A New Concept

Started by RV, November 04, 2021, 10:52:49 AM

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There was a business owner who hired a man to do a certain job. The man started work and all seemed well. Before long the owner realized that the man was doing whatever he wanted to rather than the job he was hired for. The business was suffering and the owner's other employees had to work extra hard to make up for the man who was newly hired who did whatever he pleased.

Not wanting to terminate the man's employment, the owner called the new hire in to his office to talk with him. The new hire swore that he would stop doing whatever he pleased and begged the owner to give him another chance. The new hire said that he would do what the owner needed and what he had been hired to do. The owner was convinced that the new hire was being honest and just didn't realize but, the owner watched the new hire closely.

Within a couple of days the new hire was back to doing as he pleased instead of the job that he was hired to do. The business continued to suffer and the other employee's ended up working harder to make up for the new hire.

Now there is a moral and a concept to this story. Have you figured it out yet? 

I went to my Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and looked up the words "Master" and "Servant", there literally were hundreds of entries! There were far too many to list here. My point is that the devil has deceived us all into thinking that this life is all about us. In reality, it's all about Him and we are merely servants. The Lord is actually the Master and we were created (hired), to serve Him, His purposes and we serve at His pleasure rather than our own.

"Well done thou good and faithful servant...", many of the illustrations that Jesus gives highlights that we are the servants, He is the Master. He is in charge, not us. We are on the Earth at His pleasure, rather than our own. He is the creator, He is the author and He is on the throne; we are not. He sent His only Son. Jesus appeared before Pilot. Jesus wore the crown of thorns. Jesus endured forty lashes. Jesus hung on the cross. Jesus paid for our sins.

It's all according to God's law not ours. He is the judge not us. He is the one who decides whether we spend eternity in heaven or hell. He has the power to give life or take it.

So, the question that I had to ask myself is the same question that I hope you will ask yourself. Am I doing what the "owner" (i.e. God) wants or what I want? Am I serving Him or myself? Am I a "good and faithful servant" or am I a wretched servant? When I die and face God Almighty, will He be able to say "Well done thou good and faithful servant..." or will He say "Depart from me, I never knew you..."?

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path."


I guess so, after all, God hasn't fired me yet. :wink:
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