UVA Gang Rape Story -- And Narrative -- Collapses

Started by TboneAgain, December 05, 2014, 02:07:00 PM

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For those of you who haven't had time to keep up with the current fad of young ladies claiming to have been raped on a college campus, here's the latest....

A pair of cases currently in the news are supporting the old narrative of rich and/or privileged and/or powerful white boys raping innocent females on our college campuses. (Remember the Duke lacrosse scandal? Good times...) Specifically, Lena Dunham, who seems to be well-known for some reason, has claimed in a recent memoir that she was brutally raped by a "prominent conservative Republican" male student while she was attending uber-liberal Oberlin College in Ohio. And Rolling Stone reported several weeks ago about "Jackie," a young lady who was allegedly gang-raped by five (or seven, depending on the version of the story) fraternity pledges in a frat house near the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, Virginia, in November, 2012.

Neither alleged sexual assaults were ever reported to police authorities. Both stories are rather dramatically falling apart, exposing their originators and their enablers for the rank partisans and agenda-driven Leftists they truly are.

Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller just posted this article on the Dunham case, which in turn refers to some fairly in-depth research done by the good folks at Breitbart.com. The research found that not one detail in Dunham's story can be verified other than the location of Oberlin College and the fact that she went to school there:

QuoteThe last time I paid any attention to Lena Dunham, she was explaining why she wasn't really comparing herself to a sexual predator when she compared herself to a sexual predator. [In her book, she recounts how she sexually assaulted her own younger sister.] Now her claim to have been the prey in another act of sexual assault is being fact-checked. This is bad news for people who don't think facts matter in such accusations.

In her bestselling memoir, Not That Kind of Girl, Dunham devotes a chapter to leveling a rape accusation against a "mustachioed campus Republican" she calls "Barry," back when she was a 19-year-old student at Oberlin. It's the sort of thing that's too good to check if you're a member of the mainstream media or a Lena Dunham fan (pardon the redundancy). But Breitbart's John Nolte did the work, and Dunham's apologists aren't going to like it.

The UVA story, which was lavishly written up by Sabrina Rubin Erdely for Rolling Stone this past November 19, tells of a young woman ("Jackie," supposedly her real nickname) who suffered hours of rape and sexual abuse at the hands of a number of frat boys. But a bit of rudimentary investigation by sources outside the magazine has, again, found that none of the alleged facts of the case can be verified, and that most of the story is contradicted by school and fraternity records. The Daily Caller has a nice summary write-up that covers both cases.

QuoteSabrina Rubin Erdely's story in the November issue of Rolling Stone about an alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia frat party has produced waves of skepticism from other journalists. Writing in Slate, for an example at the higher end of thoroughness, Allison Benedikt and Hanna Rosin discuss "The Missing Men," the nine alleged perpetrators of the gang rape — that Erdely didn't interview.

WTF is going on here? Is this an issue that can only be supported by lies and fraud?
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington


Quote from: TboneAgain on December 05, 2014, 02:07:00 PM
For those of you who haven't had time to keep up with the current fad of young ladies claiming to have been raped on a college campus, here's the latest....

A pair of cases currently in the news are supporting the old narrative of rich and/or privileged and/or powerful white boys raping innocent females on our college campuses. (Remember the Duke lacrosse scandal? Good times...) Specifically, Lena Dunham, who seems to be well-known for some reason, has claimed in a recent memoir that she was brutally raped by a "prominent conservative Republican" male student while she was attending uber-liberal Oberlin College in Ohio. And Rolling Stone reported several weeks ago about "Jackie," a young lady who was allegedly gang-raped by five (or seven, depending on the version of the story) fraternity pledges in a frat house near the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, Virginia, in November, 2012.

Neither alleged sexual assaults were ever reported to police authorities. Both stories are rather dramatically falling apart, exposing their originators and their enablers for the rank partisans and agenda-driven Leftists they truly are.

Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller just posted this article on the Dunham case, which in turn refers to some fairly in-depth research done by the good folks at Breitbart.com. The research found that not one detail in Dunham's story can be verified other than the location of Oberlin College and the fact that she went to school there:

The UVA story, which was lavishly written up by Sabrina Rubin Erdely for Rolling Stone this past November 19, tells of a young woman ("Jackie," supposedly her real nickname) who suffered hours of rape and sexual abuse at the hands of a number of frat boys. But a bit of rudimentary investigation by sources outside the magazine has, again, found that none of the alleged facts of the case can be verified, and that most of the story is contradicted by school and fraternity records. The Daily Caller has a nice summary write-up that covers both cases.

WTF is going on here? Is this an issue that can only be supported by lies and fraud?

The fraternity should sue her.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"

Darth Fife

Tbone, my friend, here is the deal.

Of course these are lies! And the people who put these young women up to it (The Democrat's Office of Dirty Tricks) know that eventually they will be proven to be lies.

But, that is not what matters. What matters is they got their propaganda points out there - Republicans Rape innocent Women! And, in the long run, that is all the general public will remember - Republican's Rape Women!

No one will remember that the stories were false, because any retraction (if any is offered at all) will be in small print on the back of page D-25 in the New York Times!

Even, today, I'll wager that if you mention the Duke Lacrosse Team incident to anyone other than political/news junkies like ourselves, the response you will get will be something like, "Oh, yeah. Thems those rich white kids what raped that poor African-American single mom!

And that is exactly what the Democrats want!



Quote from: Darth Fife on December 05, 2014, 02:19:07 PM
Tbone, my friend, here is the deal.

Of course these are lies! And the people who put these young women up to it (The Democrat's Office of Dirty Tricks) know that eventually they will be proven to be lies.

But, that is not what matters. What matters is they got their propaganda points out there - Republicans Rape innocent Women! And, in the long run, that is all the general public will remember - Republican's Rape Women!

No one will remember that the stories were false, because any retraction (if any is offered at all) will be in small print on the back of page D-25 in the New York Times!

Even, today, I'll wager that if you mention the Duke Lacrosse Team incident to anyone other than political/news junkies like ourselves, the response you will get will be something like, "Oh, yeah. Thems those rich white kids what raped that poor African-American single mom!

And that is exactly what the Democrats want!


As for Lena Dunham, I believe that this creature is her.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She's definitely a "two bagger".


kit saginaw

Reminds me of the Leftist liar, Stephen Glass, and The New Republic scandal... except that was one guy making-up dozens of 'true' stories.  Until he concocted one about 'young Republicans' partying out of control at one the conventions.  And was fact-checked on it. 

His career fell-apart.

There's a great movie about it, called Shattered Glass.  It's well worth checking-out. 


For all the talk of a war on women,a war on the poor,a war on blacks the only real war being applied is a war on men. White men to be specific and independent thinkers. What better way to attack them than with sexual predatory behavior.

As Rush has said in the past and today. It doesn't matter that these specific allegations are false. The leftists know,or so they believe, these things are happening anyway. If they have to make up a story to get "the conversation" started,so be it.
Democrats love me this I know. For the TV tells me so.


Quote from: Rasputttin on December 05, 2014, 06:12:21 PM
For all the talk of a war on women,a war on the poor,a war on blacks the only real war being applied is a war on men. White men to be specific and independent thinkers. What better way to attack them than with sexual predatory behavior.

As Rush has said in the past and today. It doesn't matter that these specific allegations are false. The leftists know,or so they believe, these things are happening anyway. If they have to make up a story to get "the conversation" started,so be it.

Sexual predatory behavior.... and murderous racist behavior! Perhaps it's no accident that the MSM has chosen those two themes to use as distractions of late. In other words, all they have left now is the old Dan Rather defense: "fake but accurate."
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington


Well, mrc, I see two "problems" with that case of alleged rape. First, the alleged perps are black - they don't fit the MSM's narrative. Second, the university handled it properly, going through the criminal justice system rather than through an internal investigation by cop-wannabes and an internal kangaroo court. A third possible "problem" is if the alleged victim is black, the MSM's current narrative focuses on white-on-white sexual assaults (the white-guys-assaulting-young-black-women narrative is so a couple of years ago, courtesy of Crystal Mangum).

Envy is Greed's bigger, more evil, twin.

Those who can, do.
Those who know, teach.
Ignorant incapables, regulate.

Darth Fife

Quote from: SVPete on December 06, 2014, 05:14:20 AM
First, the alleged perps are black - they don't fit the MSM's narrative.

Really, that is all that matters to the MSM. That is why the story got buried!



Quote from: MACMan on December 05, 2014, 02:55:03 PM
As for Lena Dunham, I believe that this creature is her.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She's definitely a "two bagger".


My daughter actually believes that men are out to attack her.  This did not come from me!  It came from what she has described (think social media) as "rape culture."  So, they have been successful.

I'm afraid I don't know what "two bagger" means.

DaisyJane     :blushing:


Quote from: DaisyJane on December 06, 2014, 04:27:29 PM
My daughter actually believes that men are out to get her.  This did not come from me!  It came from what she has described (think social media) as "rape culture."  So, they have been successful.

I'm afraid I don't know what "two bagger" means.

DaisyJane     :blushing:

The urban dictionaries could tell you... just google 'two bagger.'

From my own (male) experience, the term refers to a female partner so, um...  plain that you need to put a bag over her head before engaging in sex, and another bag over your own head, in case her bag breaks or comes off.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington



The Washington Post today published a devastating takedown of the whole UVA debacle, and a complete refutation of "Jackie's" story. You can read the whole thing here.

In addition, Allahpundit, writing for HotAir, put some poisonous finishing touches on WaPo's work. Here's a snip:

QuoteClearly, WaPo thinks Jackie made up the story of the mystery man to try to make Randall jealous, and when it didn't work, she allegedly made up the story of the rape to gain his sympathy. Randall was, in fact, one of the three students whom she called on the night of the alleged rape to comfort her. In fact, the name of the mystery man that she gave to Randall and other friends in late 2012 didn't match the name that she gave to other friends more recently about who supposedly attacked her that night. "Drew," the man named in the Rolling Stone piece, did work as a lifeguard but insists he never met her and isn't a member of Phi Kappa Psi. If all of that is true, it means she falsely accused not one but two innocent men of being ringleaders for a gang rape.

And why didn't ace reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely and the crack Rolling Stone fact-checking team find this out? Easy, silly: According to all three of the friends who comforted Jackie on the night of her "rape," including Randall, Erdely never contacted them. She evidently preferred to smear them by taking Jackie's word for it that they were callous to her, worried more about their own access to future frat parties than having Jackie go to the police. (In hindsight, you wonder if that portrayal of Randall wasn't Jackie's revenge on him for rejecting her.)
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington

Darth Fife

Quote from: TboneAgain on December 06, 2014, 04:32:22 PM
The urban dictionaries could tell you... just google 'two bagger.'

From my own (male) experience, the term refers to a female partner so, um...  plain that you need to put a bag over her head before engaging in sex, and another bag over your own head, in case her bag breaks or comes off.

I can confidently say, I've never gone to bed with and ugly woman - I've woken up with quite a few, though!



Quote from: Darth Fife on December 15, 2014, 11:12:00 AM
I can confidently say, I've never gone to bed with and ugly woman - I've woken up with quite a few, though!


Just like Willie Nelson described it....

"Last night I went home at 2 with a ten, and woke up at 10 with a 2."  :tounge:

Never done that m'self... Nope. Not even once. I swear.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington


Quote from: TboneAgain on December 15, 2014, 11:22:47 AM
Just like Willie Nelson described it....

"Last night I went home at 2 with a ten, and woke up at 10 with a 2."  :tounge:

Never done that m'self... Nope. Not even once. I swear.


Sums it up!
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"