2022 Election Shenanigans Thread

Started by T Hunt, November 08, 2022, 07:04:17 AM

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Quote from: TT53 on November 12, 2022, 06:45:26 AMWe all know the demoRATS are cheating and placing illegal votes , so why aren't the republicans doing anything about it ? Whining after is a pu$$y move !!!!!
PUBS, Are You Fuckin Serious? There is but one party, the Uniparty! Why do you think the GOP is sitting on its hands?
Man, you have soooo much to learn about politics.
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 12, 2022, 06:48:29 AMPUBS, Are You Fuckin Serious? There is but one party, the Uniparty! Why do you think the GOP is sitting on its hands?
Man, you have soooo much to learn about politics.

Well enlighten me if you dare .  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl

T Hunt

Quote from: TT53 on November 12, 2022, 06:45:26 AMWe all know the demoRATS are cheating and placing illegal votes , so why aren't the republicans doing anything about it ? Whining after is a pu$$y move !!!!!

Why do you think the GOP isnt doing anything? Duh! They are part of the steal! The RINO establishment are the ones stopping us from taking care of this. And those are the same people backing desantis.
"Let's Go Brandon, I agree!"  -Biden


Quote from: T Hunt on November 12, 2022, 06:53:35 AMThe RINO establishment are the ones stopping us from taking care of this. And those are the same people backing desantis.

Well Trump created 90% of the RINO's what does that tell you ? Ron is a far more electable president than infantile Trump , hell Trump lost to an imbecile for Christ sakes !  :rolleyes:  :bigl

T Hunt

Quote from: TT53 on November 12, 2022, 06:57:08 AMWell Trump created 90% of the RINO's what does that tell you ? Ron is a far more electable president than infantile Trump , hell Trump lost to an imbecile for Christ sakes !  :rolleyes:  :bigl

What RINOs did trump create that were not already RINOs? :lol:
What imbecile did trump lose too? Trump hasnt lost an election yet, what are you talking about? :bigl
"Let's Go Brandon, I agree!"  -Biden


Quote from: TT53 on November 12, 2022, 06:53:25 AMWell enlighten me if you dare .  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl  :bigl
The  forum Library is packed full of information. Why don't you try learning something from beyond 4 years back.
To bring you up to date, would take a year of serious education, and no one here is interested in wasting their time on an impetuous kid.

How about you start here. Goldwater was ripped off by leftists in the GOP, that's when they (RINO) seized the GOP. They literally planted LBJ the racist commie in the White House with their hatred of Conservatives!
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: T Hunt on November 12, 2022, 06:53:35 AMWhy do you think the GOP isnt doing anything? Duh! They are part of the steal! The RINO establishment are the ones stopping us from taking care of this. And those are the same people backing desantis.
When push comes to shove and votes count, all THOSE SAME PEOPLE will be backing Pence. This crap now is to divide conservatives, to make us think either Trump is the enemy now and we should abandon him, or we are to think DeSantis is the enemy. We need to look at what is going on behind the scenes and not what is in the media. I'll bet the farm, those rinos you are talking about back neither Trump or DeSantis, they want Pence. 


Quote from: Possum on November 12, 2022, 10:58:15 AMWhen push comes to shove and votes count, all THOSE SAME PEOPLE will be backing Pence. This crap now is to divide conservatives, to make us think either Trump is the enemy now and we should abandon him, or we are to think DeSantis is the enemy. We need to look at what is going on behind the scenes and not what is in the media. I'll bet the farm, those rinos you are talking about back neither Trump or DeSantis, they want Pence. 
Damn, I missed this. You and T Hunt both nailed it. I just finished a rant on this very topic, I'll post it here as well.

We WON Hugely! Why is everyone listening to the leftist media repeating the lie that the Red Wave never came to fruition?
Folks, we fuckin kicked ass on this, McCON is in panic mode, he spent 9 million to help Murkowski against Kelly Tshibaka.
He organized a bunch of RINO and Marxists to endorse DeSantis against Trump. Folks, the DNC is no longer a threat, the real enemy is the GOP'E.

Can we all come together and rally the troops to fight these fuckin RINO, maybe start by agreeing to boycott FUX Snooze, the actual media wing of the Establishment?
People, there is an evil entity out there that took over the GOP and created the UNIPARTY, they knew the DNC was dead, that's why they needed the help of the GOP to steal the 2020 Election, and here people are claiming that Trump is the cause?

I could go on and on with the lies and fraud, but quit believing we somehow lost, when we did not, we Kicked Ass!
Patriots are in charge, and that's why the multidimensional attack on us and Trump.
They're trying to pit you against Trump in support of DeSantis, so they can destroy the Patriot movement.
If DeSantis doesn't come out against this movement, he is not the Conservative you think he is.
Remember, these are leftists supporting him for a 2024 run.

Do you really want this?
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 12, 2022, 11:35:37 AMDamn, I missed this. You and T Hunt both nailed it. I just finished a rant on this very topic, I'll post it here as well.

We WON Hugely! Why is everyone listening to the leftist media repeating the lie that the Red Wave never came to fruition?
Folks, we fuckin kicked ass on this, McCON is in panic mode, he spent 9 million to help Murkowski against Kelly Tshibaka.
He organized a bunch of RINO and Marxists to endorse DeSantis against Trump. Folks, the DNC is no longer a threat, the real enemy is the GOP'E.

Can we all come together and rally the troops to fight these fuckin RINO, maybe start by agreeing to boycott FUX Snooze, the actual media wing of the Establishment?
People, there is an evil entity out there that took over the GOP and created the UNIPARTY, they knew the DNC was dead, that's why they needed the help of the GOP to steal the 2020 Election, and here people are claiming that Trump is the cause?

I could go on and on with the lies and fraud, but quit believing we somehow lost, when we did not, we Kicked Ass!
Patriots are in charge, and that's why the multidimensional attack on us and Trump.
They're trying to pit you against Trump in support of DeSantis, so they can destroy the Patriot movement.
If DeSantis doesn't come out against this movement, he is not the Conservative you think he is.
Remember, these are leftists supporting him for a 2024 run.

Do you really want this?
We joked about this several years ago that with the democrat party dead who would take their place. We joked that it just made sense for the rinos to float on over as they get kicked out of the republican party. It ain't funny any more. We need to stay on focus, Pence will do more harm to the party than Obama and Biden ever dreamed of. With a Pence in office, the democrats will not have to cheat any more. I hope people can let that one sink in.


Quote from: Solar on November 12, 2022, 11:35:37 AMDamn, I missed this. You and T Hunt both nailed it. I just finished a rant on this very topic, I'll post it here as well.

We WON Hugely! Why is everyone listening to the leftist media repeating the lie that the Red Wave never came to fruition?
Folks, we fuckin kicked ass on this, McCON is in panic mode, he spent 9 million to help Murkowski against Kelly Tshibaka.
He organized a bunch of RINO and Marxists to endorse DeSantis against Trump. Folks, the DNC is no longer a threat, the real enemy is the GOP'E.

Can we all come together and rally the troops to fight these fuckin RINO, maybe start by agreeing to boycott FUX Snooze, the actual media wing of the Establishment?
People, there is an evil entity out there that took over the GOP and created the UNIPARTY, they knew the DNC was dead, that's why they needed the help of the GOP to steal the 2020 Election, and here people are claiming that Trump is the cause?

I could go on and on with the lies and fraud, but quit believing we somehow lost, when we did not, we Kicked Ass!
Patriots are in charge, and that's why the multidimensional attack on us and Trump.
They're trying to pit you against Trump in support of DeSantis, so they can destroy the Patriot movement.
If DeSantis doesn't come out against this movement, he is not the Conservative you think he is.
Remember, these are leftists supporting him for a 2024 run.

Do you really want this?
DeSantis isn't the only one who needs to not let the media blow this into something that is not there, Trump needs to call the media out. I'm betting he will. The first month or two after an election seems to be always be full of the media shifting IT"S picks and want to be's for the next election.


Quote from: Possum on November 12, 2022, 01:31:07 PMWe joked about this several years ago that with the democrat party dead who would take their place. We joked that it just made sense for the rinos to float on over as they get kicked out of the republican party. It ain't funny any more. We need to stay on focus, Pence will do more harm to the party than Obama and Biden ever dreamed of. With a Pence in office, the democrats will not have to cheat any more. I hope people can let that one sink in.

Who knew, all these years the GOP'E was pulling all the strings. I harken back to when Newt gutted the DNC when he was Speaker and all those "Moderate" Dims jumped ship and joined the GOP.
Sure, we knew this was a horrible idea at the time, I even remember writing about how they would water down the Conservative element in the party and bolster the RINO Scum.

Now I'm wondering if this wasn't the plan all along since the DNC was dying under it's own fucked up policies?
I'm nearly certain now that the GOP was the real target all along, we were played so well we never saw it coming.

Yep, no doubt in my mind. :sneaky:  :glare:
Official Trump Cult Member




Quote from: Solar on November 12, 2022, 04:21:28 PMWho knew, all these years the GOP'E was pulling all the strings. I harken back to when Newt gutted the DNC when he was Speaker and all those "Moderate" Dims jumped ship and joined the GOP.
Sure, we knew this was a horrible idea at the time, I even remember writing about how they would water down the Conservative element in the party and bolster the RINO Scum.

Now I'm wondering if this wasn't the plan all along since the DNC was dying under it's own fucked up policies?
I'm nearly certain now that the GOP was the real target all along, we were played so well we never saw it coming.

Yep, no doubt in my mind. :sneaky:  :glare:
I remember Newt's contract with America, it worked and the GOP has been too scared to do it again. This past election, what was the republican's plan? Democrats did not have a plan either but they give stuff away.


Quote from: Possum on November 12, 2022, 04:32:24 PMI remember Newt's contract with America, it worked and the GOP has been too scared to do it again. This past election, what was the republican's plan? Democrats did not have a plan either but they give stuff away.
Con = McCON-nel)
That's the thing, they have no plan outside of playing victim to a dead DNC. The GOP always plays bad guy and victim at the same time, make half the country hate us.

This is obviously no accident, they hope half the base stays so angry they cannot not see how they use the DNC for cover while the Con/GOP gives billions in treasury away.
Ukraine is a perfect example, no one wants war, so the Con gives billions and blames Biden and claims it as defense spending, all the while, the NWO, the other arm of the GOP, blames Putin as the instigator.

For those not following closely, it is the US pushing Russia into war by making Ukraine a part of NATO. That's akin to the CCP putting bases in Mexico.
This whole charade is falling apart and these Marxists like the Con are scared to death they're going to be exposed.

They've Just Been Exposed!!!
Official Trump Cult Member



T Hunt

Quote from: Solar on November 12, 2022, 04:21:28 PMWho knew, all these years the GOP'E was pulling all the strings. I harken back to when Newt gutted the DNC when he was Speaker and all those "Moderate" Dims jumped ship and joined the GOP.
Sure, we knew this was a horrible idea at the time, I even remember writing about how they would water down the Conservative element in the party and bolster the RINO Scum.

Now I'm wondering if this wasn't the plan all along since the DNC was dying under it's own fucked up policies?
I'm nearly certain now that the GOP was the real target all along, we were played so well we never saw it coming.

Yep, no doubt in my mind. :sneaky:  :glare:
They had to clear the DNC out for the new young crazies they were creating. The gays had to make way for the trans so to speak. They were trying to shift the entire Overton Window to more closely match europe and to make the right irrelevant.
"Let's Go Brandon, I agree!"  -Biden


Quote from: T Hunt on November 12, 2022, 05:06:06 PMThey had to clear the DNC out for the new young crazies they were creating. The gays had to make way for the trans so to speak. They were trying to shift the entire Overton Window to more closely match europe and to make the right irrelevant.
It's fascinating how the NWO played that. The DNC would become the throw away party of crazy, while the GOP moved further left claiming they are the party of "Real Diversity".
Seeing how all this played out, I kind of wish Q would have let more out about what the GOP really is.

This party really is the real enemy and needs to be brought down in a heap ashes.
Official Trump Cult Member