While Reading Proverbs

Started by RV, November 16, 2020, 12:40:40 PM

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I was reading the book of Proverbs chapters one through three and something jumped out at me. I've heard many people try to push their own blame onto someone or something else.

Liberals claim that not enough tax money is spent. Prisoners claim that it is not their fault that they are criminals. Prisoners will tell you that the federal, state, county and city are responsible to rehabilitate them. Parents blame their children. Children blame their parents. Women blame men. Men blame women. It would seem that virtually everyone is looking to place blame on someone else. The victimhood mentality is fed by the politicians and the liberal media. No one is ever at fault it's always someone else who did something, said something or otherwise caused whatever happens to be wrong. Someone else didn't do their job, someone else had ulterior motives or someone else is responsible for the outcome. In the mean time, crime increases, abortion rates increase, church membership drops and divorce rates skyrocket. People are looking for a person or thing to blame. Politicians use buzzwords like "freedom", "constitutionality", "liberty", "democracy" or "rights" in order to make it seem like they aren't the evil villains that they are behind closed doors. In some cases I've even heard the word "safety" used to justify the taking of rights away, taking money away, increasing penalties or outright confiscation.

We see the same thing with Governments. Iran has admitted to shooting down a civilian flight but, of course they only did it because they were "afraid" of retaliation from President Trump. Why it wasn't their incompetence or lack of knowing the weapon that caused them to fire on a civilian aircraft, it was President Trump. Once again we see the blame game playing out. Over 150 innocent civilians who were killed including children weren't important, passing the buck for their deaths is.

I can just imagine the excuses that the Lord is going to hear at judgement. There will be a long list of justifications given as to why they didn't read their Bible, why they followed the devil, why they didn't repent, why they didn't make it to church, why they didn't serve the Lord and why the Lord should let them in anyway. I would just about bet that some are so arrogant as to continue trying to argue with God as the words; "Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity, I never knew you" are spoken.  I can just 'see' people thinking that the Lord is "unfair" as He sends them to hades to pay for eternity for their sins.

These folks will no doubt wonder why the liberal media didn't tell them about the judgement seat of Christ. Those who protested to make killing infants legal will no doubt wonder why Christ is judging them for murder.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."