You've Got What It Takes

Started by RV, October 22, 2021, 05:44:25 AM

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I was heavily involved in youth ministry many years ago. I stumbled onto this poem, edited it and sent it to kids that I knew were struggling who had accepted Christ.

So for all my Christian friends, here is something I dug out of our Network storage unit for you:

You've Got What It Takes

You've got what it takes to succeed, you've got what it takes to achieve.
You've got what it takes to triumph over the little distractions and the big problems.
You've got what it takes, because what it takes is Jesus.

Whatever you need He will provide. Whatever you must know, He will teach you.

Your desire, your passion and your commitment every day, day after day, with Him will bring you to your goals.

You can learn. You can adjust. You can take action. You can get results.

You can do it. No obstacle is too great. No dream is too distant.

Every moment is a gift from God with which to work, to build, to create and to live with passion and purpose.

Life is great and you are a wonderful, effective, creative person.

Live each moment with that in mind.

You can do it because you've got what it takes!

R. Marston

Edited by RV

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."