Looks like leftism hit Canada with both feet.

Started by Possum, July 18, 2022, 10:15:57 AM

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There has been no good news for those who love freedom and enjoy their God given rights coming out of Canada for quite some time now, but this one tells me true evil has taken over the country.


QuoteNonetheless, the Great White North's federal "expert" panel on MAiD has recommended mental illness be added to the list of maladies making one eligible for MAiD......apparently without any legislative changes. How nice, euthanasia by administrative fiat. What could go wrong?
How nice, those who make the laws didn't even get bothered and taken away from their busy day to get this passed.

QuoteTo some degree, mental illness is in the eye of the beholder. It can be quite subjective and has historically been used as a tool to advance totalitarian political agendas. Hence, the gulags and "re-education camps." Don't believe in global warming? Are you an anti-vaxxer? Trump supporter?! Didn't vote for Xi jinping Justin Trudeau? Driving an 18-wheeler in a "Freedom Convoy?" Then you are, sadly, mentally ill.

This is just sick. I wonder if the government classifies themselves as mentally ill?


Would "Looks like Canada just got hit with both left feet." have been a better title?
Have you ever had a guy threaten
to beat you to death with his leg?
Because I have, and it's not pretty.