Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Struck at Least 6 Times

Started by SVPete, August 18, 2014, 05:23:22 AM

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Quote from: TboneAgain on August 19, 2014, 05:34:37 PM
From a law enforcement perspective, yes. But what's happening in Ferguson and St. Louis right now has little to do with law enforcement.

We are knee-deep in the cheapest, crudest form of politics -- race-baiting. Whether Michael Brown's shooting death was a 'righteous' use of police force stopped being a relevant question a week ago, about the time Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton announced their travel plans.

Ferguson is a poster child for modern racial strife. The town has undergone a spate of "white flight" that has seen its population mix change from 3/4 white in 1990 to nearly 3/4 black today. Adding to this ugly mix is the predictable lag in administrative turnover -- most of the people responsible for running Ferguson today are still white people. THIS IS THE RESULT OF OPEN ELECTIONS. The voters of Ferguson, roughly 70% of whom are black, have freely elected a white mayor and filled five seats on a six-member city council with white people.

In any case, there is no pattern of racism here. There's no systemic persecution or discrimination based on race. In any town where the population is 70% black, one would be stupid to expect that anything but a majority of arrests would involve black people.

There is merely an opportunity, similar to the one that occurred in Sanford, FL a couple years ago, to construct a narrative of racial hatred. It is not mere coincidence that the Trayvon Martin circus and this one immediately preceded important national elections. Martin was shot in February, 2012, but his case didn't achieve national prominence until late in the summer of that year. An earlier spotlight would have allowed the affair to die down before it had its intended effect on the 2012 elections. The Trayvon Martin case was a nothingburger that was purposely, carefully turned into national "news" during the pre-election summer of 2012 by NBC, a network guilty of doctoring audio recordings of the 911 call, and ABC, a network guilty of doctoring video and photographic evidence of George Zimmerman's injuries. The biggest difference between the two cases is the fact that Brown's death was more auspiciously timed (from the Democrat race-baiters' point of view) and thus didn't require the careful timing that characterized the media's treatment of the Martin/Zimmerman case.

The lies Brown's "friend" has told. Such as that Brown was shot in the Back, which the FAMILY'S OWN AUTOPSY SHOWS NOT TO BE THE CASE.

And the inciting of riots by the race baiters like Al Sharpton are a separate issue.

One which since Holder and Obama want to get involved, ought to be investigating.

What matters is, did the cop act within the law? Did the cop use justified force?

And so far, apparently, from what we know at this point it appears that the answer to both are yes.

The cop acted within the law.

It is the race baiters inciting riots, and the public officials who publicly pre-judge the officers actions who break the law, and commit the civil rights offenses.

It is clear that no matter what the FACTS are, there are some who will not accept anything but this Cops badge, and jailing.

That is not only a miscarriage of justice, and a violation of the cops civil rights.

But it's "mob" mentality and an attempt at doing to this cop, the very same sort of thing which great leaders such as MLK marched against.

Indeed MLK must be rolling in his grave, to see his  own people, trying to deprive someone of a fair trial, trying to lynch someone instead.

One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


Quote from: daidalos on August 21, 2014, 11:52:02 PM
The lies Brown's "friend" has told. Such as that Brown was shot in the Back, which the FAMILY'S OWN AUTOPSY SHOWS NOT TO BE THE CASE.

And the inciting of riots by the race baiters like Al Sharpton are a separate issue.

One which since Holder and Obama want to get involved, ought to be investigating.

What matters is, did the cop act within the law? Did the cop use justified force?

And so far, apparently, from what we know at this point it appears that the answer to both are yes.

The cop acted within the law.

It is the race baiters inciting riots, and the public officials who publicly pre-judge the officers actions who break the law, and commit the civil rights offenses.

It is clear that no matter what the FACTS are, there are some who will not accept anything but this Cops badge, and jailing.

That is not only a miscarriage of justice, and a violation of the cops civil rights.

But it's "mob" mentality and an attempt at doing to this cop, the very same sort of thing which great leaders such as MLK marched against.

Indeed MLK must be rolling in his grave, to see his  own people, trying to deprive someone of a fair trial, trying to lynch someone instead.

Yep and yep and yep. How can I improve the United States? Get rid of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and everyone else of that ilk. I'm sure NASA is still looking for volunteers they can send to other planets when and if they're able to rent seats on a Russian space vehicle. Say, two birds killed with one stone! One seat on a space probe filled, and one useless race-baiter gone from the face of the planet.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington


Quote from: walkstall on August 21, 2014, 10:11:34 PM
This family is looking to make a bundle on a wrongful death suite.  Holder and b o are there to help them.
As long as Wilson gets his day in court and sues the media, Brown's family, their lawyers, and everyone else for libel / slander, and denial of due process, then it's all good  !  Let the games begin.

I wonder if there's a way to sue Brown's parents for creating the danger to Wilson, in the way they brought up the young man.  That would be trick.

Zimmerman should have done that.

But........wanna bet that the Brown side will go hog wild with the lawsuits, books, TV circuit, maybe a movie.........and Wilson will "take the high road", never do a thing or say a single word other than being sorry and respectful  ?


Quote from: AndyJackson on August 22, 2014, 02:05:22 PM
As long as Wilson gets his day in court and sues the media, Brown's family, their lawyers, and everyone else for libel / slander, and denial of due process, then it's all good  !  Let the games begin.

I wonder if there's a way to sue Brown's parents for creating the danger to Wilson, in the way they brought up the young man.  That would be trick.

Zimmerman should have done that.

But........wanna bet that the Brown side will go hog wild with the lawsuits, books, TV circuit, maybe a movie.........and Wilson will "take the high road", never do a thing or say a single word other than being sorry and respectful  ?

Ever read John Grisham's A Time To Kill? Even the movie adaptation is pretty good, probably the only role for Matthew McConaughey I've ever really liked -- and I REALLY liked him in that movie. Grisham is a master at weaving five or six sub-plots together to construct the fabric of his tales.  One of the strongest threads in the book and the movie is the conflict between defense attorney Jake Brigance (played in the movie by McConaughey) and the attorneys from the NAACP. Grisham manages to flesh out the complete disconnect between these radically diverging approaches to a murder case.

Sad to say, Netflix does not stream the movie. Get thee to a used book store or rent or buy the DVD. Yes, it's fiction, but it's fiction based on the reality of Grisham's ten years as a civil defense attorney. Well worth a read or a watch.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. -- Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; IT IS FORCE. -- George Washington


Quote from: TboneAgain on August 22, 2014, 02:59:35 PM
Ever read John Grisham's A Time To Kill? Even the movie adaptation is pretty good, probably the only role for Matthew McConaughey I've ever really liked -- and I REALLY liked him in that movie. Grisham is a master at weaving five or six sub-plots together to construct the fabric of his tales.  One of the strongest threads in the book and the movie is the conflict between defense attorney Jake Brigance (played in the movie by McConaughey) and the attorneys from the NAACP. Grisham manages to flesh out the complete disconnect between these radically diverging approaches to a murder case.

Sad to say, Netflix does not stream the movie. Get thee to a used book store or rent or buy the DVD. Yes, it's fiction, but it's fiction based on the reality of Grisham's ten years as a civil defense attorney. Well worth a read or a watch.

A Time To Kill, my most favorite book/movie.  Aside from netflix not streaming this movie, I have found that doing a search or participating in the ratings section of netflix via pc helpful in that alot of times I've done the rating thingy and the site will offer other movies based on my choices.  I have also done a search and entered movies rarely seen.  First, no movie available then some time later the movie that I wanted shows up.  Can't tell you how many times this has happened.  For instance, The series I like best on tv, Criminal Minds, has finally shown up pn Netflix-nine seasons at no cost.  I have been  searching Netflix for this one for quite some time. 
.If you want to lead the orchestra, you must turn your back to the crowd      Forbes


Here's the CBS News report about troops pulling out of Ferguson...

Ferguson residents frustrated over lack of opportunity

...and The Right Scoop (dot-com, y'all) was right on top of it, asking....

QuoteThe elephant in the room? Destroying businesses is not how you get a job. Applying for a job is how you get a job. Getting marketable skills is how you get a job. It's amazing that they equate "making money" with "looting." I equate "making money" with having a job, not committing a crime. The real underlying issue is the attitude that "they" have to come restore neighborhoods – someone else has to come and do stuff for them. Someone else has to come and provide jobs for them.

And of course the reporter ends with saying they don't want a handout but a hand-up. Because that's what he wants to believe.


Quote from: AndyJackson on August 22, 2014, 02:05:22 PM
As long as Wilson gets his day in court and sues the media, Brown's family, their lawyers, and everyone else for libel / slander, and denial of due process, then it's all good  !  Let the games begin.

I wonder if there's a way to sue Brown's parents for creating the danger to Wilson, in the way they brought up the young man.  That would be trick.

Zimmerman should have done that.

But........wanna bet that the Brown side will go hog wild with the lawsuits, books, TV circuit, maybe a movie.........and Wilson will "take the high road", never do a thing or say a single word other than being sorry and respectful  ?

Andy aside from just having it on record that they slighted him. What good would it do to sue them?

He'd never actually collect filing fees, let alone actual damages and attorney's fees, from them.

All he'd wind up with, is a piece of paper which says he's legally entitled to A.B.C.

But which in practicality can't ever be actually enforced because there is no actual real property to place liens on or take possesion of, wages to garnish, or credit standing to screw up in the first place.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)