When did jokes become cartoons?

Started by stewball, April 01, 2016, 04:57:30 PM

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I must be old fashioned but to me a joke is a joke, either spoken or written words, not a cartoon. The cartoons usually are amusing but they're not jokes. Might I humbly suggest a seperate Forum for cartoons?  I'll step down from my soapbox now


Damn, did I miss where you actually posted a written joke?
A jokes a joke, written or otherwise. If you don't like it, then start posting actual jokes and maybe more will reciprocate in kind.
Just a suggestion. :wink:
Official Trump Cult Member




Well mister Hero member if you'd have checked you would have found out that i've posted several jokes her in the past and if you look at my latest joke post, you'll find another one. Good evening sir


Quote from: stewball on April 01, 2016, 04:57:30 PM
I must be old fashioned but to me a joke is a joke, either spoken or written words, not a cartoon. The cartoons usually are amusing but they're not jokes. Might I humbly suggest a seperate Forum for cartoons?  I'll step down from my soapbox now

That's just what we need is 10.000 boards on this forum.   :rolleyes: 
A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.- James Freeman Clarke

Always remember "Feelings Aren't Facts."


Quote from: stewball on April 01, 2016, 05:14:37 PM
Well mister Hero member if you'd have checked you would have found out that i've posted several jokes her in the past and if you look at my latest joke post, you'll find another one. Good evening sir
Hero member? Make that forum owner.

And yes, I looked and you had not posted one single joke in at least the last couple of months, anyway as far as I was willing to go back and look.
However, I did notice the three you did post, was after I outed your whining about what you consider humor.

Yes genius, they have a time and date stamp. :rolleyes:
Gee, I guess you did post a joke after all, this is the funniest thread posted all week. :biggrin:
Official Trump Cult Member




Well sir, I apologize for not posting lately but I have been very ill. That does not change the fact that I HAVE posted jokes here before. Nice try at deflection. Have a pleasant evening.


Very sorry to hear that you have been ill, Stewball.  :sad: 'Like the screen name a lot by the way. Original!! I hope that your recovery is swift and that you continue to feel better and post more. I'm guessing that you've never been a moderator on a forum. Neither have I but from communicating with them I've gathered that finding extra work is not generally on their agenda each day when they drink their first cup of caff and review their to-do list. It's a lot of work running and moderating these forums, especially the larger ones like this. Screening for trolls etc. I don't know you but I wish you well, sieur. Since we're on the topic and none of us are in much of a kumbaya mood, here's graphic joke to pass along to the next leftist Frog who posts psychotic screed vomit, mendacious drivel and pernicious leftist libberish on some comments section. Be reassured that this is definitely not directed at you Stew. You seem like a very decent veck!
Get Out of the Way and Leave Me Alone (Nods to General Teebone)


Quote from: stewball on April 01, 2016, 07:51:22 PM
Well sir, I apologize for not posting lately but I have been very ill. That does not change the fact that I HAVE posted jokes here before. Nice try at deflection. Have a pleasant evening.

You want to argue about what's funny, Sparky? Here ya go....


Quote from: stewball on April 01, 2016, 07:51:22 PM
Well sir, I apologize for not posting lately but I have been very ill. That does not change the fact that I HAVE posted jokes here before. Nice try at deflection. Have a pleasant evening.
Glad you're feeling better.
Now, WTF do you mean by deflection?

You mean the fact that this is a jokes forum, and my pointing out your myopically anal view of humor focusing solely on print form is somehow a deflection from what?
The fact that you seldom offer anything as a descriptor of humor, print or otherwise.

But going through the jokes forum, I failed to find one joke you claim to have posted, so wanting to be fair, I did a full search of the Jokes forum and still I failed, perhaps you would be so kind as to point out where you posted a joke prior to today?


Have a pleasant evening.
Official Trump Cult Member




Sometimes, real life becomes the cartoon.


Quote from: quiller on April 03, 2016, 04:48:16 AM
Sometimes, real life becomes the cartoon.

That should be in text format. You know, so others might get the "Joke"? :biggrin:
Official Trump Cult Member





Quote from: Solar on April 03, 2016, 07:27:36 AM
That should be in text format. You know, so others might get the "Joke"? :biggrin:

Aw, you're just needling him.   :biggrin:


Quote from: quiller on April 03, 2016, 12:11:55 PM
Aw, you're just needling him.   :biggrin:
I'm sure he's a nice guy, but as Out to Lunch pointed out, we do this as a service for our members for no pay, not to mention my cost of around $300.0 per year after all is said and done.
I see no reason to exert anymore energy than sitting back in retirement and tossing a few barbs at the kids now and then.

And Stay The Hell Off My Lawn, Dammit!!!! :biggrin:
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on April 03, 2016, 12:24:05 PM
I'm sure he's a nice guy, but as Out to Lunch pointed out, we do this as a service for our members for no pay, not to mention my cost of around $300.0 per year after all is said and done.
I see no reason to exert anymore energy than sitting back in retirement and tossing a few barbs at the kids now and then.

And Stay The Hell Off My Lawn, Dammit!!!! :biggrin:

Humor is so selective anyway. Stephen Wright versus Elayne Boosler, for example. Anything by that dreadful bunch in Friends. The list drags on. For every belly laugh the Golden Age of TV gave us there were twenty more laughtracked sitcom duds we'd dearly love to forget...until a DVD set comes out. (My Mother the Car...seriously?!?)

How can we explain the sheer novelty of the acts THESE kids are seeing in a third-generation diluted form? Sid Caesar. Mel Brooks. Your Show of Shows. Milton freaking Berle. Lou and Bud and Dean and Jerry. Funny. Now it's dark and mordant.