US Navy Scandal Drags On And On And (yawn) On...

Started by kit saginaw, November 17, 2014, 03:37:41 PM

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kit saginaw

Like with Bergdahl, the investigation of The Head Of Naval Intelligence; Vice Admiral Ted Branch and his deputy, Rear Admiral Bruce Loveless, and a host of other officers... has no end in-sight.

I'd be a hypocrite if I posted another Bergdahl-thread without updating the GDMA/Navy bribery scandal...

The original investigator who leaked info to Glenn Defense Marine Asia, Ltd. was indicted a year ago:

The investigation is now widening...

The allegations, which remain unclear, stem from conduct prior to their assignments and before they made admiral, said Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Navy's top spokesman, who added the two flag officers are retaining their rank and have been placed on temporary leave.

By mid-November, the Navy had canceled all contracts with GDMA, worth altogether just over $200 million.

How it's been affecting morale:

What many in the military are seeing is the spread of corruption among senior officers who use political correctness and zero tolerance has an excuse for bad behavior and an excuse to avoid doing nothing about the problem. It's a toxic environment that benefits no one.

Solve it, people.  No wonder these $400-hammer stories are used to hammer average stockholders, who regard defense-procurement as a viable industry to place faith in.