The Takaway

Started by RV, February 10, 2021, 05:45:47 AM

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"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things. The things which you learned  and received and heard  and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." - Philippians 4:8 - 9 NKJV

I am tired and weary of the "news media" and all the ads sensationalizing the Wuhan virus 24/7 and how "dangerous" it is. Still other ads talk about how everyone needs to be vaccinated against it or they will catch it and die. It is as if there is absolutely nothing happening in the entire world except the virus. It is not unlike in 2016 when the "news media" tried to drum into voter's heads that Donald Trump had "no chance" of winning the presidential election because they wanted HRC to "win". Guess what? We had four glorious years of  President Trump and Vice President Pence and the best economy, job growth and the lowest unemployment that we've EVER had. Once again, the "news media" was completely wrong about the entire election. The "news media" tried to captivate the news cycle with Russian Collusion 24/7 as well. When the collusion scam didn't pan out, there was 24/7 about the Mueller sham "investigation". Then the "Durham investigation" was all the liberals could talk about. When those things didn't pan out, then it was the "impeachment" fiasco. Of course we know how wrong the liberal media was about everything yet they want us to focus on the Wuhan virus and believe everything they say...

Frankly, the media coverage has only solidified my belief that the "news media" cannot be trusted, cannot be believed, cannot be listened to and will communicate whatever "news" they think will benefit their liberal agenda. Now the "news" is chock full of another "impeachment" scam as well as the Wuhan virus nonsense.

I go back to the Bible and what God says rather than what the lying, untrustworthy, misinformation media wants me to believe at any given point. Certainly the Bible has been studied, proven and tried to be trustworthy, factual, just, kind, historical and truthful. I confess that I am a little bit jealous of those who have died. Not jealous enough to hasten my death or anything. Just jealous of their escape of the world we now find ourselves in.

Actually, I believe that God is showing mankind just how vulnerable and weak they are.  When I read the book of Revelation, it doesn't seem so far fetched now. It's easy to see people wanting mountains to fall on them. It's easy to see people running for their very lives in hopes of finding a "safe place", only to find that there are no "safe places" on earth. God's wrath can be experienced everywhere and anywhere. The Psalmist said that everywhere he went, God was there.

It may be "only a virus" but, it shows how desperate people are. How vulnerable people are and how panicked and unable to think they are. I have peace rather than panic and faith rather than fear. God is good and I look forward to being with Him whenever He chooses. In light of the unConstitutional lockdowns, curfews and assumptions of infection that the Democrats have fueled, I'm not sure that living is as important as they want us to believe.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."