PayPal claimed that its policy on misinformation was itself misinformation!

Started by Solar, October 10, 2022, 02:08:44 PM

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Well, they just attempted a Social Credit Score, and it Bit The Marxists Square on the Ass! :thumbup:

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

In a similar vein, protests all over the world poured in about PayPal's new policy. Twitter filled up with announcements from people who were canceling their accounts.

By the following day, PayPal reversed itself, claiming that the banning of "misinformation" was just a mistake.

"An AUP notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information," the spokesperson told The Epoch Times. "PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy."

In other words, PayPal claimed that its policy on misinformation was itself misinformation!

There's just no way. Everyone knows that something as legally and institutionally critical as the Acceptable Use Policy would have to go through many layers of compliance bureaucracy and attorneys, especially highlighting the changes.

This change was so obviously approved at the highest levels. It was intended to stick, and PayPal had every intention of preparing the way to confiscate funds from people based on their political loyalties and opinions. This is truly how bad it has gotten.
Official Trump Cult Member




That's what happens to marxist company in a capitalist get your ass handed to ya.

Now are they going to abide by their own bylaws and fine themselves $10,000
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A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.