It's "Haircut Rights" Now

Started by ZiggyShrugs, March 20, 2016, 07:07:53 AM

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"Genderqueeer"? No offense, but it's getting so I need a scorecard.

First it was a pizza shop, next it was a cake shop, now a barber shop is in the queer crosshairs because they wouldn't cut a genderqueer's hairs!!!

Do they even teach that in Barber School?


Say what?  I might understand better if there was absolutely no place this person could get a haircut, but this is ridiculous beyond belief.
Liberty at the expense of "security," honesty without complete truth, and passion without a walk of faith is no life of right.


Ziggy the problem is this.

Government is yet again, involving itself in something it has no place involving itself in to start with.

Government is attempting to tell private business owners who they must sell their goods and services too.

Only, government, never has had, and never was enumerated in any founding document, any right to tell a private citizen, let alone business owner who they will or will not do business with.

Who they must sell their property or services too.

That's supposed to be up to them, and the free markets to decide.

If government would do as it is supposed too. And get and stay the hell out of it.

We would all see the markets address these kinds of issues all on their own.

For example, when was the last time you saw a KKK nationwide chain store?

Or a NBP chain? Answer probably never.

Why? Because they don't have a market that can sustain and keep them in business.

Same thing would happen here too if government would get out and stay out of it. One way or another.
One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)