Numbers in a Computer

Started by JustinCase, March 28, 2020, 12:01:05 AM

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All my wealth - everything I worked my life for - My life savings, are just numbers in a computer.  I've been told to invest in a 401K, so I did.  Not knowing the Stock Market, I chose to invest in "retirement funds", which are just mutual funds - a collection of individual stocks manager by a "Fund Manager"  The Fund Manager is of course a Billionaire.  He is given god-like status because is is a Billionaire.  He must be smart because he is so rich.  In reality, he has been skimming off the top from all of us.

Even so, our "funds" accrue in value.  We think we are getting richer because the numbers in the computer say so.  A certain portion of us even realize our gains.  The house rewards a certain portion of its gamers to entice the broader base.  Its good business to let a few win...

Recently, the numbers in the computer have gone down drastically.  We are locked in our homes, voluntarily, while the fruits of our labor disappear like the smoke from a joint.  We wash our hands, literally, while Washington and Wall Street takes the fruits of our labor for themselves. 

I'm not a Communist.  I'm a Conservative.  Yet if you watch the Politicians, they jumped on this Trillion Dollar Lottery unanimously. Democrats and Republicans alike.   They spent money we don't have to prop up their pet projects.  AOC and the Squad threaten a 4th wave of spending to take care of illegal immigrants, felons, their Billionaire corporate donors and anyone in their coalition who hates individual freedom.

I went to Google Maps to find the best way to get from Dallas to Oklahoma City.  Normally about a 2.5 to 3 hour drive.  Google refused to tell me that it is a straight shot up I-35.  Why?  Why is Google refusing to tell me how to drive about 3 hours?  They want me to say at home, voluntarily, while our freedom is stolen from us.  Google is part of the problem.  Google lied to me.  I already know the way to OKC.  What aren't they telling me?

I want to buy a rifle.  Self-protection, hunting, recreation, survival.  Your pick the reason, they're all covered by the 2nd Amendment.  Even in Texas, the first and last bastion of individual freedom, this has become a challenge.  It may be too late.  I expect that it is impossible now, because of the "Virus".  They are already closing down gun stores nationwide.  We have been isolated into small groups of 5 of less, told to "self-quarantine" and we are now dependent on a measly pittance from the Feds just to make ends meet.  Nancy Pelosi had an orgasm just thinking about the control the $2T bill afforded her and her cronies.

Now back to the concept of numbers in a computer.  Your bank account, 401K, retirement fund, insurance policy, even your salary, are just numbers in a computer.  I went to Wendy's drive-thru today and they wouldn't take cash.  Too dangerous they said.  Plastic only.

Maybe the virus will be more merciful...


Just be glad it wasn't a self replicating/morphing computer virus designed to wipe out all data.

Sure, sounds unlikely, but is it? Can man live without computers if viruses bring economies to a halt.
I could live without a computer, you could too, but the way our society now functions, it could not, but sadly, our society promised it never would become totally dependent on the computer, that they would always have back up and redundant systems, they lied, they invented the cloud.

Now they magically believe all data is safely stored away and we can always simply retrieve it. That's not reality, not if the sun bombards the earth with a massive EMP for a few days, add to that, a virus is unleashed in the banking system, a self replicating virus that tricks the system into believing it can't run without it as it sits dormant waiting to be switched on. Maybe in preparation for war?

Sure, sounds like a cheap horror flick, but there are minds out there that would love a return to the horse and buggy days, while others would love to see 99% of global population cease to exist, (Bill Gates, anyone) while other powers on the planet would love to collapse and completely cripple American society, knowing a virus could panic the masses and bring life to a stand still (think CCP).

Point is, this should be a wake up call for everyone who merrily went along with life thinking nothing would ever change. Sure, you bought a retirement package, you bought health/home/auto insurance, you make sure your roof is good for 30 years, you save for your child's education, you invest in the future, right? That would all disappear over night.

But did anyone actually plan ahead with actual food as an insurance policy? (see TP and food Hoarding) Of course not, because everyone was invested in the idea that nothing will ever happen to American society!
Well, think again!! Without this 2 trillion bailout, the society you all thought would always be there, nearly came to an end and our enemies were prepping to keep us in turmoil and fear.

We may never know the truth, but we almost hit the reset button on society, and the strongest would have boiled to the top.
Now think about this, what society out there would most be prepared to live without all the amenities the US has, or better yet, if our society collapsed, who would survive?

With the way libs ridicule the Right for being preppers and how they hate guns, it's safe to say, there won't be a lot of libs left when the smoke clears.

So what have we learned from all of this? Could you really survive a societal collapse? If you think this was a fluke, you're a fool. Our parents went through the great depression, they came out frugal as Hell.
I know, I was raised by them, taught, that if you can't pay cash, you don't need it, and they were Right!

Will our society see the gravity of this situation? Hell no, by November they'll have forgotten all about it. I hope you all heed the warning, because it will happen again, mark my word!
Now's the time to start prepping!

Official Trump Cult Member