Conservative Political Forum

General Category => Religion Forum => Topic started by: drifter106 on May 08, 2020, 10:54:00 PM

Title: Another headline that supports Satan's involvement in our way of life....
Post by: drifter106 on May 08, 2020, 10:54:00 PM
Children should be taught about masturbation as toddlers...

It doesn't get into specific lesson plans but just the mentioning of such an atrocious line of reference is despicable.  Makes me want to puke...

Is the line that we shouldn't cross dissipated?  Somebody may want to move this but for now I thought it might be prudent to put it here.  Discussion about Satan has previously been mentioned.  My intent is just to inform as to how so many people have lost sight between right and wrong.

The World Health Organization is once again facing increased scrutiny and outrage.
The renewed public outcry is not, however, directed at the shoddy initial response to the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, instead coming as a result of unsettling details recently discovered in the organization's child and adolescent sexual education guidelines.
Set forth by global health experts as the baseline curricular "standards" for European educators, the guidelines advocate exposure of public school students in every age group to information regarding safe sexual behavior, homosexuality, "gender identity" and masturbation.
Even children under the age of 4 are specifically prescribed such education under the WHO's standards, with "human reproduction (where babies come from)" and "early childhood masturbation" among the suggested lessons for this age group.

The discovery has not been met kindly by Christian organizations and culturally conservative commentators, many of whom suggest the United Nations-run organization's standards will only encourage early, and unhealthy, sexual behaviors among children and adolescents.
Title: Re: Another headline that supports Satan's involvement in our way of life....
Post by: Mercy Otis Warren on May 09, 2020, 05:16:40 PM
I TRIED to discuss this topic with a lot of people...   BUT, they just immediately shut-down, and say things like "That just COULDN'T be happening in U.S. schools", "The government wouldn't allow something like that" (really?  What planet have they been living on?), "Parents would be in the principal's office or going to the school board over this".  Seriously?  Haven't we seen one thing about this covid crap that should be waking people up....parents have been saying things liked "I didn't know my kid didn't know how to write", "How come my child doesn't know about the Constitution and Civil Rights?"   HELLO?!
Title: Re: Another headline that supports Satan's involvement in our way of life....
Post by: WMK on May 12, 2020, 07:19:42 PM
Quote from: drifter106 on May 08, 2020, 10:54:00 PM
Children should be taught about masturbation as toddlers...

It doesn't get into specific lesson plans but just the mentioning of such an atrocious line of reference is despicable.  Makes me want to puke...

Is the line that we shouldn't cross dissipated?  Somebody may want to move this but for now I thought it might be prudent to put it here.  Discussion about Satan has previously been mentioned.  My intent is just to inform as to how so many people have lost sight between right and wrong.

The World Health Organization is once again facing increased scrutiny and outrage.
The renewed public outcry is not, however, directed at the shoddy initial response to the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, instead coming as a result of unsettling details recently discovered in the organization's child and adolescent sexual education guidelines.
Set forth by global health experts as the baseline curricular "standards" for European educators, the guidelines advocate exposure of public school students in every age group to information regarding safe sexual behavior, homosexuality, "gender identity" and masturbation.
Even children under the age of 4 are specifically prescribed such education under the WHO's standards, with "human reproduction (where babies come from)" and "early childhood masturbation" among the suggested lessons for this age group.

The discovery has not been met kindly by Christian organizations and culturally conservative commentators, many of whom suggest the United Nations-run organization's standards will only encourage early, and unhealthy, sexual behaviors among children and adolescents.

A major setback against America's Christian culture came in the earlier sixties (America's most destructive decade, culturally) It was then that leftists were able to get the Bible and prayer out of out public schools. Thereafter, America's culture within the budding generations  to come was never the same. And this is not 'opinion', as there is empirical data that clearly shows just how our Christian culture began to deteriorate once this abstinence of Christian practices became the law of the land.