Malaysian Passenger-Jet Shot-Down Over Ukraine

Started by kit saginaw, July 17, 2014, 09:06:08 AM

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Quote from: walkstall on July 17, 2014, 02:53:33 PM

Hmm...  One of Hillary lost missile?   :glare:

I'm waiting for them to blame the tea party.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: taxed on July 17, 2014, 03:01:02 PM
I'm waiting for them to blame the tea party.

Yes, yes it could only have come from the tea party.  They have been stockpiling them for over 2000 year,  :sneaky: so they tell me. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Spanish air-dispatcher in Kiev airport
"The B 777 aircraft flew escorted by 2 ukraine fighter jets until minutes before disappearing from radar"

Cryptic Bert

Quote from: kalash on July 17, 2014, 04:42:16 PM
Spanish air-dispatcher in Kiev airport
"The B 777 aircraft flew escorted by 2 ukraine fighter jets until minutes before disappearing from radar"
Really? You are using Twitter as a source?

What are you on?


Cryptic Bert


Quote from: kit saginaw on July 17, 2014, 02:50:52 PM
Total propaganda and you know it.

Nice try. 

The Donetsk seperatists shot-down a Ukrainian cargo-plane with their stolen BUK-unit on Monday, then bragged about it on their website and Twitter-page.  Then a Russian fighter-jet shot-down a Ukrainian fighter-jet yesterday, with more hootin' and hollerin'.

The same sites bragged about launching a BUK at a "Ukranian cargo-plane" today at the time the jet vanished from Malaysian-radar...  for 26-minutes.  Then the sites went blank.

Putin's almost as big of a liar as our President.
Don't dispute Ukraine with me please, just listen and nodd politely...
"...Terrorists didn't seized military equipment defense Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donetsk,  military reported to the President Peter Poroshenko after downing aircraft over the Donetsk region, told the Prosecutor General Vitaly Yarema .

"After having been hit by a passenger plane, the military reported to the President that the terrorists didn't  have our missile systems" Buk "and C300. They didn't capture them " - Yarema said in comments  to newspaper "Ukrainian truth"

Defense Ministry already refuted information released citing unofficial sources about the alleged capture by "terrorists" anti-aircraft missiles defense parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donetsk region.

"Press and Information Office of the Ministry of Defence announced that on June 29 the decision of the commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and military machinery of antiaircraft missile regiment in Donetsk were quickly relocated to a certain place. On the territory of the military control was only an old and unusable automotive electronics, that the military even more incapacitated. Eventually terrorists entered the territory  "- said in a statement the Ministry of Defense. "


Official Trump Cult Member



Billy's bayonet

Russians NEVER do anything casually, IF (and right now its a big if) some "Ukranian Militia" shot this plane down it was likely  mistaken for a Russian aircraft. The other possible explaination is that the Russians shot it down for whatever reason (who was on board??????)and blame it or Ukraine in order to go in after them and reconstitute the USSR as Putin the great wants.
Evil operates best when under a disguise




kit saginaw

Quote from: kalash on July 17, 2014, 05:39:17 PM
Don't dispute Ukraine with me please, just listen and nodd politely...

Your guys are preventing anyone, including international aeronautical-crash investigators from examining the wreckage.  The jet's black-boxes are being sent to Moscow, allegedly.  Why?

It's a Dutch Airlines plane. 

And it's also alleged that the dead bodies are being sent to Moscow.  That's insane, if true.

The people who murdered yours-and-my hypothetical families are going to 'handle' their remains, then grant us permission to spend our money to come and claim them??

Let's go to a neutral, far-flung news-source... Jo-berg, South Africa;

A Malaysian airliner was shot down over eastern Ukraine by militants on Thursday, killing all 295 people aboard, a Ukrainian interior ministry official was quoted as saying by Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

No mention of your anti-Kiev insider claims. 


I think I'm gonna' wait and get the truth of this from katsung.

He's always got the lowdown. 

"He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad."

Cryptic Bert

Looks like Kalash is one of the "useful idiots"...


Quote from: PeterR on July 17, 2014, 08:19:33 PM
I think I'm gonna' wait and get the truth of this from katsung.

He's always got the lowdown.
Ahh, so it was aliens that did it, or was it govt mind control again?
That guy is a real trip.
Official Trump Cult Member




Another opinion:

"The reporting on this incident has been ridiculous. There is ZERO evidence that this plane was shot down.
There is, however, evidence that the Boeing 777 has suffered a myriad of problems, including an FFA report warning this spring that without proper maintenance it could break up in flight. (Which appear to be what happened)
It concerns me that our usually careful journalists can only see this through the lens of the crisis in Ukraine. The NY Times, CNN, BBC reporters need to take a deep breath, and just report the facts.
The facts point to a flawed plane, which requires enormous and careful maintenance, which, having lost two of these behemoths of the sky, the Malaysians just are not capable of operating."