'Vaccine Promoter' Calls For Its Immediate Suspension

Started by Solar, October 06, 2022, 09:49:54 AM

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Internationally Renowned Cardiologist and Covid 'Vaccine Promoter' Calls For Its Immediate Suspension (Video)

A major Covid "vaccine" promoter from the medical world, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has made a remarkable change of attitude towards the experimental mRNA injections. The doctor calls for the suspension of Covid vaccinations until the serious side effects have been thoroughly investigated and all clinical trial data has been released for independent review. Leading doctors are also supporting his call for action.

Malhotra, one of the first doctors to be vaccinated, is known in Britain for promoting the Covid vaccines, reports Dutch newsites Blckbx. For example, the cardiologist/advisor to the National Health Service (NHS) was featured on the TV program Good Morning Britain, where he called on the public to get pricked with the 'safe and effective' mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna.

Watch his video below...

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