Do Black lives really matter?

Started by tac, July 26, 2015, 07:15:41 AM

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Quote from: zewazir on July 28, 2015, 06:21:51 PM
Actually, if I were to start using a similar type label, I would probably call it the Federal Political Machine, since, in reality, all gains in power over the decades have invariably been used by both parties, regardless of which party was in power when the new authority was usurped.  I mention the democratic party as the primary instigator in the race war because they are the party which continues to promote the federal policies which are resulting in the racial divisions we see today. And it has been magnified by an order of magnitude since the O took office.
My original post, if seeming hyperbolic, was simply due to trying to describe a vastly complicated issue with vastly complicated history in less than a book sized entry. Sorry if I did so poorly.

Truth be known, your knowledge is probably just more up to date than mine. As some here know, I am on something of a personal mission to assure all in the Tea have been briefed on the history of patronage politics, immigrant driven, in New York, Boston, Phila, New Haven, Chi, SF., so that by the time I get around to checking out, I can say that at least I tried. I am a MA native, 1944.
What I mean is this popular idea that the state's attorneys have put an end to patronage politics, which is really illegal, in those cities, is just another Democratic lie.
The truth is that those organizations have used the majority rule to extend power to the State Houses and, as you observe, the nation's capitol. 
Therefore the push to "residential integration," which is, of course, serves a high moral purpose.  :blink:

I could be putting my foot in my mouth. You could be a Princeton professor for all  I know, and here I am, presuming to correct you. But, in honesty, I or anyone else here can only offer gut reaction, well intentioned.  No flippancy intended by referring to you as z-man. Just that the name is not familiar to me.

So, yeah, I take the effort you are making to frame issues to be worthwhile and quite provoking. I am not sure how you would deal with the question of your presuming to speak for the black population, but that's your bridge to cross. Still, I see you having the framework for an argument, a thesis, and won't hesitate to offer an opinion, with your permission.


I have no idea what is meant by "presuming to speak for the black population".  I am not presuming to speak for anyone.

I am proposing a hypothesis as to the origins and causes of the current level of racial division in our society. Specifically, that the current social conditions between races is the result of deliberate social engineering on the part of the humanist progressive faction of the federal government; social engineering which remains unopposed by the so-called conservative faction of the federal government because they, too, use the reward of increased federal authority.

I am also proposing that as long as governmental policies continue to focus on race, the racial tensions on our society will continue and probably get worse. IF policies were to be rewritten to ignore race and only respond to economic conditions, which is supposedly why those policies exist in the first place, racial relations in our society would have a chance to heal.


Quote from: zewazir on July 29, 2015, 07:41:03 AM
I have no idea what is meant by "presuming to speak for the black population".  I am not presuming to speak for anyone.

I am proposing a hypothesis as to the origins and causes of the current level of racial division in our society. Specifically, that the current social conditions between races is the result of deliberate social engineering on the part of the humanist progressive faction of the federal government; social engineering which remains unopposed by the so-called conservative faction of the federal government because they, too, use the reward of increased federal authority.

I am also proposing that as long as governmental policies continue to focus on race, the racial tensions on our society will continue and probably get worse. IF policies were to be rewritten to ignore race and only respond to economic conditions, which is supposedly why those policies exist in the first place, racial relations in our society would have a chance to heal.
Hindsight and history prove you to be correct.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on July 29, 2015, 07:56:29 AM
Hindsight and history prove you to be correct.

B: I need help. It's all your fault. Give me a handout.
W: Oh, all right. Here's a handout.
B: Now look what you have gone and done. You have made me dependent.

That's the argument I find absurd. It is a con.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 29, 2015, 08:37:59 AM
B: I need help. It's all your fault. Give me a handout.
W: Oh, all right. Here's a handout.
B: Now look what you have gone and done. You have made me dependent.

That's the argument I find absurd. It is a con.

I think if you grow up with that kind of thinking, it becomes a way of life for a lot of people.  They don't know any different.  It takes good role models to break the cycle.
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 28, 2015, 01:08:23 PM
But when it comes to how we write the law, and how we implement policy, it all needs to be 100% color blind.  Sounds good in practice. In reality, let's not confuse black with white. Two cultures. Two sets of values. When the Black Panthers declared war on the police, there was no implication that I would join in. In fact, after they win the war with police, they'll probably start on white men over 50 and all white women.

The reason the demoncraps insist on focusing on skin color (and any other differences they can exploit) is because they are using it in the age-old strategy of divide and conquer.
  When was black and white anything but divided? Sometimes I listen to recordings by Nat King Cole and Natalie, watch pre 1960 films, and think to myself, what fools the black and white are. They were actually beginning to assimilate. Of course they will tell you things were never good for them. Again, that leads us to Liberia.

The democrats never gave up on keeping slaves, they just found a different way of doing it.  What in the world is that supposed to mean? I see zero exploitation of black labor. Black votes, maybe. But any city  Democratic machine liberal will tell you they have no answer to the race issue. Believe me, they have tried.

Just once I would like to hear a news report that simply states a man (or woman) was involved with such-and-such event. No race, no color, no black v. white.
  On this we are in complete agreement.
Let me explain it to you red. The welfare system as it exists today, punish's and penalizes anyone, who once on it, even tries to better themselves and get off of it. Even forcing some folks to pay the government the money, that say, they need for school, if they do.

Which btw, they do to injured and disabled vets too. It really is "how dare you step off the government plantation without our permission, well we got something for that"!
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


Quote from: red_dirt on July 29, 2015, 08:37:59 AM
B: I need help. It's all your fault. Give me a handout.
W: Oh, all right. Here's a handout.
B: Now look what you have gone and done. You have made me dependent.

That's the argument I find absurd. It is a con.
Because your condensation of the situation is grossly inaccurate.

A more accurate description is:

Blacks: We deserve equal opportunity!

Whites (small voice): Yes, you do.

Racists (large voice): No, you don't.

Whites (growing voice): YES, they DO!

Racists (shrinking voice): NO, they DON'T!

Blacks: Yes, we do!

Whites (large voice): Yes, they do!

Racists (small voice): No, they'll ruin everything!!

Government: Yes, they do.

Liberal Government: But only on our terms.

Blacks: Give us equal rights!

Whites (LARGE voice): Give them equal rights!

Racists (squeaky voice): They have too many already!

Liberal Government: We did, but they still cannot make it on their own, so we need special programs.

Liberal Government: Here, we'll give you special housing projects (while complaining about segregation.) Gotta raise taxes, though, and add more regulations.

Liberal Government: Here, we'll give you money for your children (Be sure to have lots by multiple men, and don't bother getting married because it will screw up your benefits.) Gotta raise taxes, though, and add more regulations.

Liberal Government: Hey, you need special considerations to "level the playing field". (because, according to the liberal government, blacks aren't good enough to compete on their own merits.) Gotta raise taxes, though, and add more regulations.

Liberal Government: Hey, don't go and earn too much on your own, we'll have to take away your benefits!

(Lather, rinse, repeat for a couple decades, during which liberal government policies have run off the majority of industry and high paying jobs....)

Blacks: Ummm, why are we still poor?

Liberal Government: Because those evil conservatives won't share. Be sure and vote liberal so those evil conservatives don't take away your government handouts. Oh, and here's some more freebies.  Gotta raise taxes, though, and add more regulations.


Quote from: tac on July 26, 2015, 07:15:41 AM
You can't look at a media outlet today without someone commenting on the 'Black lives matter' issue commanding attention in the country. You see signs posted every where in most leftist cities proclaiming the fact, politicians being attacked if they disagree, but do black lives really matter to the left?

How many times have we seen the leftist media ignore black on black crime statistics, especially in the predominately black communities where black on black crime statistics are staggering? Chicago comes to mind, where black on black murders are an every day occurrence. Yet the most staggering statistic is in the abortion rate for black babies. A statistic that is largely ignored by not only the media, but by the black community.

MLK was murdered almost 50 years ago, but what he said then is relevant today. What would he say today if he say that the rate for black abortions today was over 35% of all pregnant black women? That figure is from 2009!

It becomes readily apparent to anyone with a functioning neuron in their brain, that the only black lives that matter are those that can be used for political gain, or those that further the leftist agenda.

The black community will start a riot at the drop of a hat when a black is killed by a white person, but are mute when faced with black on black murders of the black abortion rate. Why? Maybe because the black leaders are silent?
TAC this is precisely why O'whats it's name, should never have apologized for saying ALL lives matter.

When a society allows any segment of that society to start saying this groups lives matter more, than this groups lives.

You wind up with this:

Thank God a majority of Americans reject such notions as apologizing for daring to think that all lives matter.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


Quote from: Dori on July 29, 2015, 10:57:27 AM
I think if you grow up with that kind of thinking, it becomes a way of life for a lot of people.  They don't know any different.  It takes good role models to break the cycle.

Sure it does, and that way of thinking is human nature, not African instinct. Put anyone on welfare indefinitely and gain the same result. What's over my head is this bit where whites are supposed to feel guilty about what welfare has done to blacks. If it would make the left feel better, we can make it a loan, low interest, of course.


Quote from: red_dirt on July 29, 2015, 01:03:53 PM
Sure it does, and that way of thinking is human nature, not African instinct. Put anyone on welfare indefinitely and gain the same result. What's over my head is this bit where whites are supposed to feel guilty about what welfare has done to blacks. If it would make the left feel better, we can make it a loan, low interest, of course.

I don't feel guilty about laws and reps I didn't vote for.  I do feel sorry for kids born to parents who abuse and neglect them.  I believe it's an epidemic in this country.  Go look up all the schools in poor areas.  According to their grades, the kids are barely getting any kind of education, and the majority are getting free meals.  Not that there is a connection to how kids are treated, but the numbers seem to go hand in hand.  If kids in poor areas aren't being parented correctly, what exactly can we do about it? 
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Quote from: Dori on July 29, 2015, 05:58:21 PM
I don't feel guilty about laws and reps I didn't vote for.  I do feel sorry for kids born to parents who abuse and neglect them.  I believe it's an epidemic in this country.  Go look up all the schools in poor areas.  According to their grades, the kids are barely getting any kind of education, and the majority are getting free meals.  Not that there is a connection to how kids are treated, but the numbers seem to go hand in hand.  If kids in poor areas aren't being parented correctly, what exactly can we do about it?

There is not much you can do about bad parents.  BUT..... we could privatize education and issue school vouchers.  That would improve things for everyone.  Kids would get a better education.. even with bad parents.  Kids that refuse to conform would be sent to reform schools.  Where there is a "will" there is a "way".

There are things that can be done to improve our current poor ghetto situation.  Make everyone work for their government paycheck..... do drug testing.... etc, etc.  We do not do squat now to improve the conditions.


Quote from: kroz on July 29, 2015, 06:55:18 PM
There is not much you can do about bad parents.  BUT..... we could privatize education and issue school vouchers.  That would improve things for everyone.  Kids would get a better education.. even with bad parents.  Kids that refuse to conform would be sent to reform schools. Where there is a "will" there is a "way".

There are things that can be done to improve our current poor ghetto situation.  Make everyone work for their government paycheck..... do drug testing.... etc, etc.  We do not do squat now to improve the conditions.

That way they can become really bad ass kids.  I am more for Boot Camp for kids.  Their time is more controlled. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: walkstall on July 29, 2015, 07:18:04 PM
That way they can become really bad ass kids.  I am more for Boot Camp for kids.  Their time is more controlled.

Whatever works...... I'm flexible.

We must come together in formulating solutions to these long ongoing problems.


Quote from: Dori on July 27, 2015, 01:31:14 PM
Yes black lives matter, just as much as any other life.

The current "black lives matter" slogan is stupid empty verbiage.  They only like to chant those words when one of them gets killed by a police officer.   They are quiet as a mouse when blacks kill other blacks. 

There have been almost a hundred murders in Baltimore ever since the Freddie Gray death.

Yes, and vapid and devoid of substance.


What's being left out of this discussion is how the leftist government is ACTIVELY ATTACKING Blacks by:

1 - Exporting jobs, which is taking more jobs from Blacks (proportionally) than Whites
2 - Illegal immigration, which is taking more jobs from Blacks (proportionally) than Whites.

Both are promoted by leftist government:

1 - Our current tax system heavily punishes American jobs, but lets imports in tax free.
(Fair Tax would eliminate this INVERSE TARIFF.)
2 - Leftist Dems plan to have all the uneducated, illegal aliens illegally registered to vote NEXT YEAR!
Leftist Rs want illegal aliens to continue driving wages down.

Here are the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach Trump on Jan. 13, 2021 - NEVER forget!
WY  Liz Cheney      SC 7  Tom Rice             WA 4  Dan Newhouse    IL 16  Adam Kinzinger    OH 16  Anthony Gonzalez
MI 6  Fred Upton    WA 3  Jaime Herrera Beutler    MI 3  Peter Meijer       NY 24  John Katko       CA 21  David Valadao