Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim

Started by sneakypete, August 21, 2015, 07:08:47 AM

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EXCLUSIVE: The U.S. Army is kicking out a decorated Green Beret after an 11-year Special Forces career, after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up his mother when she reported the incident.

The case of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland now has the attention of Congress, with Rep. Duncan Hunter writing to Defense Secretary Ash Carter challenging the decision.

"I am once again dismayed by the Army's actions in this case," Hunter, R-Calif., wrote in a letter to Carter.

Martland is described by many of his teammates as the finest soldier they have ever served alongside.

But his Army career changed course during his second deployment to Afghanistan in 2011. After learning an Afghan boy was raped and his mother beaten, Martland and his team leader confronted a local police commander they had trained, armed and paid with U.S. taxpayer dollars. When the man laughed off the incident, they physically confronted him.

They were punished by the Army at the time -- but why exactly Martland is now being discharged is a matter of dispute. Army sources cited his accolades, including being named runner-up for 2014 Special Warfare Training Group Instructor of the Year from a pool of 400 senior leaders in Special Forces, in questioning the decision.

As for the incident in 2011, Hunter told Carter: "To intervene was a moral decision, and SFC Martland and his Special Forces team felt they had no choice but to respond."

Casey, a former Green Beret teammate who would only use his first name since he is now a member of a federal counterterrorism team, told Fox News, "If I was a commander, I would have given him an award. They saved that kid's life."

Martland grew up south of Boston, in Milton, Mass. An all-state football player in high school, he set his sights on playing college football after graduating in 2001. Martland went for the Florida State University team, which just finished a season ranked #4 in the nation.

He made the team, impressing legendary head coach Bobby Bowdon.....

continued at link....


Is anyone surprised that an administration led by Bathhouse Barry would want to punish a career soldiers for the "crime" of standing up to a homosexual child rapist and woman beater?

PLEASE feel free to post this article everywhere else you post so that maybe enough political pressure can be applied to save this man's career. The Officer team leader that was with him has already been separated from the army,but maybe we can still save him.


Hmmm...First I'd heard about this, and not in the least bit surprised. He was to become a moral, future leader, something Hussein hates, people that retain an understanding of Right and Wrong, which is a threat to the Marxists agenda.

"According to reports of the incident, Quinn and Martland shoved Abdul Rahman to the ground. It was the only way to get their point across, according to Quinn. "As a man, as a father of a young boy myself at the time, I felt obliged to step in to prevent further repeat occurrences," Quinn said. "

Translation: Touch that boy again, and I'll cut your nuts off, cook them in bacon grease, and stuff them in the mouth of your rotting corpse. "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR FAG?"

Anyway, that's what I'd have said, it's what anyone with a sense of morality would say and most likely follow through on.
It's also why he didn't return to molest the boy, he knew they were dead serious. :cool:
Official Trump Cult Member




From what's been posted here, it's a little unclear if this is a disciplinary action or if it's simply the end of the guy's enlistment and either he or the Army said "no" to re-enlistment. To be honest, in the Army in my day, if it were disciplinary he'd been gone way, way, way prior to now, three years later.

Also, what about the other soldier? Is he also being sent packing? Lastly, if it is disciplinary action, welcome to the new Army.

Where soldiers aren't supposed to even yell at someone, because it might cause them to be stressed. :lol: :lol: :lol:

One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


Quote from: daidalos on August 21, 2015, 08:44:31 AM
From what's been posted here, it's a little unclear if this is a disciplinary action or if it's simply the end of the guy's enlistment and either he or the Army said "no" to re-enlistment. To be honest, in the Army in my day, if it were disciplinary he'd been gone way, way, way prior to now, three years later.

Also, what about the other soldier? Is he also being sent packing? Lastly, if it is disciplinary action, welcome to the new Army.

Where soldiers aren't supposed to even yell at someone, because it might cause them to be stressed. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The team leader (Captain) has already been put out of the army and how has a job that pays a lot more with nobody shooting at him.

The SFC technically isn't being "put out of the army". He's being barred from reenlisting.  That way the army and the government doesn't have to prove any wrongdoing on his part by court-martial and conviction where he would have a defense and  a chance to explain himself. Seeing as  how he was already half-way to having enough time in to qualify for retirement and has no work history of doing anything else to fall back on,this is a big deal for  him.  Getting out of the army after a few enlistments where all your job skills were infantry related means you have zero job skills to sell in the civilian marketplace. About the only place he can apply for a job would be with a company that has contracts to supply shooters to the Muddle East. Which would be a tough sell for him to make after putting his hands on a local with political/tribal  connections.

You just can't do that sort of thing if you are on a deployed SF team. You MUST pay at least lip service to respect for the culture of the people you are assigned to work with,and keep your mouth shut about the things you don't approve of.  He screwed up big-time.

Having said that,there are plenty of places in the army that would have room for an experienced infantry NCO that could use him,including training commands.

IMHO,we should be focusing on the good he has done in the past while putting his life and health on the line to do it,instead of this one screw up that most of us would have probably made if we had been in his position. Being a good soldier doesn't exempt you from being a good human being. If we as a nation of people can't recognize that,what it says about US is that we are screwing up on a much larger scale than he did.


Another example of how Obama is intent on destroying the military. I just hope enough patriots hang in the military long enough to implement the changes that should come with a conservative president.
"If you can't run with the big dawgs, stay on the porch!"



Quote from: darroll on August 21, 2015, 02:28:52 PM
We sure need a friendly in the white house.

That giant sucking sound emanating from the military is rooted in the Oval office.  He is effectively emasculating the proud military history.


Quote from: sneakypete on August 21, 2015, 12:37:15 PM
The team leader (Captain) has already been put out of the army and how has a job that pays a lot more with nobody shooting at him.

The SFC technically isn't being "put out of the army". He's being barred from reenlisting.  That way the army and the government doesn't have to prove any wrongdoing on his part by court-martial and conviction where he would have a defense and  a chance to explain himself. Seeing as  how he was already half-way to having enough time in to qualify for retirement and has no work history of doing anything else to fall back on,this is a big deal for  him.  Getting out of the army after a few enlistments where all your job skills were infantry related means you have zero job skills to sell in the civilian marketplace. About the only place he can apply for a job would be with a company that has contracts to supply shooters to the Muddle East. Which would be a tough sell for him to make after putting his hands on a local with political/tribal  connections.

You just can't do that sort of thing if you are on a deployed SF team. You MUST pay at least lip service to respect for the culture of the people you are assigned to work with,and keep your mouth shut about the things you don't approve of.  He screwed up big-time.

Having said that,there are plenty of places in the army that would have room for an experienced infantry NCO that could use him,including training commands.

IMHO,we should be focusing on the good he has done in the past while putting his life and health on the line to do it,instead of this one screw up that most of us would have probably made if we had been in his position. Being a good soldier doesn't exempt you from being a good human being. If we as a nation of people can't recognize that,what it says about US is that we are screwing up on a much larger scale than he did.
I absolutely disagree. Yes I know how things "are" now. But this doesn't mean it's "right, correct, and proper" either. When America liberates a nation, this does not mean we should expect American soldiers to throw away human decency. Hell we (as a nation) at the end of WWII are largely responsible for the creation of such a thing as "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity", we (the gov) shouldn't be punishing soldiers who stand up to defend an innocent child against such crimes. Whether that defense is physical, or verbal. Being a soldier doesn't mean you stop being an American.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


Quote from: daidalos on August 24, 2015, 11:51:05 AM
I absolutely disagree. Yes I know how things "are" now. But this doesn't mean it's "right, correct, and proper" either. When America liberates a nation, this does not mean we should expect American soldiers to throw away human decency. Hell we (as a nation) at the end of WWII are largely responsible for the creation of such a thing as "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity", we (the gov) shouldn't be punishing soldiers who stand up to defend an innocent child against such crimes. Whether that defense is physical, or verbal. Being a soldier doesn't mean you stop being an American.

You either missed the point about being deployed to work with foreign nationals in their nation as SF advisers,or don't understand the traditional missions of SF. They are there to try to win hearts and minds to establish a friendly working relationship with those governments  in order to influence them to shift more towards modern cultures and ideas. The fact that it won't work with these people is irrelevant.

BTW,nobody is liberating Pakistan,Iraq,or anywhere else in the Muddle East. You can NOT liberate people that love being slaves and living under dictators.

We should not only NOT be supplying them with nuclear power,we shouldn't be supplying them with anything but enough rope to hang themselves.


Quote from: darroll on August 21, 2015, 02:28:52 PM
We sure need a friendly in the white house.

We have a friendly White House.

They just aren't friendly to white people or America.

Billy's bayonet

Quote from: sneakypete on August 24, 2015, 02:46:36 PM
You either missed the point about being deployed to work with foreign nationals in their nation as SF advisers,or don't understand the traditional missions of SF. They are there to try to win hearts and minds to establish a friendly working relationship with those governments  in order to influence them to shift more towards modern cultures and ideas.

Complete bullshit, shoving some scum bag police official isn't nothing. Garrotting the son of a bitch in his sleep and placing the ace of spades on his forehead....which is what special forces in my day did to unruly corrupt local officials or traitors would merit something....but simply shoving somebody to prevent harm or injury to a child and a helpless woman?   I can think of no better way to win the hearts and minds of the local populace than to discipline a bully.
Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: Billy's bayonet on August 24, 2015, 04:56:14 PM

Complete bullshit, shoving some scum bag police official isn't nothing. Garrotting the son of a bitch in his sleep and placing the ace of spades on his forehead....which is what special forces in my day did to unruly corrupt local officials or traitors would merit something....but simply shoving somebody to prevent harm or injury to a child and a helpless woman?   I can think of no better way to win the hearts and minds of the local populace than to discipline a bully.
I agree, total bull shit. The only thing the 7th century freaks understand is force, which is why the land is full of dictatorships, they only respect power and those who wield it brutally.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Billy's bayonet on August 24, 2015, 04:56:14 PM

Complete bullshit, shoving some scum bag police official isn't nothing. Garrotting the son of a bitch in his sleep and placing the ace of spades on his forehead....which is what special forces in my day did to unruly corrupt local officials or traitors would merit something....but simply shoving somebody to prevent harm or injury to a child and a helpless woman?   I can think of no better way to win the hearts and minds of the local populace than to discipline a bully.

Uh,huh. I was a career SF NCO. How many years did you serve in SF?

The answer is "Zero". Sounds to me like you have never served anywhere because you don't know squat about other cultures.


Quote from: Solar on August 24, 2015, 05:17:53 PM
I agree, total bull shit. The only thing the 7th century freaks understand is force, which is why the land is full of dictatorships, they only respect power and those who wield it brutally.

And yet one more "expert" on foreign cultures and serving in SF,and knows nothing about the subject.


Quote from: sneakypete on August 24, 2015, 05:53:01 PM
And yet one more "expert" on foreign cultures and serving in SF,and knows nothing about the subject.
It doesn't take a genius to understand 7th century thinking.
Just ask anyone that lived under Sadam's rule, where many yearned for the days of peace under his iron fist.
Remember, Islum is not so much a religion, rather, a dictatorial way of life, one they've come to accept as the norm.
Read the Koran sometime, it's main theme is conquest and enslavement.

Now what BS were you spewing again?
Official Trump Cult Member