Service in socialized healthcare vs private healthcare

Started by American Loving Norwegian, February 20, 2020, 04:41:56 AM

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American Loving Norwegian

I want to hear your experience with your healthcare in the us since Im curious. My husband is shocked at how employees (Especially secretaries but also doctors) treat their patiens here. He tried to go to the ER after being beat on by security guards (this bar is notorius for having racist guards, there Are at least 100 negative reviews about the guards in this place). They said he could just to to the doctor in 6 hours since it wasnt important. He was in serious pain! He had a broken back from falling on the ice already and had just been thrown on the ground! When I called and complqined to the ER they got offended and shocked I was angry....

He has also tried to get bloodpressure medication for 3 months now but the doctor says she needs to know which kind, he doesnt know.  I Asked the doctors office secretary why they cant do IT and got a rude reply about having to make an appointement. It shouldnt be nececarry, he has been going for months trying to get it . The doctor at first Said she didnt know he had high bloodpressure. Oh my lord... Take his bloodpressure?

Do you experience issues like this in your system? Like with private healthcare? I have nothing but good experiences from the private doctor I go to here (which my husband has also seen and is way more happy with).

He also seems to think that the US public VA system is way better than Norways public  healthcare.

It also takes months to get results from biopsies which can be sort of deadly...


I've never had a problem.  Playing sports, I've always had fractures and breaks, and never had to wait or anything crazy like they experience with third world systems, like Canada's or the UK's:

I grew up as a military brat, so my health care as a kid was crappy hospitals and wait times.  When I became an adult, the difference was noticeable.  In the article, I reference my surgery experience, and my grandmothers' hip replacements, and I don't think those experiences are common in other systems.

When I have a problem, I just go to the doctors office and pay for it, no big deal.  The last issue I had was a bronchitis cough thing that wouldn't go away, so I went to the nearest doctors' office, went bankrupt paying a whole $100, and waiting FOREVER for 20 minutes.  I then swung by the grocery store pharmacy and picked up my meds.

...but those are my experiences.
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Also, Boo Man has experience over in NHS and here, so he'd be a good resource...
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