NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the ‘Broken Constitution’ and ‘Reclaim America’

Started by Solar, August 22, 2022, 06:55:54 AM

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I haven't really read their shit yet, but since this is the track the left wants to take. I figured I better post it.

Well, the left finally admits, our Constitution does not make us a democracy, so it must be replaced. :sneaky:

The "broken" and "famously undemocratic" U.S. Constitution "stands in the way" of "real" freedom and democracy, according to a New York Times op-ed by two Ivy League law professors.

The pair issued a call to "radically alter the basic rules of the game" by no longer requiring us to "justify our politics by the Constitution."

A Friday New York Times essay, titled "The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed," and penned by law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale, claims when liberals "lose in the Supreme Court" they often blame justices for misreading the Constitution, yet in reality, "struggling over the Constitution has proved a dead end."

"The real need is not to reclaim the Constitution, as many would have it, but instead to reclaim America from constitutionalism," the authors assert, as they attack the "some centuries-old text."

Official Trump Cult Member




This crap just affirms the brilliance of our founding fathers. They foresaw this kind of crap and structured the Constitution in a manner that makes any changes very difficult. This is what drives leftists nuts.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"

Sick Of Silence

Constitution isn't broken, but it has some damage from left-wing politician's laws.
With all these lawyers with cameras on the street i'm shocked we have so much crime in the world.

There is constitutional law and there is law and order. This challenge to law and order is always the start to loosing our constitutional rights.

Frauditors are a waste of life.