Pope Francis Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’

Started by Solar, February 18, 2016, 10:01:04 AM

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I've seen some of the treasures at the Vatican and I'm sure that what is on public display is the tip of the iceberg compared to what's hidden away.  If the pope is so concerned about refugees and illegal aliens, let him sell them and give the money to their assistance.  This guy is a Communist from the streets of Argentina and got lucky when he was elected pope.  He lives in splendor with many other priests (And some nuns who are uh......housekeepers) and has a summer palace for when Rome gets too hot. He says that building walls is not in the gospels, but I don't believe a pope is either.  I know the bible says that Jesus told Peter "Upon you I will build my church" but that is a far cry from telling him to be a pope and become wealthy at the expense of the poor.  In fact, several years ago I read that 3/4 of the money which supports that nonsense comes from the US.  Also, those who give a lot can become nobility, for instance Rose Kennedy was a Countess. 

The pope of Rome has no business interfering in our election and the whole idea of popes is ridiculous.

Oh yeah.  He looks like Gomer Pyle in a dress.


Too funny.  I just saw a video on Greta Van Susteren's show of the pope getting off a plane.  He has man boobs. I can't stop laughing.


Official Trump Cult Member



Billy's bayonet

This is why the Catholic church is failing in all but the third world crap holes like Mexico and other parts of South America (phony Catholics or CINO's) Conservative Catholics like myself and Mrs Billy, beleive we have almost no place in the Church due to our political beliefs, we are outspoken against abortion, which seems to only get passing lip service and outspoken against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (Mrs Billy is a legal resident immigrant) which the Church seems to coddle and even facilitate.

So if his Holiness is so concerned about immigrants and unchristian acts then he should go don to predominately CATHOLIC Mexico and tell them how unchristian it is to shoot fellow Catholics from Guatemala when they cross the border, or how the body count in Narco terrorist controlled Mexico and to some extent Columbia now exceeds the US casualties in the Vietnam war.

It works like this folks....The CHurch wants a high body count, and the easiest way to get your numbers up in your parish is to invite immigrant families to church on Sunday and "help and assist them in anyway possible" in others words operate a a big sanctuary city in violation of the law.
Evil operates best when under a disguise





Quote from: 146below on February 18, 2016, 12:44:40 PM
The Pope is a hard core fascist whose political philosophy was formed by wholeheartedly embracing Juan Peron as he was allowing National Socialist leaders to hide in Argentina to avoid the Nuremberg tribunal.  The Pope is fully committed to expanding this horrible branch of socialism, with "religion" a good cover.
Thanks for filling them in on that 146.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :) http://www.projectsemicolon.org/share-your-story.html
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)


One more liberal President in 2016 will mean the irreversible, eventual and total demise of our democracy. The rise and fall of democracy IS past the "apathy stage" at this moment. If this  momentum continues on its present path, restoration of democracy will require the least desired of actions.

Cryptic Bert


Quote from: The Boo Man... on February 18, 2016, 06:29:21 PM
The pope is coming off as a bit hypocritical.

He likes free money coming in all the time. 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: Billy's bayonet on February 18, 2016, 04:31:30 PM
So if his Holiness is so concerned about immigrants and unchristian acts then he should go don to predominately CATHOLIC Mexico and tell them how unchristian it is to shoot fellow Catholics from Guatemala when they cross the border, or how the body count in Narco terrorist controlled Mexico and to some extent Columbia now exceeds the US casualties in the Vietnam war.

He kind of did.

"When we seek the path of privileges or benefits for a few to the detriment of the good of all, sooner or later the life of society becomes a fertile soil for corruption, the drug trade, exclusion of different cultures, violence and also human trafficking, kidnapping and death, bringing suffering and slowing down development."

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but the citizens capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.


Quote from: tac on February 18, 2016, 01:29:36 PM

Pope Francis, tear down that wall!  :tounge:

Well done...what a hypocrit and supposed man of God. Hmmm...sounds awfully political to me.  :confused:
You make me wanna roll my windows down and Cruz!


Quote from: Fishman on February 18, 2016, 09:49:49 PM
Well done...what a hypocrit and supposed man of God. Hmmm...sounds awfully political to me.  :confused:

The Pope and Cruz..."Men of God".
One more liberal President in 2016 will mean the irreversible, eventual and total demise of our democracy. The rise and fall of democracy IS past the "apathy stage" at this moment. If this  momentum continues on its present path, restoration of democracy will require the least desired of actions.


Hey pope Francis.........

Shut your bitch ass mouth.  This is America.  No one cares what you think except for a few Democrat catholics who claim to be christian but support abortion.

Don't you have some little boys you should be molesting anyway............
Life is hard.  It's even harder when you're stupid. - John Wayne

Inside Eevery Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out


Quote from: Coolidge23 on February 19, 2016, 10:43:01 AM
Hey pope Francis.........

Shut your bitch ass mouth!  This is America.  No one cares what you think except for a few Democrat catholics who still have a picture of JFK hanging over the mantle and claim to be christian but support abortion.

Don't you have some little boys you should be molesting anyway............
Life is hard.  It's even harder when you're stupid. - John Wayne

Inside Eevery Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out


I once spent Easter in the south of Spain.  They had these parades carrying floats with statues of I guess saints.  But the horrifying thing was the Penitenties.  They were dressed in hoodie things and were beating themselves with chains.  I don't think they were hurting themselves, it seemed to be symbolic.  It all reminded me of the Spanish Inquisition.  I don't know if the pope is at all familiar with the tenets of the Catholic church, but if he does, he'd keep his mouth shut. 


Quote from: Traninit on February 18, 2016, 01:27:10 PM
Well said! The Vatican as well conveniently "hid" and distanced themselves from WW2 atrocities. A disgusting cult leadership, to say the least.
The vatican did more than that. It actively assisted the Nazi's in WWII. Even allowing/aiding many of them to flee to Argentina and South American States after Germany was defeated in WWII.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :) http://www.projectsemicolon.org/share-your-story.html
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)