Stem Cells used to grow new Eye Lenses - Cataract Cure ?

Started by SalemCat, March 09, 2016, 01:48:21 PM

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WEDNESDAY, March 9, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- A new surgical technique for removing cataracts might allow the eye's stem cells to regenerate a healthy lens, if preliminary findings hold up.


What's sort of hilarious is how much money was blown by Mexifornia under Schwarzenegger (about $6 billion) to develop fetal stem cell research. See, by the time they got around to spending the money a technique was developed which was able to convert skin and other sorts of human cells into stem cells- making it completely unnecessary to "harvest" fetal stem cells from aborted babies. 

Schwarzenegger was aware of the likelihood that this would happen when he started pushing the measure but still pushed it forward into law. God only knows where all of that money went - likely into the pockets of corrupt politicians with ties to Captain Fantastic and the Mexican Mafiosos who run Mexifornia's gruberment. 

No doubt the leftists were severely disappointed when the new technique was developed because it is in no way offensive to their political opponents. The leftists in Mexifornia are among the most sadistic anti-conservative fanatic vermin in the country. Many of their policies seem to focus on doing things which are designed to be as absolutely offensive, insulting and inflammatory toward their political adversaries as possible.

BTW if anyone wants to read a fascinating glimpse into what is likely the near future of GE, read Michael Crichton's "Next" which includes wild tropical fish with advertising on them to chimpanzees and parrots with the I.Q. of normal human beings.
Even without genetic enhancement African Gray parrots have already been trained to speak English and several species of canines, equines and primates have been trained to use symbols to ask for things they want and answer questions.

Soon we will likely see the first cases of people suing on behalf of animals to bestow upon them human rights. One suggested threshold for defining when an animal ceases to be an animal and instead becomes a human being is that they ask for human rights either by speaking or otherwise communicating this desire. 

Frankly I have  felt for a long time that Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds  should be given the right to vote. 
Get Out of the Way and Leave Me Alone (Nods to General Teebone)


No it's not a cure.

Unless you'd say having artificial lenses implanted.

That we already implant in a patients eyes to fix cataracts.

But even if they clone your's, and then put them back in ya.

Depending upon why you got them in the first place. Odds are, if you live long enough, doing the same exact things.

As you always did prior.

You'll get cataracts again.

Short of having the cataract removal operation and having artificial lenses put in. Which does indeed "cure" cataracts in that you'll never get them again.

But no, it's not a "cure" to prevent them.

The best way to do that, is be aware of your familial history (did mom, dad, grandma, grandpa etc...get them?) wear sunglasses when outside exposed to sunlight, see your eye doc regularly (at least twice a year) and watch what you expose the peepers too. Black lights in the club can cause them too.  :)

One of every five Americans you meet has a mental illness of some sort. Many, many, of our veteran's suffer from mental illness like PTSD now also. Help if ya can. :)
And no you won't find my "story" there. They don't allow science fiction. :)