Ask this at Starbucks!

Started by quiller, February 15, 2017, 04:06:47 AM

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Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 15, 2017, 04:36:56 PM
And you American soldiers think you're entitled to everything: countries, lives, taxpayer money, respect, how ironic you call me a Marxist. I funded myself through school, I work hard to earn my keep and unless you make quite a lot of money I pay taxes that are higher than yours. How many of your paychecks came from taxpayers? Your job training? Your solider's pension? They pay for a solider's health care right? (you seem to think that is socialist for some reason although only an American would think that). And you call anybody that believe's in the free-market, who bothers to earn an actual living a leftist. A true conservative, love's the free-market until your benefits are at risk,  free-market is wonderful as long as there isn't too much labour competition, until your company loses it's subsidies. At least my socialist friends are honest about the money they want to take from taxpayers. Heh, and your rule of law? Please, Northern Ireland's crime rate pales in comparison to America and it's gone down since the army withdrew. Sticking a gun into someone's face and carting them off to some hellhole prison doesn't end crime.

Apples and Oranges, if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

Northern Ireland population1.85 million (2014)

United States population 318.86 million (2014)
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."

Béal Feirste

Quote from: taxed on February 15, 2017, 04:43:17 PM
No, sweetheart.  Tax dollars are supposed to go to our military and defense.  This is not socialist.  You seem to be confused.

Second, you don't know who makes what.

I have to ask, what do you do for a living?  What is your degree in?
Got my degree in Business Management. I co-manage a bakery up in the City Centre.


Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 15, 2017, 05:05:42 PM
Got my degree in Business Management. I co-manage a bakery up in the City Centre.

I'm glad to hear that.
#PureBlood #TrumpWon

Béal Feirste


Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 15, 2017, 05:10:31 PM
The soda bread is particularly good.

I've been trying to cut out bread.  Once across the lips, forever on the hips...
#PureBlood #TrumpWon

Béal Feirste

Quote from: taxed on February 15, 2017, 05:12:00 PM
I've been trying to cut out bread.  Once across the lips, forever on the hips...
Irish food will do that if you're not will the beer.


Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 15, 2017, 05:20:13 PM
Irish food will do that if you're not will the beer.

I've cut out both.  My Irish genes can't take it...
#PureBlood #TrumpWon


Quote from: walkstall on February 15, 2017, 04:51:03 PM

Apples and Oranges, if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

Northern Ireland population1.85 million (2014)

United States population 318.86 million (2014)
Jeez, my state alone has more than 20 times that amount. Nearly 40 million people, and sadly, that includes illegals. :glare:
Official Trump Cult Member



Cryptic Bert


I predict the Islamic State of Northern Ireland will be in place within our lifetimes.

Billy's bayonet

Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 15, 2017, 04:36:56 PM
And you American soldiers think you're entitled to everything: countries, lives, taxpayer money, respect, how ironic you call me a Marxist. I funded myself through school, I work hard to earn my keep and unless you make quite a lot of money I pay taxes that are higher than yours. How many of your paychecks came from taxpayers? Your job training? Your solider's pension? They pay for a solider's health care right? (you seem to think that is socialist for some reason although only an American would think that). And you call anybody that believe's in the free-market, who bothers to earn an actual living a leftist. A true conservative, love's the free-market until your benefits are at risk,  free-market is wonderful as long as there isn't too much labour competition, until your company loses it's subsidies. At least my socialist friends are honest about the money they want to take from taxpayers. Heh, and your rule of law? Please, Northern Ireland's crime rate pales in comparison to America and it's gone down since the army withdrew. Sticking a gun into someone's face and carting them off to some hellhole prison doesn't end crime.

Once again...THIS ISN'T IRELAND BUCKO, we have a little thing over here called the Constitution that DEMANDS the Govt provide for the common defense. It's one of the enumerated powers of a Govt the Founders in their wisdom saw fit to create.

And again you miss my point, our rule of law DIMINISHED when the leftists began turning a blind eye to the law and facilitating their modern day slaves, ie illegal immigrants, to put this thread, (that you are trying to derail because you keep digging that hole of yours deeper) back on track with my original post about the unwanted "refugee" who is more of a fifth column infiltrator than a candidate for employment.

It may interest you to know that Illegal aliens commit about 30% of the REPORTED crime in the United States, Who knows how that crime rate will soar with these so called refugee's.

Last thought, if you are such a fan of the refugee's and as you have made plainly clear you have a decent income, then why don't you import a few into your flat or wherever it is you call home.

Otherwise, shut your gob.
Evil operates best when under a disguise




Billy's bayonet

Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 15, 2017, 05:05:42 PM
Got my degree in Business Management. I co-manage a bakery up in the City Centre.

Why aren't YOU hiring Refugee's
Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: Billy's bayonet on February 16, 2017, 05:29:24 AM

Why aren't YOU hiring Refugee's

If the Irish don't like importing Somalis, then give them Detroit.

Béal Feirste

Quote from: Billy's bayonet on February 16, 2017, 05:13:53 AM

Once again...THIS ISN'T IRELAND BUCKO, we have a little thing over here called the Constitution that DEMANDS the Govt provide for the common defense. It's one of the enumerated powers of a Govt the Founders in their wisdom saw fit to create.

And again you miss my point, our rule of law DIMINISHED when the leftists began turning a blind eye to the law and facilitating their modern day slaves, ie illegal immigrants, to put this thread, (that you are trying to derail because you keep digging that hole of yours deeper) back on track with my original post about the unwanted "refugee" who is more of a fifth column infiltrator than a candidate for employment.

It may interest you to know that Illegal aliens commit about 30% of the REPORTED crime in the United States, Who knows how that crime rate will soar with these so called refugee's.

Last thought, if you are such a fan of the refugee's and as you have made plainly clear you have a decent income, then why don't you import a few into your flat or wherever it is you call home.

Otherwise, shut your gob.
Typical conservative, when YOU get taxpayer money it's patriotic, when someone else get's taxpayer money you get angry that's some leech of society. Yes the Constitution demands that YOU get special treatment, always some justification isn't there? Try making your own way in life for once, and try not to get scared every-time somebody mentions the Islamic State. And try not to lie, for gods sake this is the Internet and it takes me all of 4 seconds to look up your 30% statistic. Even Briebart with their rather unique interpretation of the facts won't back you up on that figure (they say 30% in some states and that figure isn't well sourced). The real reason out want to keep out immigrants is the fear they might be innovative and hard-working. You're afraid of the job competition so you seek to use the government to eliminate that competition and you use the excuse of terrorism because "they might be better than me" doesn't sound very capitalist of you. Socialists and conservatives all think that they are somehow entitled to free money, or artificial job protection, or for the government to do anything to protect them from the horrors of the free-market.
Quote from: quiller on February 16, 2017, 01:21:09 AM
I predict the Islamic State of Northern Ireland will be in place within our lifetimes.
What? Suddenly you care if Northern Ireland is overrun by paramilitaries? Wasn't there a nice long period where it wasn't your problem? Where was your precious, freedom-loving army when Irish were being shot, blown up, and interned without trial? Lots of schemes to turn northern Ireland into a socialist state, or a protestant state but first I've heard of anyone trying to turn it into an islamic state. Frankly I'd be impressed if some 4,000 muslims managed to do that, it'd be quite resourceful of them. If they try though fear not, for us Irish love a good fight! We'll stop them here and save America!


Quote from: Béal Feirste on February 16, 2017, 05:59:44 AM
Typical conservative, when YOU get taxpayer money it's patriotic, when someone else get's taxpayer money you get angry that's some leech of society. Yes the Constitution demands that YOU get special treatment, always some justification isn't there? Try making your own way in life for once, and try not to get scared every-time somebody mentions the Islamic State. And try not to lie, for gods sake this is the Internet and it takes me all of 4 seconds to look up your 30% statistic. Even Briebart with their rather unique interpretation of the facts won't back you up on that figure (they say 30% in some states and that figure isn't well sourced). The real reason out want to keep out immigrants is the fear they might be innovative and hard-working. You're afraid of the job competition so you seek to use the government to eliminate that competition and you use the excuse of terrorism because "they might be better than me" doesn't sound very capitalist of you. Socialists and conservatives all think that they are somehow entitled to free money, or artificial job protection, or for the government to do anything to protect them from the horrors of the free-market. 
What? Suddenly you care if Northern Ireland is overrun by paramilitaries? Wasn't there a nice long period where it wasn't your problem? Where was your precious, freedom-loving army when Irish were being shot, blown up, and interned without trial? Lots of schemes to turn northern Ireland into a socialist state, or a protestant state but first I've heard of anyone trying to turn it into an islamic state. Frankly I'd be impressed if some 4,000 muslims managed to do that, it'd be quite resourceful of them. If they try though fear not, for us Irish love a good fight! We'll stop them here and save America!
Only quote one person per response. thanks...
Official Trump Cult Member