Hillary Compares Email Attacks to Whitewater, Other Clinton Controversies

Started by redbeard, September 27, 2015, 02:54:28 PM

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Quote from: redbeard on September 27, 2015, 02:54:28 PM
Republicans? It is the courts and this administration pushing this scandal and she is blaming those nasty republicans? Must be the republican controlled sate department or the republican controlled FBI!! This is really funny but also sad to watch her attempt to deflect the responsibility! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Obama was out there doing the same last sunday too. Trying to blame the Republicans, saying it's not a big deal, no national security issue at all here. Inappropriately, and illegally attempting to influence the ongoing FBI criminal probe.  :rolleyes:

Nevermind that the FBI is who is investigating this, not the Republicans.

Nevermind that the FBI has already said, and we know for a fact, that data breach's releasing what is/were classified materials did happen, because she inappropriately secured the materials, thereby creating the very national security issue, this incompetent potus says didn't happen. :rolleyes:

Seriously whats next, these two going to blame the RNC for giving hillary's goofball brat a set of teeth you can eat apples through a fence with?
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