Gary Bauer: Abortion killed more than those who found jobs under Obama regime

Started by quiller, June 23, 2014, 09:26:00 AM

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Quote( – Former presidential candidate and conservative-values advocate Gary Bauer said President Barack Obama's legacy should be the fruit of his pro-abortion policies: more killed by abortion than the number of jobs created.

"This ought to be the epitaph of this administration: In the last five years under this president more babies have been aborted than jobs have been created," Bauer said on Friday at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference in Washington, D.C.

"Now that is a good summary of this president," said Bauer, who is president of the nonprofit American Values. "Few things make Barack Obama more passionate than abortion on demand."

Who cares about dead AMERICAN babies when this administration wants to import so many young Hispanics? Why fret about abortion when it's the wrong useless mouths we'd be feeding if OUR kids were all allowed to live, grow up and ultimately become taxpayers?....

All those discouraged workers who are no longer counted? No problem. Employment's rosy under Hussein the Magnificent, Lord of the TelePrompterâ„¢.

Liberalism: a poison in America, self-replicating no matter how hard the left tries to murder its young.