What Unbiased Media Would Do

Started by Steel Shark, January 14, 2021, 06:42:51 AM

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Steel Shark

One:   Investigate why presumptive elect Biden stated no vaccine would be available in the foreseeable future.  Biden's campaign was designed on fear of a virus, for which a cure was already available, just needed testing results.  Rather than relaying that info, Biden lied, stating that "only a medical miracle" would result in a remedy before the end of the year.  Poof ... medical miracle right AFTER the election.  Right after Joe got funded by Pharma.  During a preventable upsurge in COVID because Joe pleaded with Pharma (Pfizer in particular) to delay the result until after the election.

Two:  Investigate why Pelosi is hellbound that freedom of speech applies to ANTIFA and BLM protests, killing American because of her hate speech, but does not apply to the President.  Old age and memory loss does not excuse her.