Killing the Republic – Trump As Tiberius Gracchus

Started by tac, February 10, 2021, 06:26:53 AM

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Killing the Republic – Trump As Tiberius Gracchus

by Charles "Sam" Faddis February 9, 2021

Tiberius Gracchus was a Roman politician and official in the Second Century BC. Gracchus was a member of the populares, a faction that sided with the plebian – the common people – against the conservative aristocratic patricians who had traditionally held power in Rome. At the time of Gracchus the small independent farmers of the Roman Republic were increasingly feeling economic pressure from the concentration of public lands into giant estates held by aristocrats. Rome, a nation whose strength had also been built on a class of free, independent men was now increasingly owned and controlled by a strata of oligarchs.

Tiberius Gracchus proposed reforms to break up the giant estates and redistribute the land to average Romans. He was vehemently opposed to the aristocrats and made no secret of his intention to destroy their power. He was aggressive. He was loud. He threatened the entire power structure of those who believed the Republic belonged to them.

n 132 BC Tiberius proposed to run for reelection to the office of tribune, a powerful Roman administrative position with the charter to represent the plebians. In doing so, he appeared to violate a tradition that barred an office holder from seeking reelection. The Roman Senate, the epicenter of the power of the oligarchs, was terrified at the prospect that Gracchus would run again and that the reforms he proposed might fundamentally change Rome and bring to an end their control over Rome's government and society.

Gracchus had to be destroyed by any means necessary. On the pretext that he intended to make himself king he was attacked in a public marketplace and beaten to death by a mob led by Roman Senators and their allies.

"Tiberius tried to save himself by flight. As he was running, he was stopped by one who caught hold of him by the gown; but he threw it off and fled in his undergarment only. And stumbling over those who before had been knocked down, as he was endeavoring to get up again, Publius Satureius, a tribune, one of his colleagues, was observed to give him the first fatal stroke, by hitting him upon the head with the foot of a stool. The second blow was claimed, as though it had been a deed to be proud of, by Lucius Rufus. And the rest there fell above three hundred killed by clubs and staves only, none by an iron weapon"

Gracchus was dead as were a great many of his followers. So was the Roman Republic. It would take a century for Julius Caesar to declare himself dictator for life, but the die was cast. Laws and traditions had been destroyed and would never be resurrected.

The oligarchs who killed Gracchus did not call themselves murderers. They claimed they were defending Rome against a demagogue and saving the Republic from the mob. All they were really doing was preserving their own power.

It has been over 2100 years since Gracchus was assassinated in Rome. Another assassination – this one of Donald Trump – is currently underway in Washington, D.C. The men and women participating may not be carrying clubs. They are every bit as ruthless.

History repeats itself.


This is why, libs, more than ever need to learn history, as it once again repeats itself.
Official Trump Cult Member




I found this fascinating. It is amazing how much we really do things same, even as we nourish the belief that we have advanced far beyond our ancestors of millenia ago.


Quote from: MichaelDG on March 15, 2021, 12:15:23 PM
I found this fascinating. It is amazing how much we really do things same, even as we nourish the belief that we have advanced far beyond our ancestors of millenia ago.
If you want to know what lies in store in the future, read history. As they say  their is nothing new under the sun, not when it comes to human history anyway. This is why I am so startled that people do the stupid shit they do and make the choices they do when we have so much history to look at. For example no form of collectivism has ever worked or been sucessful yet stupid people keep trying it over and over again in the hopes that they will get something for nothing. And the politicians and tyrants keep appealing to the same old human failings in order to advance themselves fear, greed and stupidity. And here we are again right back where we started willfully putting on the yoke of oppression thinking someone is doing us a favor. People get the government they deserve and demand.
Crazy but not stupid!

Calypso Jones

if there is one thing we learn from history it is that we learn nothing from history.
Trump Won

Anti Social Distancing

Defund Police....start with former presidents' secret service.


Quote from: Calypso Jones on March 15, 2021, 02:20:03 PM
if there is one thing we learn from history it is that we learn nothing from history.
Marxists learned plenty, that's why they know how to destroy working societies.
Official Trump Cult Member