VA court rejects Democrats' felon voting order

Started by quiller, July 23, 2016, 03:43:06 AM

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Looks like Clintonistas in Virginia aren't going to get their Cellblock Vote this cycle.....

QuoteRICHMOND, Va. –  Gov. Terry McAuliffe's action restoring the voting rights of more than 200,000 felons was unconstitutional, Virginia's highest court ruled Friday, siding with Republican lawmakers who said the governor overstepped his authority.

In a 4-3 decision, the Supreme Court of Virginia ordered the state to cancel the registration of the more than 11,000 felons who had signed up to vote so far under the governor's April executive order. Top Republicans called it "a major victory for the Constitution, the rule of law and the Commonwealth of Virginia." 

"Our nation was founded on the principles of limited government and separation of powers. Those principles have once again withstood assault from the executive branch. This opinion is a sweeping rebuke of the governor's unprecedented assertion of executive authority," House Speaker William Howell and Senate Majority Leader Thomas Norment said in a statement.


There's still the dead voters that will vote for them.