libs won't allow the dems to vote for anything the R president wants and the GOP will find a backbone to resist him.

I think that he is the path of greatest resistance to the demise of this Republic.  If someone is coming at you and you do not have the weapon of choice on you, you use what is the best of what you have. I guess you can just lay down and take it but I just do not see that as a valid choice. The sad reality is that the conservative movement is not as relentless and cut throat as the libs. They over reality which often sucks but it is the way it is. The libs offer Utopia and a promise that nothing will ever be difficult for them.  Flat out BS but they say it with such confidence that who does not want to think that in a country like this we shouldn't get everything for nothing. 

The French resistance did what they could to fight the Nazi's and I think if someone believes that Trump is the biggest enemy of this country well then vote for Hillary and say that you are and just the opposite. I just cannot understand laying down and just taking it. I just do not see that as principled.  I get it that electing Trump is like fighting the evil empire with pebbles but the opportunity to go against Hillary with something better is past.  I know lots of you are going to toss out all kinds of names because of what I say but all I ask is that you say what you are going to do on election day and why that is the choice that provides the greatest resistance to the slope that this country is sliding down.   If you have a good rationale maybe I might follow it but for now I do not see a better choice.
"An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity."


Quote from: raptor5618 on October 06, 2016, 12:19:44 PM
I sometimes wonder if Trump got in this thinking he would go on a good run and get out with some good publicity and some say in the GOP to help him grow his business even bigger.  He cannot be as inarticulate as he is so often and say things that anyone with a lick of sense knows is going to be twisted around.  One thing about the Libs they have no fear of making a long story up based on a tiny bit of information. Then they run with it like it was fact. Like the saying tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.  They are ruthless and relentless. However, I think if Trump is a Dem plant he will get less done than Hillary because no one will support him. The libs won't allow the dems to vote for anything the R president wants and the GOP will find a backbone to resist him.

I think that he is the path of greatest resistance to the demise of this Republic.  If someone is coming at you and you do not have the weapon of choice on you, you use what is the best of what you have. I guess you can just lay down and take it but I just do not see that as a valid choice. The sad reality is that the conservative movement is not as relentless and cut throat as the libs. They over reality which often sucks but it is the way it is. The libs offer Utopia and a promise that nothing will ever be difficult for them.  Flat out BS but they say it with such confidence that who does not want to think that in a country like this we shouldn't get everything for nothing. 

The French resistance did what they could to fight the Nazi's and I think if someone believes that Trump is the biggest enemy of this country well then vote for Hillary and say that you are and just the opposite. I just cannot understand laying down and just taking it. I just do not see that as principled.  I get it that electing Trump is like fighting the evil empire with pebbles but the opportunity to go against Hillary with something better is past.  I know lots of you are going to toss out all kinds of names because of what I say but all I ask is that you say what you are going to do on election day and why that is the choice that provides the greatest resistance to the slope that this country is sliding down.   If you have a good rationale maybe I might follow it but for now I do not see a better choice.

IF you take the time and read the board posting that have been made.  You would know what most of us will be doing on election day.   But like other shills, you come in and push a NY liberal. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on October 06, 2016, 01:13:27 PM
IF you take the time and read the board posting that have been made.  You would know what most of us will be doing on election day.   But like other shills, you come in and push a NY liberal.

I am certainly not pushing Trump. So what are most of you doing on election day. I am not a shill and how calling me a name or insulting me is any different than what the Dems do is beyond my understanding.  I am not in this forum saying that you are wrong and I am right.  Insulting me is no way to make a point nor make me understand the "logic" of your choice.  I think it is perfectly logical to believe that if a large group of people with a conservative view vote for anyone else they insure that Hillary will win as surely not one of those voters ever considered voting for the Dem candidate but surely have voted for many of the republican candidates.

Once Hillary is in office what is the plan from there and why will it work?  Illegals will have the right to vote,  will be getting handouts like crazy, conservative groups will be audited and fined and prevented from getting nonprofit status.  The supreme court will be Liberal for decades so decisions on the constitution will defy any logic as they have already shown that they have no qualms to just make it up as they go along. 

Please present a reasoned answer to why I am wrong instead of derision and insults.  If you really are for growing the conservative movement surely you are not going to succeed by insulting anyone who is not fully onboard with your concept.  I never said you or anyone should do anything. I asked why you are doing what you are doing. 
"An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity."


Quote from: raptor5618 on October 06, 2016, 01:27:54 PM
I am certainly not pushing Trump.
Yes you are.

So what are most of you doing on election day.
Watching Hillary win.

I am not a shill and how calling me a name or insulting me is any different than what the Dems do is beyond my understanding.  I am not in this forum saying that you are wrong and I am right.  Insulting me is no way to make a point nor make me understand the "logic" of your choice.  I think it is perfectly logical to believe that if a large group of people with a conservative view vote for anyone else they insure that Hillary will win as surely not one of those voters ever considered voting for the Dem candidate but surely have voted for many of the republican candidates.
I don't want either to win.  Just because your radical liberal has an (R) doesn't mean he's better than the other radical liberal.  Remember "burn it down" that the Trump bots got the weak minded to buy into?  Well, let's burn it down.  A New York radical liberal who can't win his home state may be your last bit of hope, but most of us just don't share your delusion.  Let's get on with whatever is going to happen.

Once Hillary is in office what is the plan from there and why will it work?
It won't.  She'll destroy us just like the GOP.

  Illegals will have the right to vote,  will be getting handouts like crazy, conservative groups will be audited and fined and prevented from getting nonprofit status.  The supreme court will be Liberal for decades so decisions on the constitution will defy any logic as they have already shown that they have no qualms to just make it up as they go along. 
Correct, the GOP would continue to do all of that.  But, the Dems will steal that glory.

Please present a reasoned answer to why I am wrong instead of derision and insults.  If you really are for growing the conservative movement surely you are not going to succeed by insulting anyone who is not fully onboard with your concept.  I never said you or anyone should do anything. I asked why you are doing what you are doing.
When you post silliness, it will be met with some ribbing.  May I ask how old you are?
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: taxed on October 06, 2016, 01:37:45 PM
Yes you are.
Watching Hillary win.
I don't want either to win.  Just because your radical liberal has an (R) doesn't mean he's better than the other radical liberal.  Remember "burn it down" that the Trump bots got the weak minded to buy into?  Well, let's burn it down.  A New York radical liberal who can't win his home state may be your last bit of hope, but most of us just don't share your delusion.  Let's get on with whatever is going to happen.
It won't.  She'll destroy us just like the GOP.
Correct, the GOP would continue to do all of that.  But, the Dems will steal that glory.
When you post silliness, it will be met with some ribbing.  May I ask how old you are?

Probably old enough to be your father. I remember when watching patriotic movies was the norm and not politically incorrect. When you did something wrong you were going to pay for it one way or another.   I am only years away from the day where it won't matter what happens here.  So I have seen lots, experienced lots and realize that calling someone a name is no way to conduct a discussion.  Silly I am not.  Pushing Trump I am not. I asked why because I cannot see the logic in just letting Hillary win. That is my view not me telling anyone what their view should be. So get off the I am pushing Trump.

I also am not delusional. I am certain that this country as we know it will be gone after 4 years of Hillary. I was sure that Obama would lead this country exactly as he did. I have seen many people just like him and it was clear that he was a know nothing that thought he knew it all and was going to lead based on an ideology and not based on what is best for this country.   

I can counter disagreement but there is nothing to discuss when the counter argument to what I say is an insult.  I also understand having hope and a vision of what could be.  But I have learned that what could be is not always possible and certainly not possible unless there is enough effort and energy to make it happen.  Germany and Italy took the path we are going down and it only ended when both countries were in rubbles. I certainly hope that is not where we are heading but I suspect that this country is headed towards a catastrophic ending where hopefully something good emerges but it would be so much better to find that good ending without the whole thing falling in around our ears. 

Cruz is a good honest person I believe but he is not the leader that can inspire much more than those who already believe.  Toss in all the damage that was done to his reputation and I think there is no hope that he is the person who will bring conservatism to the front.  The choir believes but the congregation needs to be convinced and I just do not think he has a chance of getting that chance with the non believers.  For my kids and grandkids I hope that someone with the right views and the ability to speak those views clearly emerges but I think that this election is surely is the one where the sun has finally dropped from the sky and the question of is it rising or setting is no longer a question that needs to be asked. 

I do not suspect that I will see either the collapse or the turn around.  But I guess from your demeanor that you are much younger than I and surely will see which path this country goes down.  So I believe that the path you chose is only possible if conservatives tolerate those who are not as convinced as they are, that they teach rather than lecture, that they give those who are not convinced time to understand and that most of all they learn to listen.  A closed elite conservative group is just as bad as a closed elite liberal group.   
"An armed man will kill an unarmed man with monotonous regularity."